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More on the historical legend of Aradia, demonstrating through linguistic and ethnographic evidence that a legendary figure by that name must have existed in Italian folklore long before Leland wrote _Aradia, or the Gospel of the... more
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      Folk legendsSardinia (Medieval Studies)Neopaganism
This paper presents a specific situation concerning the Czech Pagan community, mainly through the narrative of the actors. Using the emic approach, the aim of the paper is to show an insider’s perspective of the ways in which Czech Pagans... more
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      Transgender StudiesCzechAnthropology of ShamanismTransgender
Surveys data shows that the majority of Russians consider themselves Orthodox. However, sociologists are well aware that not all Orthodox Russians are believers. But even those Russians who believe in God do not necessarily recognize... more
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      Russian StudiesPopular Culture and Religious StudiesNeopaganismSlavic Neopaganism (Rodnoverie)
T his chapter is a preliminary exploration of the links between three layers of vernacular religion and the experiences underlying them: Italian vernacular religion and healing, Italian American versions of these customs, and Stregheria,... more
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      FolkloreMagicWitchcraft, Religion and MagicNeopaganism
Άρδην, τεύχος 52, Ιανουάριος - Μάρτιος 2005 H “ομά­δα Ε” και ο ευ­τε­λι­σμός της Ελ­λά­δας και της ελ­λη­νι­κής ιστο­ρί­ας Από τον Καστοριάδη στον… Φουράκη Γ. Ρακκάς, Από τους αρχαιολάτρες στους εξωγήινους Γ. Σχίζας, Φοβού τους... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesNeopaganismAncient Greek LanguageModern Greek culture
In the 40 years since the Maimonides studies (1,2) it has become clear, through both scientific research and first hand reports, that individuals can become telepathically linked in dreams, and can even experience one another in a... more
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      ParapsychologyDeath StudiesSpiritualityDeath & Dying (Thanatology)
Neste texto  explora-se o projecto filosófico e espiritual inacabado de Pessoa, isto é o neopaganismo enquanto «regresso dos deuses» na sua relação fascinante com Nietzsche e o seu ataque ao cristianismo.
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      AestheticsFriedrich NietzscheFernando PessoaNeopaganism
My Hungarian article "Epicurus, the Prophet of our Age? The Possibilities of an Epicurean Theology in the 21. century", published in the conference proceedings "Adsumus XVIII". I also participated in the editing and renewing of the issue.... more
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      EpicurusNeopaganismReligious StudiesMircea Eliade
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      New Religious MovementsNew Age spiritualityNeopaganismNorth American Religions
Satanismus je moderní náboženský proud, který se oficiálně zrodil ve 20.století, ale navazuje na starší náboženské tradice. V tomto článku zkoumám jeho spojitost s novopohanskými svátky.
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Session Ü. VALK, L. GUZY: Insecurities and uncertainties at the margins of institutionalised religions: ghosts, monsters, witchcraft and other dangerous matters “Pagan” masks in contemporary European winter festivals, popular Frazerism,... more
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      New Religious MovementsHistory of ReligionEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
This comprehensive introduction to the three-volume anthology Shamanism: Critical Concepts (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004) provides an overview of the state of shamanism studies in Western humanities and social sciences from the 1700s to the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionNative American StudiesAnthropologyIndigenous Studies
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      New Religious MovementsNew MediaEuropean Witch TrialsWitchcraft, Religion and Magic
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      Environmental EthicsNeopaganismWiccaWicca practices
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      New Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionNew ReligionsScience and Religion
Un estratto del lavoro di sviluppo della via archetipica al contatto con la Dea, imago dell'Anima. Il testo, scritto dall'accademica Vivianne crowley, è tradotto in italiano come " I poteri della Wicca". E' un approccio interessante ed... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyNeoplatonismNeopaganism
This paper will be presented during the EASR Resilient Religion, IAHR Regional Conference in Pisa, 30th August – 3rd September 2021.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionNew Religious MovementsFeminist SpiritualityGoddess Spirituality
Hecate was an ambiguous deity in ancient Greece, who survived throughout late Antiquity and Early Medieval period without losing her obscure features. During the Early Modern period, assimilated to Diana and Herodias, she appears in... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionNeo-Paganism and Western EsotericismNeopaganismHeKatE
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      HistoryUkrainian StudiesNationalismUkrainian Nationalism
This chapter will describe the history and structure of the main Neopagan organization in Armenia—the Arordineri Ukht—and explore its interrelations with the dominant religious tradition in Armenia (Christianity, represented by the... more
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      Armenian StudiesNeopaganism
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      NeopaganismNeo-PaganismVisual Arts, Ritual, Sacred Drama and related Performance Arts
From the anthology edited by Nané Jordan and Chandra Alexandre and published by Demeter Press. This anthology calls Pagan and Goddess mothering into focus by highlighting philosophies and experiences of mothers in these spiritual... more
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      Religion and SexualityEmbodimentFeminist SpiritualityPagan Studies
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      New Religious MovementsZoroastrianismNew ReligionsPaganism
