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Industrial control systems are nowadays exposed in environments with rapid and unstable parameter changes and uses measuring equipments with critical output sensitivity. In the case of thermal gas analyzer, measurement errors are... more
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      Thermal EngineeringThermodynamicsNumerical SimulationsSimulation (Computer Science)
Считается, что ключевую роль в соматических практиках играет осознавание движений. Однако, в выразительной двигательной импровизации сознательный контроль движений является сбивающим фактором. Опыт же показывает, что соматические... more
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      ImprovisationDance/Movement TherapyMotor ControlNeural Control of Movement
DNNs (Deep Neural Networks) are widely employed in advanced applications including image and audio processing. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are two types of DNNs that have been popular for... more
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      AlgorithmsSocial NetworksNetwork SecurityComputer Networks
Abstract Pre-season screening is well established within the sporting arena, and aims to enhance performance and reduce injury risk. With the increasing need to identify potential injury with greater accuracy, a new risk assessment... more
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      Neural Control of MovementReliabilityMovement ScreeningMovement Control
It is well known that the classic image compression techniques such as JPEG and MPEG have serious limitations at high compression rate, the decompressed image gets really fuzzy or indistinguishable. To overcome this problem, artificial... more
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      Neural Control of MovementNeural NetworksArtificial Neural Networks
A direct functional demonstration of the involvement of Broca's area, frontal cortex 6/44, in organized sequences of hand movements, in dancers.
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      Human EvolutionLanguage EvolutionFrontal Lobe FunctioningNeural Control of Movement
Background: Femoracetabular impingement (FAI) is common in footballers and causes hip pain, which may arise from abnormal morphologic features involving the proximal femur and/or acetabulum. Early detection and treatment are important to... more
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      Neural Control of MovementMusculoskeletal BiomechanicsMusculoskeletal Injury PreventionWork-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
The existing choices of Activation Functions of a deep learning neural network are majorly based on personal human judgments, biases, experiences and little quantitative skills, thus, neither generated from the training data, testing data... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNeural Control of MovementNeural NetworksFuture of artificial intelligence
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      GeneticsArtificial IntelligenceGenetic AlgorithmsPetroleum
This study compared the functional and neural effects of two strength training programmes differing in set configuration. Thirteen participants performed 10 sessions, over a period of 5 weeks, of unilateral leg extensions with different... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyNeural Control of MovementSportExercise Science
According to the current water crisis and spend more than 94 percent of water in agriculture the mechanized irrigation systems, and revised the actual plant water estimation are needed it is facilitate to predict rainfall in the growing... more
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      HydrogeologyWaterHydrologyWater quality
Here we apply a control theoretic view of movement to the behavior of human locomotion with the goal of using perturbations to learn about subtask control. Controlling one's speed and maintaining upright posture are two critical subtasks,... more
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      System IdentificationMotor ControlNeural Control of MovementKinesiology
Anomaly detection refers to the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior. It is very important to timely detect parameter anomalies in real-world running thermal power plant system, which is one of the... more
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      Neural Control of MovementNeural NetworkArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesArtificial Neural Networks
In this paper we propose a kernel adaptive filtering (KAF) approach to repair lesions via microstimulation in a biomimetic spiking neural network of sensorimotor cortex. The fundamental challenge of designing neuroprosthetics and brain... more
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      NeuroscienceComputational NeuroscienceNeural Control of MovementNeurostimulation
Resumen: Introducción. El creciente interés por los déficit cognitivos que presentan los pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson ha dado lugar a la proliferación de trabajos sobre este tema durante los últimos años. En el presente artículo... more
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      Cognitive VisionParkinson's DiseaseCognitive AgeingVisual perception
Daily motor tasks are often redundant. Humans are known to adopt motor strategies which consist of a stereotypical selection of specific postures for a given task. Such natural strategies are also known to be perturbed. An exoskeleton,... more
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      ErgonomicsRehabilitationExoskeletonsWearable Technologies
To better understand the role of natural dynamics in motor control, we have constructed a mathematical model of crawling mechan-ics in larval Drosophila. The model accounts for key anatomical features such as a segmentally patterned,... more
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      BiomechanicsNeural Control of MovementDrosophila melanogasterBiorobotics
The wide range of shape variations for handwritten digits requires an adequate representation of thediscriminating features for classification. For the recognition of characters or numerals requires pixel valuesof a normalized raster... more
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      Estimation and Filtering TheoryImage Features ExtractionNeural Control of MovementNeural Networks
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceNeural Control of MovementNature
"Este artículo presenta la forma como fueron combinadas dos técnicas de inteligencia artificial, redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos, para el desarrollo de una herramienta computacional utilizada para la estimación de propiedades... more
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      GeneticsMathematicsApplied MathematicsGeology
Nowadays, planning the process of electricity consumption demand is one of the keys success factors for the development of countries. Due to the importance of electricity, countries have greatly paid attention to the prediction of... more
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      PalestineForecastingNeural Control of MovementNeural Networks
Deep neural network as a part of deep learning algorithm is a state-of-the-art approach to find higher level representations of input data which has been introduced to many practical and challenging learning problems successfully. The... more
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      Machine LearningNeural Control of MovementArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesLarge-scale databases
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceNeural Control of MovementNature
While Alexander technique (AT) teachers have been reported to stand up by shifting weight gradually as they incline the trunk forward, healthy untrained (HU) adults appear unable to rise in this way. This study examines the hypothesis... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyAlexander TechniqueNeural Control of MovementPostural Control
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      Sensory NeuroscienceMotor ControlNeural Control of MovementMuscle Physiology
