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As Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) represent the best wildlife habitats and ecological sites in the UK, there is significant public interest in protecting and managing them for the benefit of present and future generations.... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityNature/wildlife Conservation
After discussing definitions of ecotourism, outlines possible economic and conservational benefits from developing ecotourism or wildlife-based tourism. Identifies possible economic benefits for local communities but also outlines... more
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      EcotourismSri LankaWildlifeNature Conservation
The School of Environment, a Jalgaon based voluntary organization run by Samarpan Sanstha initiates the proposal for giving the status of Bio-diversity Heritage Site to the historical Meharun Lake along with Landorkhori Reserve Forest and... more
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    • Nature/wildlife Conservation
Observations on new and important breeding records of riverine birds on the Padma River near Bakharali, Chapai Nawabganj, Rajshahi division in Bangladesh, including first breeding records of Common Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica... more
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      OrnithologyEcosystems EcologyConservation BiologyConservation
Puma of the Pampas. Poster for educational campaigns.
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      Science EducationWildlife Ecology And ManagementAnimal WelfareHuman-wildlife conflicts
In this chapter, different forms of wildlife-based tourism are classified and their general consequences for nature conservation are discussed. The consequences of nature-based tourism for nature conservation depend to a considerable... more
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      Tourism StudiesNature-based tourismNature ConservationWildlife Tourism
Dispersal can strongly influence the demographic and evolutionary trajectory of populations. For many species, little is known about dispersal, despite its importance to conservation. The Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is... more
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      GeneticsConservation BiologyConservationWildlife Biology
Фурсов В.Н. Нежное очарование природы Японии. Часть-2. – Журнал «Країна знань» (Киев), 2015, № 7, с.21-24. Fursov V.N. About the nature of Japan. Part-2. – Journal «Kraina Znaniy (Country of Knowledge)» (Кiev, Ukraine), 2015, № 7,... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureForest Ecology And Management
, altogether 57 nests of lesser spotted eagle were collected in the Orava region in northwestern Slovakia and four groups of arthropods were extracted from them. Richest in number of species and individuals were mites (23 species, 17,500... more
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      ParasitologySiphonapteraBiodiversityBirds (Ecology)
In 2001-2007, altogether 57 nests of lesser spotted eagle were collected in the Orava region in northwestern Slovakia and four groups of arthropods were extracted from them. Richest in number of species and individuals were mites (23... more
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To make a case for considering the cultural context in conservation policies, this essay explains how indigenous peoples cultures and nature conservation can conflict with one another, but also benefit one another. Firstly, the views on... more
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      Connectedness to NatureNature ConservationNature/wildlife Conservation
The report attempts to document the violation of Wildlife Protection Act and Forest Rights Act as the expansion of the protected areas in the Kumbhalgarh Landscape, Rajasthan continues.
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      Protected areasManagement of Protected AreasForest Rights ActsRajasthan Studies
This paper documents research in progress based theoretically on the ideas of Henri Lefebvre and empirically in two case studies located in the north west of England. It highlights Lefebvre's powerful yet neglected concept of differential... more
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      Archival StudiesUrban PlanningArchival scienceArchives
Abstract In 2012, elephants from two separate herds walked about twelve hours to hold what seemed to be a vigil for their deceased rescuer, South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony. Their story was met with reactions varying from... more
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      African PhilosophyJacques DerridaAfrican Environmental EthicsAfrican Environmental Philosophy
A popular reciew of knowledge of Carabid fauna in big cities
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      EcologyUrban EcologyBiodiversityNature protection
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      Nature CultureSustainable Rural DevelopmentUrban and rural development planningNature Conservation
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      BiodiversityPlant Ecology, Alpine PlantsNature ConservationAlpine Region