The Book of Veles came into being as mystification with the “genealogy” tracing back to Ossianism, and it has become the holy script of Rodnovers (Slavic Neo-Pagans). The topic of this paper is the question which layer of The Book itself... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreNeopaganismLiterary Mystifications and HoaxesSlavic Mythology
As a variant of alternative spirituality derived from postmodern fluidity and fragmentation of large narratives, Nordic Heathenry has gone through a revival for the past decades. Due to the common ground of potentially völkish/ethnicist... more
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      New Religious MovementsNorse mythologyNeopaganismThe reception of Old Norse Myth
Neopagan religiosities which refer to European, pre-Cristian traditions often use authentication strategies for their religious beliefs and practices that stress the antiquity of their sources and being part of a traditional cultural... more
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      NeopaganismInvented TraditionsReligious StudiesRunes
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      Russian LiteratureRussian NationalismEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryRussian History
The Ahnenerbe, founded in 1935 by
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyGerman HistoryNordic Studies
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      SpiritualityEmbodied CognitionPaganismWitchcraft (Magic)
Сегодня в России активно строятся православные храмы, СМИ рассказывают о церковных праздниках, представители духовенства часто принимают участие в"разных официальных мероприятиях. Много говорится о торжестве православия, о «православном... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismNeopaganismModern Paganisms
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    • Neopaganism
This paper gives an overview of anthropological and folklorstic approaches to belief, and proposes its examination as a response to specific contextual factors. It approaches belief as emerging from “participatory consciousness,” a state... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismBeliefsMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
The changing of the seasons is linked to the cycle of vegetation that can be enhanced by magical means. This nexus was popularised by Frazer's "The Golden Bough" whose influence can be traced in many fields. The last 60 years have seen an... more
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      Popular CultureNeopaganismJames George FrazerFolk Horror
Contemporary Paganism portrays gender in an array of different ways and, as such, is very inclusive of sexual diversity. But how do queer people take part in the Pagan community? More precisely, what kind of efforts or changes do queer... more
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      Queer StudiesPerformance StudiesGenderNeopaganism
This article explores the influence of Orthodox theology on Rainer Maria Rilke’s poetry and poetics. It traces the pathways of his experience of Russian Orthodox spirituality as essential to his understanding and reception of these... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy Of ReligionPhilosophy of ArtOrthodox Theology
У монографії «Постмодерністські візії релігійності: сучасне язичництво у міській культурі (Україна в загальноєвропейському контексті)» представлений спектр думок щодо «початку» неоязичництва, термінології для позначення даного явища.... more
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    • Neopaganism
How contemporary Italian Americans who practice Stregheria, a form of modern Pagan Witchcraft, create ethnic distinctiveness by linking to a romantically-imagined past.
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      FolkloreWitchcraft, Religion and MagicNeopaganismItalian American culture
Symbols are important cultural expressions that may be circulated through both time and space as groups appropriate, modify, and ascribe new meanings to them within a larger context of cultural appropriation and invented tradition. I... more
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      SemioticsReligionNew Religious MovementsEthnohistory
A continuación se presentan los Sagrados Apelativos con los cuales se puede invocar al Gran Señor Dionisio, o alguno de sus aspectos. En negrita se lee la transliteración del original griego, teniendo en cuenta que la combinación de las... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionNeopaganismDionysusWicca
In this paper, the author explores the origins, associations, and functions of the ancient goddess Hekate. The roles of Hekate in the myth of Demeter and Persephone are discussed, as are Hekate’s place in the Eleusinian Mysteries.... more
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      NeopaganismFolk magicWomen's Spirituality
Dragon Rouge ist einer der einzigartigsten und interessantesten magischen Orden, die im Laufe der letzten zwanzig Jahren erschienen ist. Er ist auch die erste esoterische Bewegung, die erfolgreich aus Schweden exportiert wurde, sowie... more
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      MagicPagan StudiesPaganismMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Se presenta una serie de planteamientos teóricos y metodológicos para el estudio de La Iglesia del Pueblo Guanche en el marco de los Nuevos Movimientos Religiosos actuales y, más en concreto, de los Neopaganismos."
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      New Religious MovementsRace and EthnicityNationalismHistory of Religions
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreFolklore (Literature)History of Folklore Theory and Method
Simple notes on Gods and structures of the Celts, considering the hypothesis of a common "proto-celtic" basic "pantheon".
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      Indo-European StudiesProto Indo-EuropeanPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureNeopaganism
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      ReligionNeopaganismCentral and Eastern Europecontemporary Paganism
The article addresses contemporary enthusiasts’ activities dealing with the ancient Thracian heritage in Bulgaria. Alternative re-writings of the past, cult movements and historical re-enactments have been analysed in view of the creation... more
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      Ancient HistoryEastern European StudiesCultural HeritageParticipatory Culture