During multi-digit grasping both local and nonlocal digit force responses occur in response to changes in texture at selected digits depending on the grasp configuration. However, the extent to which the specific patterns of force... more
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      Neural Control of MovementGrasping (Motor Control)
Previous studies have suggested that imitators can reproduce known gestures shown by a model using a semantic, indirect route, and novel gestures using a sublexical, direct route. In the present study we aimed at testing the validity of... more
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      Action ResearchMirror NeuronsMotor LearningMotor Control
Jute fiber-reinforced melamine composites (16–35% fiber) were prepared by hot press at 125°C for 10 min at 8 MT pressure. Tensile strength, tensile modulus, bending strength, bending modulus and impact strength of the composites (16%... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
Static roll head tilt induces bias in the trajectory of upper limb voluntary movements. The aim of the experiment was to investigate whether this bias is dependant on the perception of body configuration rather than on its actual... more
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      PerceptionNeural Control of MovementMotion perceptionProprioception
Object Difficulty with step initiation, called “start hesitation,” is related to gait bradykinesia and is an early hallmark of gait freezing in Parkinson disease (PD). Authors of this study investigated the effects of deep brain... more
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      NeurosurgeryDeep Brain StimulationNeural Control of MovementGait and Balance
Maas H, Gregor RJ, Hodson-Tole EF, Farrell BJ, Prilutsky BI. Distinct muscle fascicle length changes in feline medial gastrocnemius and soleus muscles during slope walking. On the basis of differences in physiology, e.g., histochemical... more
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      BiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologyLocomotionNeural Control of Movement
Electrospinning is a polymer processing technique that produces fibrous structures comparable to the extracellular matrix of many tissues. Electrospinning, however, has been severely limited in its tissue engineering capabilities because... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
In this paper we propose a kernel adaptive filtering (KAF) approach to repair lesions via microstimulation in a biomimetic spiking neural network of sensorimotor cortex. The fundamental challenge of designing neuroprosthetics and brain... more
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      NeuroscienceComputational NeuroscienceNeural Control of MovementNeurostimulation
This paper describes a two-degrees-of-freedom haptic interface to investigate the brain mechanisms of human motor control, which is capable of safely and gently interacting with human arm motion during functional magnetic resonance... more
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      Motor ControlNeural Control of MovementFMRIHaptic Interface Design
This paper presents a detailed description of the design, fabrication and mechanical characterization of 3D microelectrode arrays (MEA) that comprise high aspect-ratio shafts and different penetrating lengths of electrodes (from 3 mm to 4... more
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      BiomaterialsBrain-computer interfacesNeural Control of MovementOptogenetics
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      Neural Control of MovementRobotsTeleoperation & Time Delayed ControlTeleoperation Robot
In this study, the effects of mental fatigue on mechanically induced tremor at both a low (3–6 Hz) and high (8–12 Hz) frequency were investigated. The two distinct tremor frequencies were evoked using two springs of different stiffness,... more
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      Neural Control of MovementNeuromuscular ControlTremor
Static roll head tilt induces bias in the trajectory of upper limb voluntary movements. The aim of the experiment was to investigate whether this bias is dependant on the perception of body configuration rather than on its actual... more
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      PerceptionNeural Control of Movement
The field of brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) has made great advances in recent years, converting thought to movement, with some of the most successful implementations measuring directly from the motor cortex. However, the ability to... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesNeural Control of MovementFunctional Magnetic Resonance ImagingMRI Compatible Robotics
This paper describes a two-degrees-of-freedom haptic interface to investigate the brain mechanisms of human motor control, which is capable of safely and gently interacting with human arm motion during functional magnetic resonance... more
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      Neural Control of MovementFMRIMRI Compatible Robotics
ankle positive power generated in the propulsion phase of stance was increased (up to 50%) after denervation in all walking conditions (p ! 0.05). The obtained results suggest that the short-term motor compensation to denervation of... more
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      BiomechanicsNeural Control of MovementMusculoskeletal BiomechanicsPeripheral Nerve Injury
McIsaac TL, Fuglevand AJ. Motor-unit synchrony within and across compartments of the human flexor digitorum superficialis. . An interesting feature of the muscular organization of the human hand is that the main flexors and extensors of... more
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      ElectrophysiologyNeural Control of MovementSynchronyMotor Unit Recordings
A software tool has been developed to support the objective diagnosis of patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD). Patients completed hand exercises using a personal computer mouse and data has been gathered for further studies. We have... more
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      Neural Control of MovementNeural NetworksSystems Development
The theoretical framework of coordination dynamics posits complementary neural mechanisms to maintain complex behavioral patterns under circumstances that may render them unstable and to voluntarily switch between behaviors if changing... more
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      Decision MakingMagnetic Resonance ImagingNeural Control of MovementCognitive Neuroscience
Here we apply a control theoretic view of movement to the behavior of human locomotion with the goal of using perturbations to learn about subtask control. Controlling one's speed and maintaining upright posture are two critical... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceSystem IdentificationMotor Control
Here we apply a control theoretic view of movement to the behavior of human locomotion with the goal of using perturbations to learn about subtask control. Controlling one's speed and maintaining upright posture are two critical... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceSystem IdentificationMotor Control
The locomotor gait in limbed animals is defined by the left-right leg coordination and locomotor speed. Coordination between left and right neural activities in the spinal cord controlling left and right legs is provided by commissural... more
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      Applied MathematicsAlgorithmsComputational NeuroscienceLocomotion
The functional significance and mechanisms of short-term motor compensations to peripheral nerve injury are still debated. Denervation of selected ankle extensors in animals results in locomotor changes that may be mediated by increased... more
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      BiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologyLocomotionNeural Control of Movement
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of self-reinnervation of the medial (MG) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) muscles on joint kinematics of the whole hindlimb during overground walking on surfaces of varying slope in the... more
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      Sensory NeuroscienceSkeletal muscle biologyMotor ControlLocomotion