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      Archival StudiesAssyriologyAncient Near EastCuneiform
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyClassics
Cuneiform documents dating from the eighth and seventh centuries B.C. (the early Neo-Babylonian period) reveal an emergent use of family names among the elite inhabitants of many of southern Mesopotamia's traditional cultic centers. In... more
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      AssyriologyAssyrian EmpireNeo-Assyrian studiesNeo-Babylonian period
This is a study of the attestations of various types of weapons in Neo-Babylonian texts, including prices and sporadic remarks on the manufacture of weapons.
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      Neo-Babylonian periodAncient Weapons and WarfareNeo Babylonian EmpireNeo-Babylonian society
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      ExileAncient Near EastNeo-Babylonian periodNeo Babylonian Empire
The  article gives an overview of terms for workers, servile dependents and juridical statuses in Babylonia in the first millennium BC with a focus on the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid periods (ca. 620 – 330 BC).
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      Neo-Babylonian periodAncient Near Eastern StudiesNeo Babylonian EmpireNeo-Babylonian society
Twenty years ago Entrepreneurs and Empire Chapter VI ("Rental Costs and the Economic Environment") drew on what I believed to be all known Mura¡û texts in Philadelphia and Jena, the published texts in Istanbul, and scattered pieces in... more
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      AssyriologyAchaemenid HistoryNeo-Babylonian periodNeo-Babylonian society
Administrative documents and letters from the Eanna archive were arranged in a dossier that elucidates the economic and social impact of several harvest failures that occurred in Babylonia during the first years of Cambyses’ reign. The... more
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      Achaemenid HistoryFamine StudiesAncient Near Eastern EconomyNeo-Babylonian period
This article presents first editions of eight Neo- and Late Babylonian administrative documents in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, thereby completing the publication of the administrative documents in its collection. The documents... more
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      AssyriologyAncient Near Eastern HistoryAncient Near Eastern EconomyNeo-Babylonian period
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      Assyrian EmpireAssyriology Sumerology Akkadian Sumerian Sumerian & Akkadian literature Sumerian Religion Mesopotamia History Ancient Mesopotamian Religions Cuneiform Ancient Near East Ancient Near Estern Languages Religious StudiesNeo-Babylonian society
The article elucidates the function of the assertory oath in the evidentiary procedure in trial documents from the Neo-Babylonian and Early Achaemenid periods. Introduction: In einer Gesellschaft, die nicht am Eingreifen göttlicher... more
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      Legal HistoryNeo Babylonian EmpireNeo-Babylonian society
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Mesopotamian Religions
Download for an abstract, the table of contents and a few sample pages of a manuscript version of the book.
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      Ancient Near EastNeo-Babylonian periodCUNEIFORM STUDIESNeo Babylonian Empire
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      History of SlaveryHistory of slavery and migration movementsExile and RestorationHistory & Theology of the Exile
The legal compendium from the Eanna archive, published in this article for the first time, records thirteen separate cases all concerning sheep deficits (miṭītu) of herdsmen tending to the flocks of the temple. The following study of the... more
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      Archival StudiesAncient Near EastAdministrative Law and Bureaucratic LegalismBabylon
La puerta de Ishtar, decorada ostentosamente, era una de las puertas de la ciudad de la antigua Babilonia. Fue construida en el siglo VI a. C. por el rey babilónico Nabucodonosor II. Todos los años, en la fiesta de Año Nuevo, las... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyHistory of MuseumsMesopotamian ReligionsMuseums and Exhibition Design
La famille Ea-ilûta-bâni est une famille qui a vécu du VIIIe au Ve siècle av. J.-C. à Borsippa, en Mésopotamie. Plusieurs dizaines de tablettes d'argiles, datées de 687 à 486 av. J.-C., qui constituent les archives de cette famille, ont... more
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    • Neo-Babylonian society
Nippur expedition, while surveying the northern slopes of Tablet Hill in 2019 during the first season of excavations at Nippur after a 29-year hiatus. The fragment measures 3x3 cm. The tablet can be dated to the Neo-Babylonian period 2)... more
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      Ancient Near Eastern EconomyNeo-Babylonian periodNeo-Babylonian LawNeo-Babylonian society
Some Observations about “Foreigners” in Babylonia during the VI Century BCE. IN: The Ancient World in an Age of Globalization. Melammu VII. Pro¬ceedings of the Sixth Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual He¬ritage Project,... more
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      Neo-Babylonian periodNeo Babylonian EmpireNeo-Babylonian society
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      Neo-Babylonian periodNeo-Babylonian society
Étude et commentaire des textes cunéiformes néo-babyloniens du Musée du Louvre publiés en copie par J.-M. Durand, Textes Babyloniens d'Époque Récente (Paris, ADPF 1981)
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      Mesopotamian historyNeo-Babylonian society
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      AssyriologyAchaemenid HistoryAchaemenid archaeologyNeo-Babylonian period
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      Neo-Babylonian periodBabylonian Wisdom Literature, Akkadian Literature, History of Religious ConceptsNeo-Babylonian society
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      Legal History: Ancient Near EastHistory of SlaveryEmancipationAncient Near East
The article presents editions of all known texts belonging to the archive of the Sipparean prebendary Marduk-bēlšunu, son of Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, that is, the Balīḫû archive. It is the second part of a series of articles that aims to make... more
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      Archival StudiesNeo-Babylonian periodCUNEIFORM STUDIESNeo Babylonian Empire
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      AssyriologyNeo-Babylonian periodNeo Babylonian EmpireNeo-Babylonian society
chapter 25 from str eet a lta r to pa l ace: r ea ding the bu ilt en v ironm en t of u r ba n ba by lon i a heather d. baker
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAssyriologySpace and PlaceMesopotamian Archaeology
Fumigation is a term for healing through the power of smoke. It is a wide-spread therapy in many traditional healing systems and it was also used in Ancient Mesopotamia.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryNear Eastern Archaeology
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      AssyriologyAchaemenid HistoryNeo-Babylonian periodAchaemenian Empire
Sommaire. Le commerce a toujours 6t6 la roue motrice des empires, tant pour l'empire ach6ndnide que pour les empires ant€rieurs. Ce sujet n'a pas regu l,attention qu'il m6dtait, en partie A cause du manque de documents. Dans cette... more
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia HistoryAncient Near East
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      Neo-Babylonian periodAncient LawNeo-Babylonian LawNeo-Babylonian society
This is the updated link to the completed NWO-funded project "Paying for All the King's Horses and All the King's Men: A Fiscal History of the Achaemenid Empire".... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaPersepolis Fortification and Treasury ArchivesAchaemenid HistoryNeo-Babylonian period
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      Neo-Babylonian periodAncient LawNeo-Babylonian LawNeo-Babylonian society
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      EducationAncient Near EastChildhoodApprenticeship Learning
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      Achaemenid HistoryNeo-Babylonian societyAncient Taxation