Neural correlates of consciousness

1,676 papers
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Neural correlates of consciousness refer to the specific brain processes and structures that are directly associated with conscious experience. This field of study investigates the relationship between neural activity and subjective awareness, aiming to identify the mechanisms that underlie the emergence of conscious perception and cognitive functions.
This paper evaluates recent advancements in the debate on animal consciousness, comparing the marker hypothesis with the universal consciousness hypothesis. It discusses the use of consciousness tests (C-tests) for identifying conscious... more
Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
Objective: A main feature of schizophrenic thought and language disturbance is concretism, the inability to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs and metaphors. Although this is routinely tested during clinical interview, its... more
Social support modulates subjective and neural responses to sad mental imagery Jakub Kraus (Conceptualization) (Methodology) (Investigation) (Formal analysis) (Writing -review and editing) (Visualization), Robert Roman (Funding... more
Social touch may modulate emotions, but the neurobehavioral correlates are poorly understood. Here, we investigated neural responses to a picture of a deceased close person and if neural activity and connectivity are modulated by social... more
Background Interpersonal difficulties of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are closely related to rejection sensitivity. The aim of the present study was to gain further insight into the experience and cerebral... more
An increasing number of studies suggest that implicit attitudes towards food and body shape predict eating behaviour and characterize patients with eating disorders (EDs). However, literature has not been previously analysed; thus,... more
Divergent findings exist whether left and right hemispheric pre- and postcentral cortices contribute to the production of tool use related hand movements. In order to clarify the neural substrates of tool use demonstrations with tool in... more
Cognitive reappraisal has been associated with increased activation in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and cingulate regions implicated in cognitive control and affect regulation. To date, neuroimaging studies of reappraisal have primarily used... more
Observing someone perform an action engages brain regions involved in motor planning, such as the inferior frontal, premotor, and inferior parietal cortices. Recent research suggests that during action observation, activity in these... more
Observing someone perform an action engages brain regions involved in motor planning, such as the inferior frontal, premotor, and inferior parietal cortices. Recent research suggests that during action observation, activity in these... more
Brief periods of unconscious thought (UT) have been shown to improve decision making compared with making an immediate decision (ID). We reveal a neural mechanism for UT in decision making using blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)... more
Brief periods of unconscious thought (UT) have been shown to improve decision making compared with making an immediate decision (ID). We reveal a neural mechanism for UT in decision making using blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)... more
Neuroimaging investigations of self-processing have generally focused on the neural correlates of explicit self-reflection. However, very little is known about the neural basis of implicit self-related processes. We utilized the concept... more
The experience of reality (EoR, sometimes also known as subjective veridicality) is a relevant part of our everyday conscious experience. EoR holds the potential to shape reasoning, reporting, and acting. EoR helps us navigate goals, but... more
Perceptually categorizing a face to its racial belonging may have important consequences on interacting with people. However, race categorical perception (CP) has been scarcely investigated nor its developmental pathway. In this study, we... more
How consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the “mind-body problem”) has been pondered by thinkers for centuries, and is regarded as among the deepest unsolved problems in science, with wide-ranging... more
How consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the "mind-body problem") has been pondered by thinkers for centuries, and is regarded as among the deepest unsolved problems in science, with wide-ranging... more
Background: Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibit an impaired serial position effect (SPE) during free recall, whereby fewer initial list items (primacy region) are recalled than end-of-list items (recency region), generating a... more
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in cognitive and emotional self-control. Optical technique acquisitions, such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), seem to be very... more
Restoring function to damaged neural pathways, or promoting compensatory strategies to overcome dysfunctional neural pathways have been topics of inquiry within motor rehabilitation. This study considers these topics in Parkinsons disease... more
Autobiographical memories enable us to mentally reconstruct and relive past events, which is essential for one's personal identity. Unfortunately, this complex memory system is susceptible to age-related deterioration, possibly changing... more
