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Inventory and analytical index of 190 manuscript letters pertaining mostly to Asia in 16th-17th centuries located in the Portuguese National Archives.
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      History of IndiaPakistanArchivesSri Lanka
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      HistoryPostcolonial StudiesSouth Asian StudiesNepal
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      NepalIndiaClass StruggleIndian Maoists
Published June 28, 2016
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyHistorical ArchaeologyBioarchaeology
In Nepal, war is a sacrifi ce. The warrior maintains a direct and unique relationship with the divine, since in warfare he makes a sacrifi cial gift of his own person, the bali dân-a gift that results in a 'noble death'. The warrior can... more
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      PoetryNepalMaoist Movement in NepalMaoism
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      DemocratizationNepalMaoist Movement in NepalNepalese politics
Membership in Newar Buddhist monasteries includes individuals from the Vajrācārya and Śākya castes who serve as Tantric Buddhist householder monks. Of this population, the ten eldest members of each monastery are known as the Daśa... more
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      BuddhismArt HistoryHistory of DressCultural Heritage
A historical, textual and ethnographic examination of Nepalese Sarvamnaya Shakta Tantric traditions, with a particular focus on the Urdhva-amnaya traditions of the Sri Vidya.
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      HinduismHistory of ReligionReligion and PoliticsMandalas
This paper intends to explore the significance of Philippine society, culture, and interactions in today's multicultural and globalized world. As an epistemological approach, it aims to present an informative point of view on the... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast AsiaPhilippinesDiplomacy
Breast cancer is the second most common malignancy among women in Nepal. It is more common in young premenopausal women. Breast cancer continues to increase in incidence due to lifestyle changes in Nepalese women despite constant... more
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      NepalIncidenceDiagnostic ImagingBreast Neoplasms
Delivery care is regarded as safe when it is attended by a skilled birth attendant either at health facility or home. Childbirth practices differ from place to place and are determined by availability and accessibility of health services.... more
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      Patient SafetyMidwiferyNepalMaternal Mortality
Nepal merupakan salah satu negara miskin dalam lingkup Asia maupun dunia. Kemiskinan di Nepal merupakan wujud nyata akibat dari kebijakan politik maupun ekonomi yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah atau lebih tepatnya kerajaan yang monarki.... more
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      NepalDemokrasiHak Asasi ManusiaMakalah Hak Asasi Manusia ( HAM )
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      Nonparametric StatisticsBiomassEnvironmental HealthNepal
Background The Government of Nepal has implemented safe abortion policy since 2002. There are 245 approved sites providing safe abortion services to women across the country. Family planning counselling is one of the components of the... more
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      ContraceptionNepalPregnancySex Education
Introduction: Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used valid indicator for the measurement of service quality. Patient responses to healthcare services are one of the best ways to obtain information about patient views... more
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      Health CareNepalPatient SatisfactionPublic health systems and services research
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      ViolenceMigrationUnited NationsPolice
The transmission of the zoonotic pork tapeworms Taenia solium and T. asiatica depends on a combination of specific risk factors, such as open defecation, backyard pig raising and the consumption of raw or undercooked pork and viscera. A... more
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      NepalTropical medicine (Health Sciences)Risk factorsPublic health systems and services research
rhis sttrdy was done to see the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in pokhara Valley among schoolchildren (aged 4-15 years). Single stool sample collected from 366 children of two slum/village areas of Lekhnath (n:175) and Pokhara... more
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      NepalIntestinal ParasitesPokharaGiardiasis
Scalp masses that involve the scalp or the cranium especially over the parietal bone are uncommon presentation in infants. We report a case of an 8-week old female child who presented with a left parietal scalp mass which had been... more
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      NepalCase Report
Nepal’s Interim Constitution 2007 addresses health as a fundamental right. The constitutional provision has set the platform for commencement of free health service program in Nepal. Recently, the New National Health Policy 2014 has been... more
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      NepalThe Right to Health
Neurology is an important area of Medical Science. Every medical student should know about the nervous system, which is connected with different other systems of the body -plays a vital role in integration. Unfortunately a very less... more
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Nepal and Myanmar have gone through difficult political transition, both countries have witnessed years of civil war and ruling elites of these countries have discriminated the rights of ethnic groups and minorities by leaving them... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaChinaNepal
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyHimalayan Civilization-NepalNepal
Sustainability is a critical determinant of scale and impact of health sector development assistance programs. Working with USAID/Nepal implementing partners, we adapted a sustainability assessment framework to help USAID test how an... more
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      Program EvaluationGlobal HealthHealthNepal
Health services based on traditional systems of medicine has been expanding, flourishing and getting popularity, however, quality and effectiveness of service provision, has always been questioned probably due to the lack of research... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareQualitative ResearchNepalPatient Satisfaction
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      NepalMaoist Movement in South Asia
F or normal cardiac performance, the left ventricle (LV) must be able to eject an adequate stroke volume at arterial pressure (systolic function) and fill without requiring an elevated left atrial (LA) pressure (diastolic function). These... more
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      NepalEchocardiographyLeft Ventricular DysfunctionClinical Sciences
To evaluate the traditional healer (TH) training programme carried out by Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh, a non-governmental organisation in Nepal, by measuring the changes in knowledge and practices of trained THs in providing primary eye care... more
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      Program EvaluationOphthalmologyPrimary Health CareDeveloping Countries
