Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin
Recent papers in Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin
A II. világháborút követő évtizedek a vasfüggönyön belül rekedt országok számára nem kedveztek a nemzetközi szervezésben folytatott ásatásoknak . Magyarországon az őskort illetően a berlini fal leomlásáig mindössze kettőre nyílt... more
The radiocarbon dating of pottery corrects traditional views on a periodization of the Bug-Dniester culture and its synchronization with some neighboring cultures. It eliminates a part of contradictions between series of the dates made... more
Kniha vyšla roku 1991 ve Lvově (ISBN 5.11-000837-2) / The book was published in 1991 in Lvov (ISBN 5.11-000837-2).
Based on the Zsóa von Torma’s private collection, the early cultural stage, named Vinca-Turdas, of Vinca culture (phases A and B) was defined. Later, was proved that the Turdas site provide only elements contemporary to Vinca C phase... more
A Kárpát-medencében az újkőkor kezdetét a Balkán felől bevándorló új népcsoportok megjelenéséhez köthetjük, ők honosították meg itt az első növénytermelésen és állattartáson alapuló, komplex élelemtermelő gazdálkodást. A korábbi... more
Kniha byla vydána v roce 1881 v Užhorodě (Pollacsek Miksa) / The book was published in 1881 in Uzhgorod (Pollacsek Miksa) / A könyv 1881-ben Ungváron (Pollacsek Miksa)
Kniha vyšla v Užhorodu roku 2013 / The book was published in Uzhgorod in 2013 / Книга была опубликована в 2013 г. Ужгороде.
Cercetarea sistematică a sitului arheologic de la Turdaş-Luncă a constituit şi constituie o provocare pentru fiecare generaţie de arheologi.
In addition to settlement patterns and cultural traits, the distribution and exchange systems of various raw materials also offers valuable insights into the Late Neolithic cultural and trade networks of the Carpathian Basin. The exchange... more
This book discusses both ancient and modern shamanism, demonstrating its longevity and spatial distribution, and is divided into eleven thought-provoking chapters that are organised into three sections: mind-body, nature, and culture. It... more
The current BAR catalogue with details of all titles in print, prices and means of payment is available free from Hadrian Books or may be downloaded from A. In for ma tion on ex ca vated sites 1. Name(s) of re... more
One of the rapid climate change (RCC) events, which had lesser impact on the environmental conditions of the Northern Hemisphere but had stronger impact on the micro regional scale, is 7.1 ka BP event. Cooler and wetter conditions at its... more
The prehistory of the Aegean, Balkans, and Carpathian Basin has changed dramatically in the last two decades. This review covers five aspects of these changes: (a) the development of theoretical approaches, in which diversification from... more
The archaeological research carried out in the last 20 years brought to the identification of numerous cremation and inhumation graves assigned to the Neo-Eneolithic period, graves that were presented over the past years in the... more
This contribution traces the development of tells, or settlement mounds, in south-east Europe. Owing to their surviving height, these habitation monuments became the foci of regional research traditions, but more recently the balance has... more
Studie byla publikována v knize ,,Ivan Pavlů ed.: Památky archeologické - Supplementum 13 – In Memoriam Jan Rulf " vydané v Praze roku 2000. ISBN: 80-86124-27-4 / The study was published in the book "Ivan Pavlů ed .: Archaeological... more
In 3400-2800 BC the Carpathian zone and the adjacent part of western Lesser Poland, and the northern and south-eastern part of Slovakia were the north-easternmost territory of the Eneolithic Baden Circle. Recently the role of the... more
Die zwischen dem 18. und dem 22. April 2016 in Iași gemeinsam von der Eurasien-Abteilung des DAI und vom archäologischen Institut der rumänischen Akademie (Filiale Iași) organisierte internationale Tagung sollte im nicht nur aus... more
"According to our present knowledge, the LBK longhouse evolved in the Western Carpathian Basin. The chapter presents new evidence from recently investigated Transdanubian Early Neolithic sites on the emergence and spread of LBK... more
This paper examines the reconstruction possibilities of a late-Neolithic ruined house discovered at Tiszapüspöki-Karancs, Háromág-dűlő.
Appendix I: Methods Applied and Outline of the Interpretation of Eneolithic/Copper Age and Bronze Age Microstructures 219 $SSHQGL[ ,, &DWDORJXH DQG 7DEOHV 241 iii )UDQNIXUW ± %RFKXP -XQH 1 )LJ 7KH IRUPDWLRQ DQG G\QDPLFV RI WKH VHFRQGDU\... more