This contribution presents the results of a study on the shoreline variability of a natural perched urban beach (Ammoudara, N. Crete, Greece). Shoreline variability was monitored in high spatio-temporal resolution using time series of... more
This contribution presents the results of a study on the shoreline variability of a natural perched urban beach (Ammoudara, N. Crete, Greece). Shoreline variability was monitored in high spatio-temporal resolution using time series of... more
Mean alongshore currents observed on two barred beaches are compared with predictions based on the one-dimensional, time-and depth-averaged alongshore momentum balance between forcing (by breaking waves, wind, and 10-100 km scale... more
The coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system (COAWST) enables simulations that integrate oceanic, atmospheric, wave and morphological processes in the coastal ocean. Within the modeling system, the... more
Although macrobenthic assemblages are considered as major players in many ecosystems around the world, the ecology of Caspian Sea macrobenthos is currently understudied. This study describes the species composition and quantitative... more
En este artículo se realiza un estudio numérico para explicar el comportamiento de la pluma estuarina del río Atrato. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la calibración del modelo ELCOM, la cual fue realizada con datos de campo... more
The inner shelf, the transition zone between the surfzone and the midshelf, is a dynamically complex region with the evolution of circulation and stratification driven by multiple physical processes. Cross-shelf exchange through the inner... more
En el presente estudio, se determinó la Línea de Más Alta Marea para el área comprendida entre las poblaciones de Candelillas de la Mar y Salahondita, ubicada sobre el Litoral Pacífico Colombiano (LPC), Pacífico Sudeste. Se efectuó un... more
Up-current-rotated, shoreface-connected ridges are found in various coastal areas around the world. An often-quoted conjecture is that these ridges form during storm conditions through free instabilities in the erodible bed. Under these... more
In this article we estimate the rate of intra-annual and annual longshore sediment transport, inflenced by waves in the delta formed by the mouth of the Turbo river, located on the eastern margin of the Gulf of Urabá, specifially Punta... more
This Special Issue assembles pioneering research on nearshore ecosystems distributed among all world oceans, from waters spanning the Artic and Antarctic (Figure 1). These works are organized according to the major themes of biodiversity,... more
Se presenta una metodologia para simular numericamente el crecimiento de una barra de sedimentacion en un estuario, generada por la conscruccion de una isla artificial. Se tiene en cuenta el regimen impermanente producido por la marea y... more
A beach sedimentation problem is presented. This problem involves assessing the impact and importance of land-based sediment sources (erosion from gullies during intense rainfall, and directly from cliffs by wave action) on morphodynamic... more
Although macrobenthic assemblages are considered as major players in many ecosystems around the world, the ecology of Caspian Sea macrobenthos is currently understudied. This study describes the species composition and quantitative... more
La variabilidad del nivel medio del mar puede estar asociada a varios factores tales como calentamiento global, sismos, marea astronómica, presión atmosférica, viento y oleaje. La transformación del oleaje en aguas someras genera cambios... more
This paper presents the numerical study to explain the driving forces that affect the oceanographic dynamics in the Gulf of Uraba, Colombia. The steps followed for the calibration of a mathematical model known as ELCOM are showed. Several... more
G rupo d e In g en iería d e C ostas y P u ertos. Instituto d e In g en iería , UNAM E m a il: g a b riel@ lito ra l.U n g en .u n am .m x y ro d
The problem of sandbar migration on the storm timescale is revisited with a 3D waveresolving hydro-sedimentary model. The model accurately simulates the successive offshore and onshore bar migration observed in a large-scale flume... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Emergent vegetation, covering floodplains and wetlands, has an important role in fluvial ecosystems being able to control the fluxes of sediment, nutrients and contaminants. Proper understanding of flow resistance processes is crucial on... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
Up-current-rotated, shoreface-connected ridges are found in various coastal areas around the world. An often-quoted conjecture is that these ridges form during storm conditions through free instabilities in the erodible bed. Under these... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Hydrodynamics applied to the management and conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems: Gorgona Island, Colombian Pacific Ocean. Playa Palmeras (Gorgona National Park) is one of the most important sites for sea turtle nesting in South... more
