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In this study, we have assessed the validity and reliability of an automated labeling system that we have developed for subdividing the human cerebral cortex on magnetic resonance images into gyral based regions of interest (ROIs). Using... more
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      AlgorithmsClinical TrialMagnetic Resonance ImagingAging
There has been much recent interest in using magnetic resonance diffusion imaging to provide information about anatomical connectivity in the brain, by measuring the anisotropic diffusion of water in white matter tracts. One of the... more
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      Multiple sclerosisSchizophreniaNonlinear dynamicsNeuroimmunology
Active contour segmentation and its robust implementation using level set methods are well-established theoretical approaches that have been studied thoroughly in the image analysis literature. Despite the existence of these powerful... more
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      Software EngineeringOpen Source SoftwareMagnetic Resonance ImagingImage Analysis
Voxel-based-morphometry (VBM) is a whole-brain, unbiased technique for characterizing regional cerebral volume and tissue concentration differences in structural magnetic resonance images. We describe an optimized method of VBM to examine... more
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      CognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingAgingNeurophysiology
Neuroimaging studies with positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have begun to describe the functional neuroanatomy of emotion. Taken separately, specific studies vary in task dimensions and in... more
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      Anterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingPositron Emission TomographyEmotions
A component based method (CompCor) for the reduction of noise in both blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) and perfusionbased functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data is presented. In the proposed method, significant... more
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      AlgorithmsPrincipal Component AnalysisVisual perceptionMagnetic Resonance Imaging
The question of the self has intrigued philosophers and psychologists for a long time. More recently, distinct concepts of self have also been suggested in neuroscience. However, the exact relationship between these concepts and neural... more
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      PersonalityMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionPositron Emission Tomography
We present an approach to characterizing the differences among event-related hemodynamic responses in functional magnetic resonance imaging that are evoked by different sorts of stimuli. This approach is predicated on a linear convolution... more
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      Time SeriesMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRITemporal Resolution
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    • Neuroimage
Typically in neuroimaging we are looking to extract some pertinent information from imperfect, noisy images of the brain. This might be the inference of percent changes in blood flow in perfusion FMRI data, segmentation of subcortical... more
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      NeuroimmunologyBayesian AnalysisDiffusion MRISubthalamic Nucleus
All fields of neuroscience that employ brain imaging need to communicate their results with reference to anatomical regions. In particular, comparative morphometry and group analysis of functional and physiological data require... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBrain ImagingNonlinear dynamics
Paradigms drawn from cognitive psychology have provided new insight into covert stages of action. These states include not only intending actions that will eventually be executed, but also imagining actions, recognizing tools, learning by... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyImaginationSpace perceptionBrain Mapping
We present a set of techniques for embedding the physics of the imaging process that generates a class of magnetic resonance images (MRIs) into a segmentation or registration algorithm. This results in substantial invariance to... more
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      AlgorithmsImage ProcessingNonlinear dynamicsMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Whereas some older adults show significant cognitive deficits, others perform as well as young adults. We investigated the neural basis of these different aging patterns using positron emission tomography (PET). In PET and functional MRI... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingAgingFunctional MRIFace
Precise localization of sulco-gyral structures of the human cerebral cortex is important for the interpretation of morpho-functional data, but requires anatomical expertise and is time consuming because of the brain's geometric... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingSoftware DevelopmentMRI
Diffusion-weighted (DW) MR images contain information about the orientation of brain white matter fibres that potentially can be used to study human brain connectivity in vivo using tractography techniques. Currently, the diffusion tensor... more
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      AlgorithmsDiffusion Tensor ImagingDiffusion MRISuper resolution
There is great interest in estimating brain "networks" from FMRI data. This is often attempted by identifying a set of functional "nodes" (e.g., spatial ROIs or ICA maps) and then conducting a connectivity analysis between the nodes,... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingBiologyCausalityMedicine
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      BehaviorNIRSPETBrain Mapping
225 SA-AM What you did to others you did to me? Brain activation during altruistic punishment in a first person versus a third party dictator game, P. Kirsch, 239 SA-AM Self-control in decision-making involves modulation of the vmPFC... more
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      Decision MakingMagnetic Resonance ImagingScienceDiet
Longitudinal image analysis has become increasingly important in clinical studies of normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, there is a growing appreciation of the potential utility of longitudinally acquired structural... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingBrainNeuroimage
This work reports the use of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance tractography to visualize the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the major white matter fasciculi within living human brain. Specifically, we applied this technique to... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRIDiffusion Tensor Imaging
Myelin damage, as seen in multiple sclerosis (MS) and other demyelinating diseases, impairs axonal conduction and can also be associated with axonal degeneration. Accurate assessments of these conditions may be highly beneficial in... more
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      AlgorithmsMultiple sclerosisDiffusion Tensor ImagingNeuroimmunology
The advent of functional neuroimaging has allowed tremendous advances in our understanding of brain-language relationships, in addition to generating substantial empirical data on this subject in the form of thousands of activation peak... more
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      PhoneticsSemanticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingReading
Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies have implicated left inferior prefrontal cortex (LIPC) in both semantic and phonological processing. In this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to examine whether separate... more
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      PhoneticsSemanticsSpeech perceptionMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging can provide information related to the arrangement of white matter fibers. The diffusion tensor is the model most commonly used to derive the orientation of the fibers within a voxel. However,... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingDiffusion Tensor ImagingDensity-functional theory