Autobiographical memories enable us to mentally reconstruct and relive past events, which is essential for one's personal identity. Unfortunately, this complex memory system is susceptible to age-related deterioration, possibly changing... more
Despite this body of work, the relative contributions of these areas to guiding spatial selection and visuomotor behavior are still poorly understood. This is due mainly to the limitations of traditional imaging methods. In particular,... more
Stress engages multiple neurobiological modifications and a failure to regulate these may lead to chronic psychiatric problems. Despite considerable research, it remains unclear how neural alterations of acute stress reflect the ability... more
Nobody knows exactly how consciousness is produced. To make matters worse, nobody even knows what consciousness is. In this article, I provide insight into what consciousness is, and how it is produced, by showing that consciousness is... more
Using a concurrent ERP/fMRI paradigm, we investigated how listeners take advantage of morphologically relevant tonal information at the beginning of words to predict and pre-activate likely word endings. More predictive, low tone word... more
To date, little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying overt visual search. In two experiments, we concurrently recorded EEG and eye movements while participants searched for two identical targets amongst a set of distractors. In... more
In visual backward masking (VBM), a target is followed by a mask that decreases target discriminability. Schizophrenia patients (SZ) show strong and reproducible masking impairments, which are associated with reduced EEG amplitudes.... more
Visual backward masking (VBM) deficits are candidate endophenotypes of schizophrenia indexing genetic liability of the disorder. In VBM, a target is followed by a mask that deteriorates target perception. Schizophrenia patients and, to a... more
Recent neuroimaging studies have investigated the neural substrates involved in the valuation of supraliminally presented targets and the subsequent preference decisions. However, the neural mechanisms of the valuation of subliminally... more
Sepede G, De Berardis D, Campanella D, Perrucci MG, Ferretti A, Serroni N, Moschetta FS, Del Gratta C, Salerno RM, Ferro FM, Di Giannantonio M, Onofrj M, Romani GL, Gambi F. Impaired sustained attention in euthymic bipolar disorder... more
With increasing age, people experience more difficulties with suppressing irrelevant information, which may have a major impact on cognitive functioning. The extent of decline of inhibitory functions with age is highly variable between... more
This research investigates the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) through a novel “no-cognition” paradigm that employs the unique capacity of meditators to prevent cognitive reactions to stimuli. It also uses the innovative ability... more
The relationship between neural social cognition patterns and performance on social cognition tasks in daily life is a topic of debate, with key consideration given to the extent to which theory of mind (ToM) brain circuits share... more
Despite ample support for enhanced affective well-being and emotional stability in healthy aging, the role of potentially important dimensions, such as the emotional arousal, has not been systematically investigated in neuroimaging... more
Recollection of emotional autobiographical memories (AMs) is important to healthy cognitive and affective functioning 1 -remembering positive AMs is associated with increased personal well-being and self-esteem 2 , whereas remembering and... more
Due to their ability to capture attention, emotional stimuli tend to benefit from enhanced perceptual processing, which can be helpful when such stimuli are task-relevant but hindering when they are task-irrelevant. Altered... more
Available evidence suggests that emotion regulation can modulate both immediate (emotional experience) and long-term (episodic memory) effects of emotion, and that both explicit and implicit forms may be effective. However, neural... more
Despite ample support for enhanced affective well-being and emotional stability in healthy aging, the role of potentially important dimensions, such as the emotional arousal, has not been systematically investigated in neuroimaging... more
Remembering emotional autobiographical memories (AMs) is important for emotional well-being, and investigation of the role of emotion regulation (ER) during AM recollection has relevance for understanding mental health issues. Although... more
We present a protocol that allows investigation of the neural mechanisms mediating the detrimental impact of emotion on cognition, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. This protocol can be used with both healthy and clinical... more
The ability to gauge social interactions is crucial in the assessment of others' intentions. Factors such as facial expressions and body language affect our decisions in personal and professional life alike 1 . These "friend or foe"... more
What are the neural markers of encoding and retrieving emotional events with increased efficacy? In recent years, this question has captured the attention of cognitive neuroscientists who fervently engaged in addressing it using a... more
A central observation in the recognition memory literature is that neural processes occurring during encoding of stimuli are predictive of their later recognition and recall. Compared to items that are later forgotten, encoding of... more
A central observation in the recognition memory literature is that neural processes occurring during encoding of stimuli are predictive of their later recognition. Compared to items that are later forgotten, encoding of correctly... more