Introducción: Para Costa Rica, los estudios realizados en el Pacífico Tropical Este o PTE son importantes ya que se relacionan con el Corredor Marino del Pacífico Este Tropical, el cual es un esfuerzo de conservación multinacional. El... more
The study of ion regulation and osmotic pressure in Caspian Sea aggressive Ctenophore species, plentifully species were amassed by bangnet and motorboat on Noor Coast and Gorgan Gulf. After separation water and ctenophore samples were... more
The Inner Bay of Puno is located on Lake Titicaca in southern Peru, 2.6 m in average depth, 16.0 km in surface area. The mouth of the bay, populated by native reed beds, joins the Outer Bay through the north and south channels. The bay is... more
Hydrodynamics applied to the management and conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems: Gorgona Island, Colombian Pacific Ocean. Playa Palmeras (Gorgona National Park) is one of the most important sites for sea turtle nesting in South... more
The Spatial and temporal variability of macrobenthos in the southern Caspian Sea (Chalus shore) were seasonally investigated from winter 2005 till fall 2006. Samples were taken with a Van Veen grab from depths of 7 and 20 meters along two... more
Para determinar el clima de olas en aguas profundas frente a las costas del Peru, se empleo informacion instrumental de satelite y boyas, que sirvieron para calibrar los datos de olas del reanalisis numerico del Centro Nacional de... more
Wind- and current-driven flotsam, oil spills, pollutants, and nutrients, approaching the nearshore will frequently appear to slow down/park just beyond the break zone, where waves break. Moreover, the portion of these tracers that beach... more
We introduce a model for the dynamics of oil in suspension, appropriate for shallow waters, including the nearshore environment. This model is capable of oil mass conservation and does so by evolving the oil on the sea surface as well as... more
We use the vortex force formalism to analyze the effect of rip currents on their own wave forcing. The vortex force formalism allows us to decompose the wave forcing into the nonconservative flux of momentum due to wave breaking and the... more
Up-current-rotated, shoreface-connected ridges are found in various coastal areas around the world. An often-quoted conjecture is that these ridges form during storm conditions through free instabilities in the erodible bed. Under these... more
The complexity of the coastal zone and the diversity of socioeconomic activities and processes that support and maintain requires of detail information about the dynamic factors and the morphodynamic receptors that are acting.
Distribution of temperature and salinity during recent oceanographic campaigns in the Eastern Tropical Pacific of Costa Rica. Introduction: In Costa Rica, studies done in the Eastern Tropical Pacific or ETP are important because of their... more
Palabras claves: Fenómenos macroclimáticos, ciclo anual, Precipitación, caudal, Cuantificación lineal, Transformada en onditas, percentiles. ... Resumen Se estudia la influencia de fenómenos climáticos de gran escala sobre la variabilidad... more
This study concludes activities and researches during May-September, 2003. Zarrinkola and Marzoonabad Ab-bandans (Artificial Wetlands) have been selected for this work. There is one breeder group of Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus)... more
The inner shelf, the transition zone between the surfzone and the midshelf, is a dynamically complex region with the evolution of circulation and stratification driven by multiple physical processes. Cross-shelf exchange through the inner... more
RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo es la presentación del Sistema PORT 21 de previsión de oleaje y Oceanografía Operacional (OO) de aplicación en la Región Sudamericana. Para la comprensión integral del sistema se citan los modelos... more
Resumen Se presenta el proceso de calibración y validación de un modelo hidrodinámico para simular las mareas, corrientes y condiciones de salinidad y temperatura en el área costera de la bahía de Santa Marta. Se desarrolla una... more
ABSTRACT. Distribution of temperature and salinity during recent oceanographic campaigns in the Eastern Tropical Pacific of Costa Rica. Introduction: In Costa Rica, studies done in the Eastern Tropical Pacific or ETP are important because... more
A multi-scale asymptotic theory is derived for the evolution and interaction of currents and surface gravity waves in water of finite depth, under conditions typical of coastal shelf waters outside the surf zone. The theory provides a... more