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Kate Grenville’s The Secret River (2005) enacts a narrative return to the violent trauma of Aboriginal dispossession and destruction upon which Australia is founded, situating its reader complexly, as both witness to and complicit in the... more
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      Trauma StudiesTwentieth Century LiteratureContemporary LiteratureNeo-Victorian Literature
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    • Neo-Victorian Literature
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 14.1 (2021): 129-32. Print.
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      Victorian StudiesLGBT IssuesVictorian LiteratureLGBT Literature
A psychoanalyst and a detective share a common goal and methods: they interpret covert clues to reveal the truth(s). Some neo-Victorian detective novels show an awareness of this commonality when they combine psychiatry and detection.... more
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      History Of PsychoanalysisPsychoanalysis And LiteratureNeo-Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian fiction
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      Neo-Victorian LiteratureAustralian LiteratureHistorical FictionLiterary studies
The omnipresence of Neo-Victorian productions on our screens, from Ripper Street (2012-2016) to Penny Dreadful (2014-2016), suggests that we may be intense consumers of the Victorians, more precisely, of the elements in them most likely... more
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    • Neo-Victorian Literature
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      Postcolonial StudiesThe Historical NovelNeo-Victorian LiteratureAustralian Literature
A hallmark of neo-Victorian fiction is its preoccupation with recovering and reimagining lost voices from the past. The increased critical attention toward feminist neo-Victorian fiction in the late 1990s and early 2000s fuelled an... more
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      Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian lesbians and cross-dressersCorporeality
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    • Neo-Victorian Literature
Scores of authors, directors and digital producers have adapted, revised and modernised Charlotte Brontë's most famous novel, Jane Eyre: An Autobiography (1847). As Antonija Primorac notes, neo-Victorianism is "a powerful... more
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      Neo-Victorian LiteratureCharlotte BrontëJane EyreAdaptation and Appropriation Theory
Sarah Waters’ Affinity (1999), set during the height of Victorian Spiritualism, consciously plays with Victorian truisms to subvert our expectations of class and gender roles, and retrospectively explore Victorian taboos of female power... more
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      Gothic LiteratureArchetypesNeo-Victorian LiteratureSpiritualism
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      Neo-Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian fictionFreak ShowsPopular entertainments: circus, fair midways, amusement parks, variety acts, wild west shows, freaks and animals, etc -- 19th-century printing, advertising, and marketing; consumer goods -- Museum history and the exhibition of marvels and curiosities.
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    • Neo-Victorian Literature
This essay explores the field of transnational neo-Victorian studies, arguing that "transnational" does not so much signal a subcategory of the discipline of Victorian or neo-Victorian studies as it does a recalibra-tion of one's... more
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      Victorian StudiesTransnationalismManga and Anime StudiesNeo-Victorian Literature
Possession: A Romance is a novel by British writer A.S.Byatt that narrates the love story of two Victorian poets and two modern-day scholars, through constant back-and-forth in time. In 1986, the scholar Roland Michell finds two letters... more
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      Neo-Victorian LiteratureA. S. Byatt
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      Postcolonial StudiesVictorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian LiteratureAustralian Literature
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      British LiteratureHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 11.3 (2018): 227-36. Print.
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesVictorian StudiesNineteenth Century Studies
This paper undertakes the examination of Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace (1996) and Sarah Waters's Affinity (1999) by focusing on the theme of spiritualism and mesmerism in each of the texts and what that reveals about the role of women in... more
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      Neo-Victorian LiteratureMargaret AtwoodSarah Waters
This essay focuses on the neo-Victorian materialisation of Dickens’s vision through the costuming of the Miss Havisham figure in three film adaptations of Great Expectations: David Lean’s Great Expectations (1946), Billy Wilder’s Sunset... more
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      Victorian StudiesFilm StudiesAgingVictorian Literature
Both neo-Gothicism and vampirism elide past and present, life and death, and shadow and substance—which last conflation is especially striking in neo-Gothic films and television series about vampires. Like the recorded image of a vampire,... more
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      Victorian StudiesHorror FilmVictorian LiteratureGothic Literature
This article examines John Harding’s novel Florence & Giles (2010) as a neo-Victorian reworking of Henry James’s classic The Turn of the Screw (1898). Focussing on the representation of childhood, this article aims to demonstrate that... more
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      Gothic LiteratureContemporary LiteratureNeo-Victorian LiteratureChildhood in Literature
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      English LiteratureNeo-Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian fictionSpace
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      Film StudiesVictorian LiteratureFilm AdaptationNeo-Victorian Literature
Sound and voice have been invoked in neo-Victorian criticism since its beginning, and we have utilised the notion of the author as medium: for example, the medium’s ability to communicate with the dead has been used as metaphor for the... more
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      Soundscape StudiesNeo-Victorian Literature
Although the Victorians were categorically pioneering in the implication of many radical developments, industrially, socially, and even globally; one area in which variety was rarely seen was in the discourse of sexuality. Critics such as... more
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      Gender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesVictorian LiteratureHomosexuality and Literature
This essay argues that the frequency and consistency of Victorian-set or Victorianinfluenced pornographic films highlight hardcore's reliance on class-and gender-related spatial transgression for erotic appeal: boundaries of public and... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesGender and SexualityNeo-Victorian Literature
This chapter analyses the specific way in which Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill in their graphic novel series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen appropriate Victorian Gothic fiction into a highly elaborate metafictional crossover. Special... more
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      ComicsPost-ColonialismGraphic NovelsNeo-Victorian Literature
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      DesignNeo-Victorian LiteratureSteampunkArts and Crafts
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 14.3 (2021): 337-44. Print.
