Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Recent papers in Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Materials for solid photoacoustic breast phantoms, based on poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels, are presented. Phantoms intended for use in photoacoustics must possess both optical and acoustic properties of tissue. To realize the optical... more
Increased pressure during retrograde cerebral perfusion in an acute porcine model on the World Wide Web at:
Comparison of the spatial and temporal information retrieved from near-infrared phase and average intensity (DC) data reveals that these data types can play a complementary role in the study of the temporal and spatial features of the... more
The functional properties of fats are determined by the distribution pattern of fatty acid residues in their acylglycerols, which may be modified by ester interchange (transesterification). In the margarine industry, the time course of... more
Unlike other cancers, the Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) procedure in bladder cancer requires special attention to the injection technique. The aim of this study was to assess feasibility and to optimize tracer injection technique for SLN... more
Bis(2,6-diethylphenyliminomethyl)pyridine coordination compounds with cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), and zinc(II): synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray study and in vitro cytotoxicity
Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography ͑PS-OCT͒ and near-infrared ͑NIR͒ imaging are promising new technologies under development for monitoring early carious lesions. Fluorosis is a growing problem in the United States, and... more
The potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate the oil content, fatty acid composition, and protein content of Jatropha curcas seeds was studied. Seventy-four intact kernels from various sources were scanned by... more
Oxygenation measurements are widely used in patient care. However, most clinically available instruments currently consist of contact probes that only provide global monitoring of the patient (e.g., pulse oximetry probes) or local... more
Visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR, 350-2500 nm) diffuse reflection spectroscopy (DRS) models built from ''as-collected'' samples of solid cattle manure accurately predict concentrations of moisture and crude ash. Because different... more
Indocyanine green (ICG) is a near-infrared (NIR) imaging agent and is also an ideal light absorber for laser-mediated photothermal therapy. This NIR dye could serve as a basis of a dualfunctional probe with integrated optical imaging and... more
Ultrasensitive, near-infrared (NIR), time-resolved fluorescence is evaluated as a detection method for reading DNA hybridization events on solid surfaces for microarray applications. In addition, the potential of mulitiplexed analyses... more
The accelerated transformation of three azithromycin pseudo-polymorphs (viz. the anhydrous, monohydrate (MH), and dihydrate (DH) forms) at a high temperature and moisture level was examined by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The most... more
Background: The capacity to memorize speech sounds is crucial for language acquisition. Newborn human infants can discriminate phonetic contrasts and extract rhythm, prosodic information, and simple regularities from speech. Yet, there is... more
Samples of magnesium stearate monohydrate and dihydrate were used to prepare standard mixtures of known pseudopolymorphic composition. Near infrared spectra (NIR) of the standard mixtures were measured to develop multivariate calibration... more
The spectral reflectance measurements in tissue reveal physiological meaning. Normally, functional changes like, increase in total hemoglobin concentration, decrease in oxygen saturation, etc., are observed when there is an abnormality... more
Moisture content in commercially available milk powder was investigated using near infrared (NIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with an Indian low-cost dispersive NIR spectrophotometer. Different packets of milk powder of the same... more
The hybrid material copper (II) tetrachloro-bis(phenyl ethyl ammonium) (C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 NH 3 ) 2 CuCl 4 , or PEACuCl, has been investigated by temperature-dependent spectroscopic absorption experiments. The absorption bands observed in... more
Sustainable forest production demands a continuous supply of high quality seeds for the production of seedlings in the nursery or for direct sowing. Here, we demonstrated the potential of near infrared spectroscopy as a rapid technique to... more
The feasibility of using near infrared transmission spectroscopy to discriminate between Basmati and other long-grain rice samples was investigated. A discriminant rule was derived using the Fisher linear discriminant function calculated... more
The coherent time-stretch transform enables high-throughput acquisition of complex optical fields in single-shot measurements. Full-field spectra are recovered via temporal interferometry on waveforms dispersed in the temporal near... more
The registration of functional brain data to common stereotaxic brain space facilitates data sharing and integration across different subjects, studies, and even imaging modalities. Thus, we previously described a method for the... more
Visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis were explored to predict fibre diameter in both clean and greasy Merino wool samples. Fifty clean and 400 greasy wool samples were... more
OPS orthogonal polarization spectral imaging technique; SDF sidestream dark field imaging technique; SvO 2 mixed-venous oxygen saturation; NIRS near-infrared spectroscopy; EMPHO Erlangen MicroPHOtometer
Handball is a sport with high anaerobic demands in lower body as has been indicated by Wingate test (WT) performed with the legs, but there are no data available concerning power production during a WT performed with the arms in handball... more
58 patients who underwent on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery were evaluated for changes in regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) measured by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). If rSO2 during the operation fell to more than... more
The relationship between human consciousness and oxygen saturation (rSO 2 ) in cerebral tissue under high +Gz stress was non-invasively monitored by near-infrared multiple wavelength spectroscopy (NIRS). We studied the drop in rSO 2... more
The potential of noninvasive determination of glucose, lactic acid, and nisin in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biofilm fermentation was investigated through fourier transform mid-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Samples obtained from a... more
Moisture content is an important parameter for lyophilized vaccines. Currently, Karl Fischer titration is widely used for moisture determination in routine analysis. However, this method is time-consuming, sample destructive and requires... more
A near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) method for rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in diverse meadow grasses was developed with a view towards utilizing this material for biogas production and organic... more
Femtosecond laser pulses have been widely used as a tool to study molecular ionization and fragmentation. This article bridges the application of femtosecond laser technology in early research focused on small isolated molecules with that... more
We have calculated fundamental and overtone CH-stretching vibrational band frequencies and intensities of neutral and cationic naphthalene and anthracene, the smallest of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The calculations use a simple... more
In hyperspectral analysis, PLS-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) is being increasingly used in conjunction with pure spectra where it is often referred to as PLS-Classification (PLS-Class). PLS-Class has been presented as a novel approach... more
We have employed near-infrared optical methods to measure noninvasively the dynamics of muscle blood flow and oxygen saturation (S t O 2 ) during cuff occlusion and plantar flexion exercise. Relative muscle oxygen consumption (rVO 2 ) was... more
Fast-track cardiac anaesthesia programs aiming at early tracheal extubation have not only been linked to a decrease in intensive care unit and hospital length of stay but also to a decrease in morbidity and mortality as well as a... more
Deception is commonly seen in everyday social interactions. However, most of the knowledge about the underlying neural mechanism of deception comes from studies where participants were instructed when and how to lie. To study spontaneous... more
The aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for rapid assessment of the Bloom value, viscosity, pH and moisture content of commercial edible gelatines. NIR spectra from both dry... more
In vitro model for penetration of sensory nerve fibres on a Matrigel basement membrane: implications for possible application to intractable pruritus. Br J Dermatol 161:1028-37 Tominaga M, Takamori K (2014) Itch and nerve fibers with... more
Freeze drying is a complex, time consuming and thus expensive process, hence creating a need for understanding the material behaviour in the process environment and for process optimization. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy offers the... more