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– As many other countries, also Japan is in danger to loose its traditional cultural landscape. One of the main reasons is land abondonment, which again is a result of over-aging and out-migration to cities. During the past 17 years an... more
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      Civic EngagementNature protectionEnvironmental protectionSatoyama
Dieser Bestimmungsschlüssel beschreibt alle Libellenarten in Nord- und Mitteleuropa. Um die Ausbreitung der Arten aufgrund der Klimaerwärmung abzubilden, wurde der Schlüssel auf Nord-Spanien, Nord-Italien und die istrische Halbinsel... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyInsect TaxonomyDragonflies
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      Cultural LandscapesNature protection
The study in particular contains: a description of the natural, created and frontal features of the natural good; characteristics, or values ​​of the site; the existing state of resources with an assessment of their valorization;... more
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      National ParksMontenegroNature protection
Industrial development in the Soviet Union and the excessive use of natural resources led to the anthropo-genic change in the natural environment and deterio-ration of the living conditions of the human popula-tion. Responding to this... more
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      History and Philosophy of EcologyLake BaikalEnvironmental MonitoringEcological History
Ecological tourism in protected areas requires the visitors to act in a more disciplined manner than at other tourist destinations. They have to be aware of the importance of protection and sustainable use of environment and to have the... more
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      Environmental LawEcotourismEcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
Table-ronde dans le cadre d'un colloque sur cette notion, en 2017.
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      Pest ManagementNature protectionSociété nationale de protection de la nature (France)Protection De La Nature
At rewilding initiative the Oostvaardersplassen activists oppose Dutch wildlife management organization Staatsbosbeheer. They ask to stop animal suffering and try to feed the animals, stating that the large grazers are landlocked in a "... more
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      Landscape EcologyAnimal ScienceHuman-Animal RelationsWilderness (Environment)
Au sein d’un dossier spécial qui leur est consacré, cette contribution entend analyser les processus et les acteurs de la définition et de la constitution des premiers « espaces naturels protégés » français, du milieu du XIXe siècle... more
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      FranceNature protectionNature preservationEspaces naturels protégés
Fabienne Galangau-Quérat, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, département des galeries ; laboratoire Communication, Culture et Société ENS/LSH ; [email protected]
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBiodiversityPhilosophy of EcologyBiodiversity Conservation
Depuis plus d’un siècle la notion de « nuisible » fait l’objet d’une contestation de plus en plus vive. Pourtant elle connait une singulière persistance sociale en tant que concept opérationnel qui donne aux hommes une certaine légitimité... more
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      HistoryAnimal StudiesInvasive SpeciesNature protection
Comment to the article "Turchin, Peter et al. (2018). A History of Possible Futures: MultipathForecasting of Social Breakdown, Recovery, and Resilience.... more
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      Human EvolutionSocial SciencesSociobiologyEcology
The ambition of this workshop is to explore the development of the new environmental movement and the modernisation of the nature conservation movement during the two decades between the 1972ʼs study ‚Limits to Growth‘ and the UN... more
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      Social MovementsTransnational and World HistoryMovement EcologyEnvironmental History
Since the 1980s, biological diversity has been perceived by the scientific community as one of the fundamental properties of nature.To fully understand the role and reach of current studies of biodiversity and the social and economic... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEcologyBiodiversityPhilosophy of Ecology
Sustainable development is rooted in the history of movements for the preservation of nature and for the conservation of natural resources, and of their relationships with natural sciences, ecology having a central role. As a societal... more
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      ConservationSustainable DevelopmentEcologyDemocracy
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      Nature protectionEnvironmetal Law
The karst area at the South Harz Mountains (Central Germany) are a landscape with a unique character based on its geology. It features small-scale diversity of semi-natural structures and is important for the conservation of certain... more
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      Cave and Karst StudiesNature protectionHarz Mountains
Sustainable development: Preservation and conservation of nature The basic concepts in modern thinking about the environment were laid down in the mid-19th century. The sustainable-development paradigm is essentially a synthesis... more
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      John MuirSustainable DevelopmentBiodiversityBiodiversity Conservation
In Zumberacka gora massif fluviokarst and karst developed in broken Upper Triassic and Upper Cretaceous carbonate beds predominate. In the eastern part of the massif, known as Samoborsko gorje, karst is partially developed in Myocene... more
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      HydrogeologyKarst EnvironmentsKarst hydrogeologyHydrogeological Risks
À partir du XIXe s., une partie de la faune sauvage passe du statut de « nuisible » à celui de « protégée ». Concentrer le regard sur les naturalistes français ainsi que sur les cas des oiseaux et du castor permet de révéler et de... more
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      BeaversBirdsHistory of AnimalsNature protection
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      Protected areasNature protectionRare Plant Species
English yew is one of the most endangered species in Europe. Due to the specificity of this species, its natural re-generation is quite difficult. The aim of the study was to present the current situation of distribution, protection and... more
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      BotanyForestryEcologyForest Ecology
Nature conservation in Croatia has a tradition since the late 19th or early 20th century. The article compares this tradition with Slovakia. It is interesting that in Croatia and Slovakia's first national parks established the same year:... more
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      Balkan HistoryEnvironmental HistoryCroatian HistoryHistory of National Parks
Chance comes into play at many levels in the explanation of the evolutionary process. This paper examines the various senses this concept takes at different levels, including mutation, genetic drift, genetic revolutions, ecosystems and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyConservation Biology
URBAN, J., REBROŠOVÁ, K., DOBROVOLNÝ, L., SCHNEIDER, J. 2010. Allometry of four European beech stands growing at the contrasting localities in small-scale area. Folia oecol., 37: 103–112. The aim of this study was to describe and compare... more
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      Forest EcologyNature protectionForestry SciencesDendrometry
The purposes of present study were: (i) to analyze changes in both the number of localities and distribution of Gentiana cruciata in Lower Silesia between the 19th and 21st century; (ii) evaluation of the category of threat in the region.... more
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      BiodiversityEndangered SpeciesPolandNature protection
For the first time, the existence of the boundaries of the general geological reserve of national importance "The Dnipro rapids"(Dniprovski porogy) are established by the court.
