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Recibido el 6-8-2007; aceptado para su publicación el 15-11-2007. 3.5 (1.2) vs. 1.2 (1.4) (p < 0.0005). Optimum cut-off value was Ն 3 points, showing an area under the curve = 0.89; p < 0.0005, sensitivity value of 0.81, specificity of... more
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      Neuropathic painMedicina Clinica
The L5 spinal nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain in rats has been proposed as a model for sympathetically maintained pain (SMP) based on the effects of surgical or chemical sympathectomy on nerve injury induced behavior. In an... more
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      Animal BehaviorPainNeuropathic painBehavior change
Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a common and often intractable neuropathic pain syndrome predominantly affecting the elderly. Topical local aneslthetics have shown promise in both uncontrolled and controlled studies. Thirty-five subjects... more
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      PainNeuropathic painPolyethyleneRandomised Controlled Trial
The putative anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity of the heptapeptide somatostatin analogue TT-232 (D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Thr-Lys-Cys-Thr-NH 2 ) was investigated in the rat and mouse, as well as its effect on neuropathic... more
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      InflammationSomatostatinNeuropeptidesNeuropathic pain
This paper presents an in-depth, idiographic study examining the lived experience of chronic pain following spinal cord injury (SCI). Neuropathic pain (NP) occurs in a large majority of the SCI population and is particularly intractable... more
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      Qualitative methodologyChronic PainQuality of lifeQualitative Research
Peripheral nerve injuries result in loss of motor, sensory and autonomic functions of the denervated limb, but are also accompanied by positive symptoms, such as hyperreflexia, hyperalgesia and pain. Strategies to improve functional... more
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      Peripheral Nerve InjuryNeuropathic painNeuronal PlasticityExercise
Several pain syndromes, which may be related to the diagnostic procedures, to the treatments, or to disease itself, may be recorded during the disease course of most haematological malignancies. So far, the painful complication occurring... more
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      HematologyPalliative CarePain ManagementNeuropathic pain
In this study we determined if there is an association of neuropathic pain with urinary, bowel and catastrophizing symptoms in women with bladder pain syndrome. Materials and Methods: Female patients with a diagnosis of bladder pain... more
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      UrologyQuality of lifeProspective studiesNeuropathic pain
Paracetamol analgesic mechanism of action is still poorly defined but mainly involves central inhibition of cyclooxygenases. Here we tested the peripheral antinociceptive effects of paracetamol (intraplantar injections) in a rat model of... more
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      Neuropathic painRatsSciatic NerveWistar Rats
During the past two decades, many pharmacological strategies have been investigated for the management of painful neuropathies. However, neuropathic pain still remains a clinical challenge. A combination of therapies is often required,... more
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      Neuropathic painAnimal ModelPeripheral NeuropathyClinical Study
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      Treatment OutcomeLinear modelsCanadaNeuropathic pain
Cannabinoids modulate nociceptive processing in models of acute, inflammatory and neuropathic pain. We have investigated the location and function of cannabinoid receptors on cultured neonatal dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones and F-11... more
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Neuropathic pain, a chronic disabling pain arising from nerve injury, develops a central component. In brain neurons, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF) levels intensify and TNF-inhibition of norepinephrine (NE) release, dependent upon a 2... more
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      PsychologyPainChronic PainNeuropharmacology
R E S U LT S -C o m p a red with the pain VAS scores before active (6.2 ± 1.0) and sham (6.4 ± 0.9) treatments, pain scores after treatment were reduced to 2.5 ± 0.8 and 6.3 ± 1.1, re s p e c t i v e l y. With active PENS treatment, the... more
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      PainDiabetesPain ManagementNeuropathic pain
This review examines recent preclinical research on toxic peripheral neuropathy and potential therapeutic developments. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity is a major clinical problem because it represents the dose-limiting side... more
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      Quality of lifeNeuropathic painAnimal ModelPeripheral Neuropathy
BACKGROUND Severe persistent pain is a significant stressful experience and it possibly causes psychiatric morbidities. Most of doctors working in chronic pain management apart from psychiatrist believes that worries and distress of... more
