Recent papers in Neurophysiology
Fatigue is a multidimensional concept covering both physiological and psychological aspects. Chronic fatigue is a typical symptom of diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease (PD) and cerebrovascular disorders... more
A computer-based data acquisition system has been developed to analyze the long term performance of polymer insulators using a fog chamber. The leakage currents flowing through the insulators under test are sensed, conditioned, digitized,... more
An automatic Uni-or Multi-modal Inteligent Seizure Acquisition (UISA/MISA) system is highly applicable for onset detection of epileptic seizures based on motion data. The modalities used are surface electromyography (sEMG), acceleration... more
We readily use the form of human figures to determine if they are moving. Human figures that have arms and legs outstretched (articulated) appear to be moving more than figures where the arms and legs are near the body (standing). We... more
In general, information about the environment (for instance a target) is not instantaneously available for the nervous system. A minimal delay for visual information to affect the movement of the hand is about 110 ms. However, if the... more
The effect of sensory input on hormones is essential to any explanation of mammalian behavior, including aspects of physical attraction. The chemical signals we send have direct and developmental effects on hormone levels in other people.... more
We measured regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using positron emission tomography (PET) to determine which brain regions are involved in the assessment of facial emotion. We asked right-handed normal subjects to assess the signalers’... more
Background: Awareness and pain during palliative sedation is typically assessed by observational scales, but the use of such scales has been put into question. Case presentation: A woman in her mid-80s was admitted to a palliative care... more
The aging population in developed countries has shifted considerable research attention to diseases related to age. Because age is one of the highest risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases, the need for automated brain image analysis... more
Staff, Nathan P., Hae-Yoon Jung, Tara Thiagarajan, Michael Yao, and Nelson Spruston. Resting and active properties of pyramidal neurons in subiculum and CA1 of rat hippocampus. J Neurophysiol 84: 2398Neurophysiol 84: -2408Neurophysiol 84:... more
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor neurons superoxide dismutase 1 a b s t r a c t Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare and lethal neurodegenerative disease for which there is no effective medical treatment. Although riluzole, an... more
A theoretical investigation of different electroneurogram recording techniques using electrode cuffs is presented. A new screened tripole arrangement is proposed with a higher inherent signal to interference ratio than the true tripole,... more
Historically, taste research has often been guided by the concept that there are only four (or possibly five) basic taste qualities (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, and possibly "umami"). All other tastes have been presumed to... more
The uncertain conductivity value of skull and brain tissue influences the accuracy of the electroencephalogram (EEG) inverse problem solution. Indeed, when the assumed conductivity in the numerical procedure is different from the actual... more
Amidst controversy about methodology and safety, intraoperative neurophysiology has entered a new era of increasingly routine transcranial and direct electrical brain stimulation for motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring. Based on... more
Abstract² Optogenetic technology based on light activation of genetically targeted single component opsins such as Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) has been changing the way neuroscience research is conducted. This technology is becoming... more
In this paper we draw a distinction between tele-operation and tele-presence. We argue that the disappearance of mediation, as well as the cognitive and physical integration between human subject and robotic alias are fundamental for the... more
This paper presents an integrated stimulator that can be embedded in implantable electrode books for interfacing with nerve roots at the cauda equina. The Active Book overcomes the limitation of conventional nerve root stimulators which... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
A novel structure for chronically implantable cortical electrodes using new Benzocyclobutene (BCB) biopolymer was devised, which provides both flexibility for micro-motion compliance between brain tissues and skull and stiffness for... more
We measured the forces produced at the cat's hindpaw by microstimulation of the lumbar spinal cord and the movements resulting from those forces. We also measured the forces and movements produced by co-and sequential activation of two... more
Odorant specificity to l-alpha-amino acids was determined for 245 olfactory bulb (OB) neurons recorded from 121 channel catfish. The initial tests included 4 amino acids representing acidic [monosodium glutamate (Glu)], basic [arginine... more
A new portable brain imaging device based on continuous-wave functional near-infrared spectrometry (fNIRS) is presented. The source-detector part is composed of a multi-wavelength LED and a silicon photodetector that are directly placed... more
The study of human behaviour ultimately requires the documentation of human movement. In some instances movements can be recorded through a simple button press on a computer input device. In other situations responses can be captured... more
The American Society of Neurophysiologic Monitoring (ASNM) and American Society of Neuroimaging (ASN) Guidelines Committees formed a joint task force and developed guidelines to assist in the use of transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring... more
Collection and analysis of limb kinematic data are essential components of the study of biological motion, including research into biomechanics, kinesiology, neurophysiology and brain-machine interfaces (BMIs). In particular, BMI research... more
In our every day life, our brain is constantly processing information and paying attention, reacting accordingly, to all sorts of sensory inputs (auditory, visual, etc.). In some cases, there is a need to accurately measure a person's... more
Lack of a clear analytical metric for identifying artifact free, clean electroencephalographic (EEG) signals inhibits robust comparison of different artifact removal methods and lowers confidence in the results of EEG analysis. An... more
AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Slices of sensorimotor and anterior cingulate cortex from guinea pigs were maintained in vitro and bathed in a normal physiological medium. Electrophysiological properties of neurons were assessed with intracellular... more
Functional architecture of the striate cortex is known mostly at the tissue level -how neurons of different function distribute across its depth and surface on a scale of millimetres. But explanations for its design -why it is just so... more
Objective: To establish sound empirical evidence that clinical empathy (abbreviated as CE) is a core element in the clinician-patient relationship with profound therapeutic potential, a substantial theoretical-based understanding of CE in... more
In the last decade, the physiology of cerebellar neurons and synapses has been extended to a considerable extent. We have found that the mossy fiber-granule cell relay can generate a complex form of long-term potentiation (mf-GrC LTP)... more
The cocktail party problem is a multi-faceted challenge which encompasses various aspects of auditory perception. Its processes underlie the brain's ability to detect, identify and classify sound... more
It is with pleasure that I inform you that they have given me an electric spark, perceptible in its passage through a small gap or separation made in a tin lamina pasted on a glass. These fishes were in the air; since this experience has... more
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He who really understands what is involved in the breathing of man has already sensed the breath of God and thereby saved his soul1.
Existing brain-machine interfacing techniques allow either high precision recordings from one or a few single neurons, or low spatial resolution recordings with a sparse sampling within the networks. Through our approach an efficient... more
Objectives: Cognitive-behavioral pain management programs typically achieve improvements in pain cognitions, disability, and physical performance. However, it is not known whether the neurophysiology education component of such programs... more
van der Salm A, Veltink PH, IJzerman MJ, Groothuis-Oudshoorn KC, Nene AV, Hermens HJ. Comparison of electric stimulation methods for reduction of triceps surae spasticity in spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2006;87:222-8.
Early-stage romantic love can induce euphoria, is a cross-cultural phenomenon, and is possibly a developed form of a mammalian drive to pursue preferred mates. It has an important influence on social behaviors that have reproductive and... more