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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingLanguageAdolescentLearning
Studies have suggested that the default mode network is active during mind wandering, which is often experienced intermittently during sustained attention tasks. Conversely, an anticorrelated task-positive network is thought to subserve... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionBrain MappingMeditation
Alerting, orienting, and executive control are widely thought to be relatively independent aspects of attention that are linked to separable brain regions. However, neuroimaging studies have yet to examine evidence for the anatomical... more
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      AlgorithmsAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttention
A growing body of evidence suggests that empathy for pain is underpinned by neural structures that are also involved in the direct experience of pain. In order to assess the consistency of this finding, an image-based meta-analysis of... more
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      PainMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescentNeural Network
Early global deprivation of institutionalized children may result in persistent specific cognitive and behavioral deficits. In order to examine brain dysfunction underlying these deficits, we have applied positron emission tomography... more
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      BehaviorAdoptionStressPositron Emission Tomography
The techniques available for the interrogation and analysis of neuroimaging data have a large influence in determining the flexibility, sensitivity, and scope of neuroimaging experiments. The development of such methodologies has allowed... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional MRINeuroimmunologyProtein Structure and Function
Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to attribute mental states to others, and empathy, the ability to infer emotional experiences, are important processes in social cognition. Brain imaging studies in healthy subjects have described a brain... more
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      Brain ImagingCognitionSocial CognitionTheory of Mind
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe psychiatric condition of undetermined brain underpinnings, which involves profound emotion regulation deficits and interpersonal impairment. To elucidate biopsychological markers of the... more
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      CognitionSocial CognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingBorderline Personality Disorder
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is the major endocrine stress axis of the human organism. Cortisol, the final hormone of this axis, affects metabolic, cardiovascular and central nervous systems both acutely and chronically.... more
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      GeneticsAnimal StudiesPrefrontal CortexCortisol
Rhythmic entrainment is an important component of emotion induction by music, but brain circuits recruited during spontaneous entrainment of attention by music and the influence of the subjective emotional feelings evoked by music remain... more
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingPleasure
Little is known about the effects of successful psychotherapy on brain function in subjects with anxiety disorders. The present study aimed to identify changes in brain activation following cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in subjects... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomeBrainSpiders
In this paper, we report on a PET activation study designed to assess whether functional neuroimaging would help to uncover essential language areas in normal volunteers and to provide a more accurate definition of their localization.... more
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      SemanticsSpeech perceptionLanguage ProductionLanguage Comprehension
Using two languages on an everyday basis appears to have a positive effect on general-purpose executive control in bilinguals. However, the neural correlates of this effect remain poorly understood. To investigate the brain bases of the... more
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      MultilingualismCognitive ControlCognitionAnterior Cingulate
Numerous studies concerned with cerebral structures underlying word reading have been published during the last decade. A few controversies, however, together with methodological or theoretical discrepancies between laboratories, still... more
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      CognitionVisual perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingWorking Memory
This meta-analysis explores the role of the mirror and mentalizing systems in the understanding of other people's action goals. Based on over 200 fMRI studies, this analysis demonstrates that the mirror systemconsisting of the anterior... more
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      BehaviorVisual perceptionSocial PerceptionAction observation
Alexithymic individuals have difficulty in recognizing and describing emotions in themselves. We investigated the neuronal basis of mentalizing in alexithymia to determine whether there is a common neuronal substrate associated with... more
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      Theory of MindMagnetic Resonance ImagingEmotion RegulationPrefrontal Cortex
Several neuroimaging studies have reported dhypofrontalityT in depressed patients performing a cognitive challenge compared to control subjects. Hypofrontality in depression is likely associated with an impaired behavioral performance. It... more
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      Cognitive ControlCognitionAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Recent debates about the conventional traditional threshold used in the fields of neuroscience and psychology, namely P < 0.05, have spurred researchers to consider alternative ways to analyze fMRI data. A group of methodologists and... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyQuantitative Psychology
Evidence exists that the observation of actions activates the same cortical motor areas that are involved in the performance of the observed actions. The neural substrate for this is the mirror neuron system. We harness this neuronal... more
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      Motor LearningMagnetic Resonance ImagingMotor ControlAction observation
The objective of this study was to delineate a common functional network that underlies autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory retrieval. We conducted an event-related fMRI study in which we utilized the same pictorial stimuli,... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingSemantic MemoryNeural NetworkBrain Mapping
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      SemanticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingPrefrontal CortexNeuroimmunology
The current experiment was designed to investigate the nature of cognitive control in within-and between-language switching in bilingual participants. To examine the neural substrate of language switching we used functional magnetic... more
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      MultilingualismCognitive ControlVocabularyMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Alerting, orienting, and executive control are widely thought to be relatively independent aspects of attention that are linked to separable brain regions. However, neuroimaging studies have yet to examine evidence for the anatomical... more
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      AlgorithmsAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttention
The present study used magneto-encephalography (MEG) to determine the neural correlates of the bilingual advantage previously reported for behavioral measures in conflict tasks. Bilingual Cantonese–English, bilingual French–English, and... more
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      MultilingualismSemanticsCognitive ControlMagnetoencephalography
