Recent papers in Neo-Eurasianism
Throughout the course of human history, the idea of great continents have been subjected to contention and debate. The word 'Continent' does not represents the natural and objective division of the land surface, as a substitute, the idea... more
In the wake of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and Russia’s subsequent war on Ukraine, Russian political thinker Aleksandr Dugin has become an object of many western analyses of Russia’s foreign policy. Various media have called Dugin “the... more
then speaker of the Senate and now President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, announced that there was strong likelihood that Nazarbayev would not run for President in 2020 when the next election is mandated to occur. It is unlikely... more
Bu kitabımızda Rusya ve Türkiye’nin Avrasya medeniyeti kurabilme imkânlarını mümkün olduğunca anlatmaya çalıştık. Elbette iki ülke Avrasya coğrafyasında yüzlerce yıldır rekabet içerisinde bulunmuşlardır. Fakat 21. yüzyıl iki ülkeyi... more
BALKAN BETWEEN ATLANTISM AND (NEO)EURASIANISM Summary: Looking at international relations at the beginning of the 21st century, we note that the orientation of the great powers on global map „new, yet old“, which is not suprising, since... more
This dissertation attempts to critically analyse the influence of Carl Schmitt on the thought of Aleksandr Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianism. It highlights Dugin’s use of Schmitt’s thought in three key ways: an analytical framework of the... more
1962 yılında Moskova’da doğan Dugin’in entelektüel dünyada ilk adımlarını Rus gelenekçiliğinin önemli isimlerinden R.Guenon, J.Evola ve G.Meyrink’in çeşitli eserlerini Rusça’ya kazandırarak atmıştır. Strateji, jeopolitik gibi konulardaki... more
If you request the paper, please email me at [email protected] and I will send you a PDF copy. The article analyzes the political and social discourses towards the Eurasian integration in Central Asia. I focus on the independent... more
This article is an argument that the 2014-5 Ukraine Crisis can only be properly understood when observed from a (Classical) Realist position. The essay briefly introduces the Theory of Realism for the uninitiated, then moves to a quick... more
Since the illegal annexation of Crimea, the governments of NATO and EU countries have been struggling to define their attitude towards the Russian government. Whereas they unanimously condemned Moscow’s aggression, the sanctions imposed... more
Текст был ранее опубликован в журнале «Континент» [Москва] ( и на сайте «Geopolitika» [Вильнюс] (
Pamięci Kazimierza Smogorzewskiego 6 natomiast insularyzm -jeśli tak można określić drugi nurt -doskonale nadaje się jako uzasadnienie odejścia od ideologii imperium.
Die „Neoeurasier“ sind lediglich ein Teil einer weit größeren und hochaktiven „unzivilen Gesellschaft“ im heutigen Russland. Dugin agiert im Kontext der enormen Text-, Audio- und Videoproduktion verschiedener antiliberaler... more
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, a lot of books including “geopolitics” in their titles started to be published in Russia. Some academicians and political philosophers tried to introduce the Russian public with the basic tenets and... more
Our subject of investigation is the new geopolitical doctrine developed by Neo-Eurasians and Russian president Vladimir Putin’s wishes to implement it in his political practice. Our purpose is to study the views of Neo-Eurasian based on... more
Legio Victrix -7 de fevereiro de 2015
An east-west axis of Azerbaijan and Turkey has grown into prominence within the broader structure of regional dynamics in Eurasia over the past two decades. Yet few, including among policy advisors and policy makers in either of the two... more
An interview with Alexander Dugin about the importance of Martin Heidegger to the Fourth Political Theory.
Research Master's Thesis / University of Amsterdam / Center for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, Department of History, European Studies and Religious Studies / 2019.
In this article, Dugin contrasts three theories: the globalist optimist vision of Fukuyama, the globalist pessimist vision of Huntington, and the multipolarist, anti-globalist view of the Eurasianists. He asserts that, in contrast to... more
Review article on the books: Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism. By Charles Clover. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in... more
In this paper I aim to contribute to critical geopolitics through a discussion of the work of the radical right wing Russian geopolitician Alexander Dugin, focusing on his textbook The Fundamentals of Geopolitics: the geopolitical future... more
This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except where specifically indicated in the text. No parts of the text have been submitted for another qualification.
The chapter examines Russian political theorist Aleksandr Dugin's (b. 1962) attack on the perceived Western liberal order. The chapter introduces Dugin's role on the Russian right-wing political scene and his international networks,... more
A response to Mark Sleboda
Russian political scientist Aleksandr Dugin has been described as the evil genius of President Vladimir Putin. Dugin's writings on Neo-Eurasianism call for a final apocalyptic showdown between the forces of Eurasianism and Atlanticism.... more
The modern ideology of the far right and the doctrine of fascism are in large part the product of the Italian political and social situation in the aftermath of World War I. Starting in 1919, fascist and neofascist movements in Italy... more
Paper (*rough draft*) written for the seminar "Sufism, Islamic Mysticism and Western Esotericism" at the University of Amsterdam, supervised by Profs. Marco Pasi and Richard van Leeuwen.
O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as políticas e mecanismos adotados no mandato do presidente russo Vladimir Putin (2000 – 2008), e sua “diarquia” com Dmitry Medvedev (2008 – 2012) com a finalidade de realocação das receitas... more
This article illustrates a worrisome tendency in post-Soviet academia: the interpenetration between the social sciences and neo-fascist intellectualism. It details recent developments in the Sociology faculty of Moscow State University,... more
Can Putin really be considered a neo-Eurasianist? Is his policy of ‘multipolarism’ a direct consequence of his neo-Eurasianist inclinations? If so, why did he try to construct closer relations with the US in the post-September 11 period?... more
This article is a commentary addressing common misconceptions about Alexander Dugin and his thought in the Right-wing sphere. The following points are argued: While it is likely that Dugin dismisses the concept race he still is very much... more