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      Medical SciencesAnxiety DisordersChronic PainMedicine
The aim of the study was to report our results of sacral nerve stimulation in patients with pelvic pain after failed conservative treatment. From 1992 to August 1998 we treated 111 patients (40 males, 71 females, ages 46 + 16 years) with... more
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      Treatment OutcomeNeuropathic painChronic DiseaseUrogynecology
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are potent synthetic agonists of the ligand-activated transcription factor peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-␥ (PPAR␥). TZDs were shown to induce neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia by blocking... more
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      PharmacologyPainCytokinesMotor neuron
Palabras clave: Dolor neuropático. Prevalencia. Crónico. España. Revisión sistemática. Prevalence of neuropathic pain in Spain: clinical, working and health care implications A narrative systematic medical literature review on prevalence... more
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      Neuropathic painSystematic reviewPrevalenceMedicina Clinica
Functional brain imaging of pain over the last years has provided insight into a distributed anatomical matrix involved in pain processing which includes multiple cortical areas. EEG/MEG-based imaging studies have mostly relied on... more
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      Anterior CingulateElectroencephalographyHigh FrequencyBrain Mapping
An L5 spinal nerve ligation (SNL) in the rat leads to behavioral signs of mechanical hyperalgesia. Our recent finding that an L5 dorsal root rhizotomy did not alter the mechanical hyperalgesia following an L5 SNL suggests that signals... more
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      PainNeuropathic painRhizotomyPeripheral Neuropathy
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      Cognitive ScienceWound HealingPeripheral Nerve InjuryNeuropathic pain
We conducted a large nationwide postal survey to estimate the prevalence of chronic pain with or without neuropathic characteristics in the French general population.
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      PainChronic PainRisk assessmentAdolescent
Biological, genetic, and clinical evidence provide validation for N-type calcium channels (Ca V 2.2) as therapeutic targets for chronic pain. A state-dependent Ca V 2.2 inhibitor may provide an improved therapeutic window over ziconotide,... more
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    • Neuropathic pain
The effects of a high affinity cannabinoid receptor agonist were evaluated in rats subjected to chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve (CCI) or a sham operation. Intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of the active, but not the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePainTreatment
This study describes the management of 216 patients with post-traumatic iatrogenic lingual nerve injuries (LNIs; n=93) and inferior alveolar nerve injuries (IANI; n=123). At initial consultation, 6% IANI and 2% LNI patients had undergone... more
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      DentistryQuality of lifeCounselingPain Management
This Atlas is the result of research about 3142 patients recruited prospectively and consecutively since 2004. As the clinic gives us opportunity to observe many more Aβ axonal lesions (axonotmesis) than transections (neurotmesis), the... more
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This study describes the development and validation of the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI), a new self-questionnaire specifically designed to evaluate the different symptoms of neuropathic pain. Following a development phase and... more
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      PsychometricsPainNonparametric StatisticsNeuropathic pain
Leg pain is a frequent accompaniment to low back pain, arising from disorders of neural or musculoskeletal structures of the lumbar spine. Differentiating between different sources of radiating leg pain is important to make an appropriate... more
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      Manual TherapyLow back painLumbar spineNeuropathic pain
Background: Few direct head-to-head comparisons have been conducted between drugs for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP). Approved or recommended drugs in this indication include duloxetine (DLX), pregabalin... more
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      Cognitive SciencePainClinical TrialTreatment Outcome
The neurological complications of bee venom poisoning vary from optic neuritis to pontine hematoma. However, to our best knowledge, trigeminal neuropathic pain secondary to bee sting has not been reported previously in the literature. We... more
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      BeesCase ReportTrigeminal NeuralgiaNeuropathic pain
Current IASP diagnostic criteria for CRPS have low specificity, potentially leading to overdiagnosis. This validation study compared current IASP diagnostic criteria for CRPS to proposed new diagnostic criteria (the "Budapest Criteria")... more
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      PainNeuropathic painDifferential DiagnosisComplex Regional Pain Syndrome