Theoretical models of hypnosis have emphasized the importance of attentional processes in accounting for hypnotic phenomena but their exact nature and brain substrates remain unresolved. Individuals vary in their susceptibility to... more
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    • Neuroimage
Intrinsic and phasic alertness are the most basic aspects of attention intensity probably constituting the basis for the more complex and capacity-demanding aspects of attention selectivity. Intrinsic alertness represents the cognitive... more
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      Sustained AttentionCognitive ControlMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttention
Empathy allows us to simulate others' affective and cognitive mental states internally, and it has been proposed that the mirroring or motor representation systems play a key role in such simulation. As emotions are related to important... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingEmotionsEmpathyBrain Mapping
Conjunction analysis methods were used in functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate brain regions commonly activated in subjects performing different versions of go/no-go and stop tasks, differing in probability of inhibitory... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceNeuroimagingAnterior Cingulate
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingEmotion RegulationPrefrontal CortexAdult attachment
Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies have implicated left inferior prefrontal cortex (LIPC) in both semantic and phonological processing. In this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to examine whether separate... more
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      PhoneticsSemanticsSpeech perceptionMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Neuroimaging studies investigating emotion have commonly used two different visual stimulus formats, facial expressions of emotion or emotionally evocative scenes. However, it remains an important unanswered question whether or not these... more
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      AngerFearAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance Imaging
We aimed to investigate the neural substrates associated with evaluative process of moral emotions. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we examined the similarities and differences between evaluative process of guilt and... more
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      Social CognitionTheory of MindMagnetic Resonance ImagingSocial Perception
There is ongoing debate about how semantic information is acquired, whether this occurs independently of episodic memory, and what role, if any, brain areas such as hippocampus are required to play. We used auditory stimuli and functional... more
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      CognitionPsycholinguisticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingFunctional MRI
Reward prediction error (RPE) Feedback-related negativity (FRN) Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) Simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Surprise Dynamic causal modeling (DCM)... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingElectroencephalographyRewardBrain Mapping
The mirror neuron system (MNS) has been proposed to play an important role in social cognition by providing a neural mechanism by which others' actions, intentions, and emotions can be understood. Here functional magnetic resonance... more
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      Child DevelopmentSocial CognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingHuman Development
Intersubject variability and subtle differences in experimental design can lead to variable results in studies of cognitive processes such as reading. To accurately identify the neural processes associated with cognition and sensorimotor... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingReadingExperimental DesignBrain Mapping
How the brain deals with more than one language and whether we need different or extra brain language subnetworks to support more than one language remain unanswered questions. Here, we investigate structural brain network differences... more
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      MultilingualismDiffusion Tensor ImagingSpainBrain
Subjects participated in perceptual and imagery tasks while their brains were scanned using positron emission tomography. In the perceptual conditions, subjects judged whether names were appropriate for pictures. In one condition, the... more
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      Visual perceptionAttentionImaginationPositron Emission Tomography
To investigate cortical auditory and motor coupling in professional musicians, we compared the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity of seven pianists to seven non-musicians utilizing a passive task paradigm established in... more
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingNeuroimmunology
Our goal is to study the human brain anatomical network. For this, the anatomical connection probabilities (ACP) between 90 cortical and subcortical brain gray matter areas are estimated from diffusionweighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging... more
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      AlgorithmsGraph TheoryNeuroimmunologyBrain
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      FearVisual perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingFace
Most of us use numbers daily for counting, estimating quantities or formal mathematics, yet despite their importance our understanding of the brain correlates of these processes is still evolving. A neurofunctional model of mental... more
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      MathematicsResearch DesignMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescent
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      Theory of MindVisual perceptionNeuroimmunologyBrain
Food selection is primarily guided by the visual system. Multiple functional neuro-imaging studies have examined the brain responses to visual food stimuli. However, the results of these studies are heterogeneous and there still is... more
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      Visual perceptionEnergyFoodAttention
Social anxiety disorder patients suffer from excessive anxious responses in social interaction leading to avoidance behavior and social impairment. Although the amygdala has a central role in perception and processing of threatening cues,... more
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      Social InteractionMagnetic Resonance ImagingSocial PerceptionFacial expression
Cannabis abuse is related to impairments in a broad range of cognitive functions. However, studies on cannabis abuse in relation to brain structure are sparse and results are inconsistent, probably due to differences in imaging... more
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      NeuroimagingAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescent
To assess the effect of caffeine on the functional MRI signal during a 2-back verbal working memory task, we examined blood oxygenation level-dependent regional brain activity in 15 healthy right-handed males. The subjects, all moderate... more
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      Anterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingWorking MemoryFunctional MRI
Cognitive abilities such as working memory (WM) capacity decrease with age. To determine the neurophysiological correlates of age-related reduction in working memory capacity, we studied 10 young subjects (<35 years of age; mean age = 29)... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceNeurology
In this fMRI study, we investigated the convergence of underlying neural networks in thinking about a scenario involving one's own intentional action and its consequences and setting up and holding in mind an intention to act. A factorial... more
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      NeuroimagingTheory of MindMagnetic Resonance ImagingIntentionality