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      Victorian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesSexualityVictorian Literature
This masters thesis analyses the work of British writer Sarah Waters, focussing on the inseparability of spatiality and the expression of sexuality in her novels. Since 1998, Waters has published three books set in the mid-to-late... more
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      HeterotopiaSpace and PlaceSexualityNeo-Victorian Literature
Disability studies generally aim at an analysis of how an impairment becomes a disability due to the society’s definitions of normativity which do not encompass less-than-perfect bodies. Ever since its appearance in 1990s disability... more
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      Feminist Disability StudiesNeo-Victorian LiteratureHistoriographic MetafictionNeo-Victorian fiction
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      Queer TheoryManga and Anime StudiesVictorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian Literature
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      Gender StudiesMarxismVictorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian Literature
In this essay I will focus on the role played by hair jewellery, a widespread craft in the nineteenth-century Anglo-American context, in neo-Victorian literature and culture. I will consider hair jewels as objects that are remnants of the... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNeo-Victorian Literature
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      Neo-Victorian LiteraturePostmodernism (Literature)
See www.neovictorianstudies for original; Neo-Victorian Studies 9.2 (2017) This article seeks to illustrate how cross-dressing functions to highlight not only a crisis of gender identity, as Marjorie Garber describes in Vested Interests... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityVictorian cultural studiesPostcolonial Literature
ABSTRACT The condition-of-England novel is a term traditionally applied to English novels written and published in the 1840s and 1850s. This paper challenges this assumption and shows that this novelistic genre is definitely not limited... more
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      Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian Literature
This paper examines two novels (Alasdair Gray’s Poor Things and David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas) as monstrous Neo-Victorian texts. Both mimic the patchwork nature of many Victorian novels, but are fragmented and self-consciously deformed in... more
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      Trauma StudiesPostmodernismNeo-Victorian LiteratureLiterature and Trauma
In this thesis I undertake an examination of monsters and the monstrous in Neo-Victorian Fiction. Kohlke and Gutleben situate Neo-Victorian fiction within the field of trauma studies, where the “traumatised subject of modernity... more
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      Trauma StudiesNeo-Victorian LiteratureLiterature and Trauma'the Other' in Neo-Victorian novel
Under the auspices of the project 'Orientation': A Dynamic Perspective of Contemporary Fiction and Culture (1990-onwards) (Ref. FFI2017-86417-P), this Conference explores how the concept of 'orientation' can offer a renewed perspective on... more
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      PhenomenologyMedical HumanitiesLiterary TheoryContemporary Literature
The essay describes how Virginia Woolf freely adopted the genre of the “imaginary portrait” while writing a relatively neglected short story about a female medievalist, ‘The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn’ (1906), and Orlando (1928), the... more
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      Gender StudiesEnglish LiteratureRenaissance HumanismVictorian Literature
This book focuses on the encounters of literature and visuality in Victorian culture, with a special emphasis on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. lt aims at exploring why Pre-Raphaelitism, with its peculiar handling of literature and... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryComparative LiteratureVisual Studies
This article explores how The Legend of Hell House (1973), the cinematic adaptation of Richard Matheson’s novel Hell House ([1971] 1999), updates debates and struggles between scientists and spiritualists in the Victorian period,... more
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      Film StudiesHorror FilmGhostsCultural History Of Ghosts
From her first appearance in The French Lieutenant's Woman, Sarah is introduced as “the other figure” and depicted more as a bizarre object of observation than a protagonist. In other words, John Fowles doesn’t provide an accurate... more
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      English LiteratureJohn FowlesNeo-Victorian LiteratureNeo-Victorianism
Brontë (1818-1848) was a novelist and poet of great power and originality whose work has become canonical in both genres. Emily and her sisters Charlotte and Anne are unique in the annals of English literature in their status as the only... more
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      Victorian StudiesNeo-Victorian LiteratureVictorian Literature and Culture
This essay focuses on the neo-Victorian materialisation of Dickens's vision through the costuming of the Miss Havisham figure in three film adaptations of Great Expectations: David Lean's Great Expectations (1946), Billy Wilder's Sunset... more
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      Film StudiesAgingVictorian LiteratureFilm Adaptation
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      Victorian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesNeo-Victorian LiteratureAustralian Literature
This essay argues that attention to the form of contemporary neo-Victorian manga (Japanese comics) can move us analogically toward a theory of the function of the neo-Victorian in our global-historical context. Through an examination of... more
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      TransnationalismManga and Anime StudiesVictorian LiteratureNeo-Victorian Literature
This work examines the main female archetypes present in Victorian literature and art, and the social atmosphere that gave them birth in regards to women’s autonomy and freedom. To this extent, the study focuses on a neo-Victorian text,... more
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      ArchetypesNeo-Victorian LiteratureWomen and MadnessMichel Faber