Background The peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes greatly impair patient’s quality of life. A clear differentiation between etiology, mechanisms, clinical signs, symptoms and syndrome is crucial to treat such patients (Woolf and... more
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      Chronic PainClinical NeuroscienceOrthopedic physical therapySomatosensory Neuroscience
Three Cannabis Based Medicinal Extracts (CBMEs) for sublingual use became available in 2000. A total of 34 'N of 1' studies were undertaken using this novel therapy for patients with chronic, mainly neuropathic, pain and associated... more
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      PainMultiple sclerosisChronic PainTreatment Outcome
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      PainLow DoseNeuropathic painCentral Nervous System
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      NeuroscienceMedical SciencesNeurologyResearch Methodology
Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain state that develops a central component following acute nerve injury. However, the pathogenic mechanisms involved in the expression of this central component are not completely understood. We have... more
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      Cognitive ScienceChronic PainBrainNeuropathic pain
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      Chronic PainMedicinePain ManagementBritish medical history
Background: Modern clinicians are often frustrated by their inability to understand fibromyalgia and similar maladies since these illnesses cannot be explained by the prevailing linear-reductionist medical paradigm. Objective: This... more
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      Complexity TheoryTheoryChronic Fatigue SyndromeFractals
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      EngineeringTreatmentRadial NerveNeuropathic pain
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is still a puzzling disease. Although pathophysiologic understanding has improved, not every aspect of this challenging neuropathic pain syndrome has been explored. Typical symptoms of CRPS are... more
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      Treatment OutcomeNeuropathic painPeripheral Nervous SystemCentral Nervous System
Background and purpose. -Spinal cord stimulation is a well-known treatment of rigorously selected failedback surgery syndrome patients. Efficacy levels over 50 % of pain relief have been reported in long-term studies. The objective of... more
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      Neuropathic painSpinal Cord Stimulation
This handbook about somatosensory rehabilitation of neuropathic pain discusses the dysfunctions of the skin sensitivity and its painful complications. If a slight loss of vibrotactile sensitivity only hampers the flow of re-education, a... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiotherapyNeurologyOccupational Therapy
This article aim to explain the somatosensory rehabilitation method used with patients having AB neurofibre lesion. It has been summarized for patients, therapists, and medical doctors.
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      Chronic PainSomaestheticsPeripheral Nerve InjuryPain Management
Somatosensory rehabilitation is presented by means of its paradigm which is: Look for hypoesthesia, because, by decreasing hypoesthesia neuropathic pain decreases. Occupational therapists are going to observe cutaneous sense disorders if,... more
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      PhysiotherapyPainChronic PainOrthopedic physical therapy
Title. The impact of neuropathic pain on relationships.Aim.  This paper is a report of a study exploring the impact of neuropathic pain on family, social and working relationships among patients at a pain clinic serving a large urban... more
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      PainChronic PainNeuropathic painPatient Experience
Recent studies demonstrated that patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) have signs of thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia in extra-median territories suggesting an involvement of central pain mechanisms. As previous studies included... more
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      Neuropathic painNeck PainCarpal Tunnel SyndromeClinical Sciences
The purpose of this research trial is to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of tizanidine in neuropathic pain. In an open-label study, patients with neuropathic pain received 1 to 4 mg of tizanidine once daily for 7 days, followed... more
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      PainQuality of lifeComparative StudyNeuropathic pain
The use of opioids for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain has become more widespread recently. Available data support the short-term use of opioids in clearly defined nociceptive and neuropathic pain states. Their use in... more
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      Informed ConsentLow back painNeuropathic painClinical Sciences
Ce manuel est destiné aux rééducateurs, aux médecins généralistes et de toutes les spécialités, ainsi qu’aux patients qui cherchent désespé-rément une solution à leur douleur. La méthode de rééducation sensitive diminue les douleurs... more
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