Nepal has entered from its unitary system into a new "Federal Democratic Republic State". The current constitution presents basic health care services as a fundamental right. The Ministry for Health and Population has been... more
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      NepalRural Health ServicesHealth Personnelhealthcare disparities
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common nosocomial infection among hospitalised patients. Area-specific monitoring studies aimed to gain knowledge about the type of pathogens responsible for UTIs and their resistance patterns may... more
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      NepalAdolescentChildEscherichia coli
There is a bundle of queries by the tourist about “When is the best season to visit in Nepal?” The main time almost rapid traveler travel Nepal is the Autumn season of late September to late November at this time the weather is dry and... more
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      NepalTrekking and adventure
BACKGROUND: The phenolic content, volatile compound fingerprint and antioxidant capacity of Waldheimia glabra (Decne.) Regel (Asteraceae), a wild plant from the Himalayan mountains used in Sherpa religious rituals and in traditional... more
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N. Bhattarai1, C.R. Pathak2, and I. Dhakal2 1. Asst. Professor, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, FAVF/AFU, Rampur, Chitwan 2. Undergraduate students (B.V.Sc.&A.H. VIIIth Semester), TU/IAAS, Rampur, Chitwan ABSTRACT Breeding is... more
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      NepalAnimal BreedingSmall Animal PracticeGenetic Improvement
Immagini del saggio: Paola Tiné, “Maya’s Story. Spirit Possession, Gender, and the Making of the Self in a Painted Anthropological Account”, in “Current Anthropology”, volume 62, number 4, August 2021. Additional Images for Maya's Story.... more
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      NepalEtnografiaAntropología cognitivaAntropologia Cognitiva
To ensure a food security in future for all, the fisheries sector is key. The world’s demands for fish products indicate sign of increasing. This study delves into the analysis of production, marketing, and strategies for enhancing... more
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      MarketingSustainable agricultureNepalAquaculture
A key contemporary issue in International Development lies in questioning the adequacy for using the Capability Approach in differentiated cultural contexts. This paper argues that the socio-historical construction of the Capability... more
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      PovertyCapability ApproachNepalUrban Poverty
Smokeless tobacco (SLT) has long been realized as an important component of the fight for global tobacco control. It still remains a major problem in countries like India, Bangladesh and Nepal. The objective of this study was to estimate... more
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BACKGROUND The problem of uterine prolapse exists throughout Nepal and negatively affects women's health and quality of life (QOL). The Government of Nepal recognizes it as a priority problem. METHODS This study was conducted in eight... more
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      Qualitative ResearchTreatment OutcomeNepalMedicine
The collaborative care model is an evidence-based intervention for behavioral and other chronic conditions that has the potential to address the large burden of mental illness globally. Using the World Health Organization Health Systems... more
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      Developing CountriesNepalIndiaIntersectoral Collaboration
Five commercial (Any sesion, Tikimashi, Mino Early, Forty Days and Chetki) and a local (Bhedetar Local) varieties of radish were tested at the Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Pakhribas, Dhankuta, during the autumn season of 2008 and... more
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    • Nepal
Background: In the Asia-Pacific region, limited systematic assessment has been conducted on HIV service delivery models. Applying an analytical framework of the continuum of prevention and care, this study aimed to assess HIV service... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareHealth Services ResearchNepalPapua New Guinea
Nepal's Assistant Nurse-Midwife program demonstrates some of the consequences of ignoring social and cultural information in health planning. Partly in response to national and international pressures to develop careers for women, the... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPrimary Health CareCulture
Tree cavities are important structural elements of forest ecosystem that host numerous birds, mammals and other cavity-dependent organisms. Pattern of cavity distribution in temperate and boreal forests are relatively well studied, yet... more
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      NepalSal forestChitwan National ParkTree-Cavity
The chapter address the research question: do small states exert influential power in a regional organization? Given the small geographical and population size, not much is expected from the small states in general. But there are... more
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      NepalIndiaIndia-Nepal bilateral relationsNepal Foreign Policy and Security Studies
Background: Perinatal (stillbirths and first week neonatal deaths) and neonatal (deaths in the first 4 weeks) mortality rates remain high in developing countries like Nepal. As most births and deaths occur in the community, an option to... more
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      StillbirthNepalMedicineProspective studies
International development draws on a globalized vision of 'traditional medicine' when constructing country-specific programs that use' local practitioners to further health objectives. This paper looks at the tension between this mobile... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyInternational DevelopmentTraditional Medicine
It is a legal sample of case file as a syllabus content of L.L.B. Second year from Tribhuvan University Nepal. It comprises all the case files from F.I.R. to the police station along with all the legal papers prepared by police and... more
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      Constitutional LawLaw and SocietyNepalProcedural Law
An international transition away from familially-arranged marriages toward participation in spouse choice has endured for decades and continues to spread through rural Asia today. Though we know this transformation has important... more
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      Social ChangeDemographyResearch MethodologyFertility
—It was expected that the recent political and constitutional transformations will lead to the institutionalisation of liberal democracy in Nepal. This in turn was to lead to the freedom of expression, an essential tool for the effective... more
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      Human RightsNepalAccess to Information as Human RightFreedom of Expression (Law)
Purpose This study investigates the relationship among perceived satisfaction from social support, hope, and QOL of PLWHA. Method A cross-sectional in design was applied, among a sample of 160 HIV-infected persons receiving treatment,... more
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      PsychometricsQuality of lifeSocial SupportNepal