Nawal El Saadawi
Recent papers in Nawal El Saadawi
ABSTRACT:This essay positions Egyptian physician, novelist, and activist Nawal El Saadawi's understudied novel God Dies by the Nile within a broader framework of Egyptian revolutionary movements. It analyzes representations of the... more
A review of 'Memoirs of a Woman Doctor' written by Nawal El Saadawi.
Women and man always stand at the opposite position in a patriarchal system's point of view. The position is not on the same level. Women stand on the other side as well as under man. Therefore, the relation that links them is not a... more
The status of women in today’s Muslim world continues to spur debates regarding their role not just today but during the entire history of Islam. It also raises questions as to whether Muslim women have experienced greater or declining... more
2018 Early draft of chapter to appear in the forthcoming collection, Oil Fictions: World Literature and Our Contemporary Petrosphere, edited by Stacey Balkan and Swaralipi Nandi. Feminist critic Sheena Wilson has recently called for a... more
The status of women in today’s Muslim world continues to spur debates regarding their role not just today but during the entire history of Islam. It also raises questions as to whether Muslim women have experienced greater or declining... more
In commemoration of Nawal El Saadawi after her passing. I compare her to two other revolutionary doctors, Frantz Fanon and Che Guevara
Jean-Luc Chappaz (Conservateur, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Genève) Autobiographies rocambolesques. A propos de quelques manuscrits inédits de Jean-Jacques Rifaud
Öz 1798 yılında Napolyon Bonapart komutasındaki Fransız ordusunun Mısır'ı işgaliyle başlayan modernleşme sürecinde kadın sorunu ivme kazanan konulardan biri olmuştur. Bu dönem, Batı ile temasları hız kazanan Arap toplumunda, her türlü... more
تناولت هذه الدراسة مسألة المرأة المأزومة وجوديا في روايات نوال السعداوي. وقد انطلقت الدراسة من ثلاثة تساؤلات هي: ما هي الوجودية؟ وما صلة الوجودية بقضايا المرأة؟ وما هي النماذج التي قدمتها نوال السعداوي في رواياتها للنساء المأزمومات... more
This journal and its contents may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to... more
AGAINST (MISUSING) TRADITION: NAWAL EL SAADAWI’S NOVEL THE FALL OF THE IMAM In her 1987 novel Suqut al-Imam (The Fall of the Imam) Nawal El Saadawi presents and criticizes the reality in an unnamed theocratic state which has many... more
Published in Journal of Arabic Literature , Jul., 1994, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Jul., 1994), pp. 152-174 Published by: Brill
To approachthe problem of women's oppression internationally, this paper compares theideas of two feminist canonical writers, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-97) and NawalEl Saadawi (1931-). Despite the fact that Wollstonecraft and El Saadawi... more
notes the second year by Eman Suleman, student of saad tuition center. these notes are for all Pakistan boards.
يهتم هذا البحث بدراسة الاغتراب الذي تعيشه المرأة في المجتمع الحديث من خلال النصين "المطبخ" لـ شوكون، و"امرأتان في امرأة" لنوال السعداوي، مستخدمًا المنهج البنيوي في محاولة للمقارنة بين النصين من خلال تتبع الملامح الأدبية داخلهما، والكيفية... more
This essay positions Egyptian physician, novelist, and activist Nawal El Saadawi's understudied novel God Dies by the Nile within a broader framework of Egyptian revolutionary movements. It analyzes representations of the peasantry—which,... more
Nawal el Saadawi reports on the Arab Spring during a visit to New York City in 2011.
يهتم البحث بدراسة الاغتراب الذي تعيشه المرأة في المجتمع الحديث من خلال النصين "المطبخ" لـ شوكون، و"امرأتان في امرأة" لنوال السعداوي، مستخدمًا المنهج البنيوي في محاولة للمقارنة بين النصين من خلال تتبع الملامح الأدبية داخلهما، والكيفية التي... more
Legends are molded by societies and their details are constantly altered, evolving with their narrators and listeners. The Egyptian legend of Isis and Osiris is no different. In the article entitled “Isis and the Mutilation of a... more