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    • Neurorehabiltiation
"Maria Pachalska and Michel Weber (eds.), Neuropsychology and Philosophy of Mind in Process. Essays in honor of Jason W. Brown, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought XVIII, 2008. (443 p. ; 978-3-86838-010-1 ; 139 €) This... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysis
Schorzenia, urazy oraz inne zmiany patologiczne mogą ograniczać realizację funkcji kończyn górnych. Naukowcy i klinicyści ciągle poszukują nowych, efektywniejszych rozwiązań do wykorzystania ich w terapii. Artykuł stanowi przegląd... more
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      RobotsNeurorehabiltiationUpper Limbs
Schorzenia, urazy oraz inne zmiany patologiczne mogą ograniczać realizację funkcji kończyn górnych. Naukowcy i klinicyści ciągle poszukują nowych, efektywniejszych rozwiązań do wykorzystania ich w terapii. Artykuł stanowi przegląd... more
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      RobotsNeurorehabiltiationUpper Limbs
Results: The literature search yielded 2352 results and the final database included 400 articles. The overall strength of the recommendations was medium/low. The different forms of psychological interventions, including... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyHealth PsychologyPsychotherapy
This PowerPoint show presents an overview of the Anterolateral System (spinothalamic tract) including interactive lessons of the clinical effects of lesions and review of patient cases.
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Results: The literature search yielded 2352 results and the final database included 400 articles. The overall strength of the recommendations was medium/low. The different forms of psychological interventions, including... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyHealth PsychologyPsychotherapy
The main features of early rehabilitation after severe brain damage are discussed in the article. The most important component for the entire rehabilitation process and the subsequent life of the patient is considered restoration of... more
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      Self-OrganizationTeamworkMind-body problemNon-Linear Analysis
Background It is increasingly recognized that treating pain is crucial for an effective care of the person in the setting of the neurological rehabilitation. The Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation was constituted... more
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Results: The literature search yielded 2352 results and the final database included 400 articles. The overall strength of the recommendations was medium/low. The different forms of psychological interventions, including... more
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Background: Musculoskeletal disorders, an increasing concern among school going children, primarily affect muscles and tendons. They lead to secondary damage to nerves and joints in the neck, upper back, shoulders, arms, and hands, etc.... more
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      Musculoskeletal RehabilitationNeurorehabiltiation
Methods: A systematic review of the studies evaluating the effect of psychotherapies on pain intensity in neurological disorders was performed through an electronic search using PUBMED, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic... more
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Results: The literature search yielded 2352 results and the final database included 400 articles. The overall strength of the recommendations was medium/low. The different forms of psychological interventions, including... more
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      Pain ManagementVirtual RealityMirror TherapyNeurorehabiltiation
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      NeurologyTraumatic Brain InjuryNeurorehabiltiation
Background: Cognitive training has been shown to improve cognitive function and quality of life in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and is correlated with increased activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyMultiple sclerosisNon Invasive Brain Stimulation
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