This article discusses general modeling of multisubject and/or multisession FMRI data. In particular, we show that a two-level mixed-effects model (where parameters of interest at the group level are estimated from parameter and variance... more
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      AlgorithmsTime SeriesMagnetic Resonance ImagingLinear models
Tractography based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) allows visualization of white matter tracts. In this study, protocols to reconstruct eleven major white matter tracts are described. The protocols were refined by several iterations of... more
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      Diffusion Tensor ImagingNeuroimmunologyAnisotropyHippocampus
Alerting, orienting, and executive control are widely thought to be relatively independent aspects of attention that are linked to separable brain regions. However, neuroimaging studies have yet to examine evidence for the anatomical... more
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      AlgorithmsAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttention
Intersubject variability and subtle differences in experimental design can lead to variable results in studies of cognitive processes such as reading. To accurately identify the neural processes associated with cognition and sensorimotor... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingReadingExperimental DesignBrain Mapping
Spatial normalization, registration, and segmentation techniques for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) often use a target or template volume to facilitate processing, take advantage of prior information, and define a common coordinate... more
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      AlgorithmsPediatricsBrain ImagingMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Brain registration to a stereotaxic atlas is an effective way to report anatomic locations of interest and to perform anatomic quantification. However, existing stereotaxic atlases lack comprehensive coordinate information about white... more
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      AdolescentNeuroimmunologyBrain MappingBrain
Bayesian model selection (BMS) is a powerful method for determining the most likely among a set of competing hypotheses about the mechanisms that generated observed data. BMS has recently found widespread application in neuroimaging,... more
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      AlgorithmsDecision MakingCognitionNeuroimmunology
In vivo MRI-derived measurements of human cerebral cortex thickness are providing novel insights into normal and abnormal neuroanatomy, but little is known about their reliability. We investigated how the reliability of cortical thickness... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMorphologyNeuroimmunologyBrain Mapping
Detecting artifacts produced in EEG data by muscle activity, eye blinks and electrical noise is a common and important problem in EEG research. It is now widely accepted that independent component analysis (ICA) may be a useful tool for... more
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      AlgorithmsIndependent Component AnalysisElectroencephalographyAutomation
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      Decision MakingCarbon DioxidePsycholinguisticsMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Brain maturation is a complex process that continues well beyond infancy, and adolescence is thought to be a key period of brain rewiring. To assess structural brain maturation from childhood to adulthood, we charted brain development in... more
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      Brain ImagingAgingDiffusion Tensor ImagingAdolescent
We report a functional neuroimaging study with positron emission tomography (PET) in which six healthy adult volunteers were scanned while watching silent computer-presented animations. The characters in the animations were simple... more
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      Brain ImagingAutismTheory of MindMagnetic Resonance Imaging
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMultidisciplinaryMemoryBrain
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      PainAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingNeuroimmunology
We present a novel skull-stripping algorithm based on a hybrid approach that combines watershed algorithms and deformable surface models. Our method takes advantage of the robustness of the former as well as the surface information... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingBrainNeuroimage
We performed quantitative meta-analyses on 65 neuroimaging studies of emotion. In an earlier report (NeuroImage 16 (2002), 331). we examined the effects of induction method, specific emotions, and cognitive demand in emotional tasks. This... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingEmotionsBrainCerebral Cortex
Human total brain size is consistently reported to be ~8-10% larger in males, although consensus on regionally-specific differences is weak. Here, in the largest longitudinal pediatric neuroimaging study reported to date (829 scans from... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescentBrain developmentNeuroimmunology
Increased intraindividual variability (IIV) is a hallmark of disorders of attention. Recent work has linked these disorders to abnormalities in a "default mode" network, comprising brain regions routinely deactivated during goal-directed... more
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      BehaviorMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionNeuroimmunology
Available online xxxx 21 22 23 24 Keywords: 25 Magnetoencephalography (MEG) 26 Electroencephalography (EEG) 27 Software 28 Inverse problem 29 Time-frequency analysis 30 Connectivity 31 Non-parametric statistics 32
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      AlgorithmsMagnetoencephalographyElectroencephalographyBrain Mapping
Longitudinal and multi-site clinical studies create the imperative to characterize and correct technological sources of variance that limit image reproducibility in high-resolution structural MRI studies, thus facilitating precise,... more
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      Brain ImagingNonlinear dynamicsMagnetic Resonance ImagingNeuroimmunology
This meta-analysis explores the role of the mirror and mentalizing systems in the understanding of other people's action goals. Based on over 200 fMRI studies, this analysis demonstrates that the mirror systemconsisting of the anterior... more
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      BehaviorVisual perceptionSocial PerceptionAction observation
Atlas normalization, as commonly used by functional data analysis, provides an automated solution to the widely encountered problem of correcting for head size variation in regional and whole-brain morphometric analyses, so long as an... more
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      AlgorithmsDementiaMagnetic Resonance ImagingAging
There is a growing appreciation of the importance of nonlinearities in evoked responses in fMRI, particularly with the advent of event-related fMRI. These nonlinearities are commonly expressed as interactions among stimuli that can lead... more
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      System IdentificationNonlinear dynamicsMagnetic Resonance ImagingSignal Transduction
Several tracing studies have established a topographical distribution of fiber connections to the cortex in midsagittal cross-sections of the corpus callosum (CC). The most prominent example is Witelson's scheme, which defines five... more
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      Diffusion Tensor ImagingAnisotropyCorpus CallosumCerebral Cortex
There is growing interest regarding the role of the right inferior frontal gyrus (RIFG) during a particular form of executive control referred to as response inhibition. However, tasks used to examine neural activity at the point of... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionAttentional ControlExecutive Control