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      Laws of NatureNature ConservationNature protection
Sustainable development is rooted in the history of two divergent movements – for the preservation of nature, and for the conservation of natural resources – and of their relationship with the natural sciences. Ecology has played a... more
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      Environmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Law
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      Landscape EcologyForestryEcologyBiodiversity
The anthropic activities together with the demographic growth and the overexploitation of the natural resources represent the most important way of the biodiversity degradation, leading to the extinction of a large numbers of species. The... more
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      Conservation BiologyNatural Resource Ecology - Mountain AreasNature protection
This article aims to identify a "Thaw" in Soviet environmental history. Focusing on the attempts from some actors, above all writers and scholars of the Academy of Sciences to promote an ambitious law at the all-Union level in the second... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryKhrushchev's reforms
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      Saxony (Germany)Nature protectionPeatlandsMires
In the face of a rapidly changing global environment, detailed research into the actual role of protected areas (PAs) in preventing the destruction of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity became particularly important. Using 304... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementProtected areasNature protection
Hunting and mortality of hunting ungulates (red deer, roe deer and wild boar) in Poloniny National Park’ ve had increasing tendency from long-term point of view. On the base of evaluated data (from the hunting database) we assume, that... more
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      MortalityUngulatesNature protectionHunting Management
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      ForestryCommunity EcologyBiogeographyBiodiversity
Rijeka Slunjčica nalazi se u središnjem dijelu Karlovačke županije, izvire 5 km južno od grada Slunja na 240 m n.m. i nakon 6 km toka prema sjeveru ulijeva se u 30 m nižu Kora- nu preko razgranatog slapišta u Rastokama. Zbog svoje... more
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      Karst EnvironmentsKarst hydrogeologyHydrogeology, HydrochemistryNature protection
In the past, an indigenous chamois population inhabited Velebit Mountain, but the nature of its taxonomic status is unknown. This indigenous population was exterminated at the beginning of the 20 th century, probably because of such... more
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      Nature protectionLarge herbivores
URBAN, J., REBROŠOVÁ, K., DOBROVOLNÝ, L., SCHNEIDER, J. 2010. Allometry of four European beech stands growing at the contrasting localities in small-scale area. Folia oecol., 37: 103-112.
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      Forest EcologyNature protectionDendrometryBeech Forest Stands
Recreational use and protection of nature and landscape are usually perceived as two conflicting approaches taking place in urban, peri-urban and rural landscapes. Natural and semi-natural areas, especially those adjoining or well... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureRecreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor Recreation
This toolkit is dedicated to national and international CSOs and activists that dare to stand for preservation of the last free-flowing rivers on the Balkans. It will guide you step-by-step through our fight against hydropower... more
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      Environmental LawEnvironmental Impact AssessmentStrategic Environmental AssessmentInternational Environmental Law
Donnerstag, 21.04.2016 Jan-Henrik Meyer (Trondheim/Copenhagen): Challenging the Ultimate Resource. Reviewing Social Movement Approaches to the Nuclear Energy Conflict in a Historical Perspective Donnerstag, 12.05.2016 Axel Zutz (Cottbus):... more
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      Social MovementsEnvironmental LawGerman HistoryAnimal Studies
As a potential candidate country for EU accession, B&H has faced some commitments that have to fulfill ll in order to become one of the Member States. One of the commitments is to meet EU standards in Nature conservation. This includes... more
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      Nature protectionVegetation
This paper focuses on the long-standing knowledge divide regarding urban dwellers' perceptions of, and attitudes towards, environmental management and protection in national parks in general and South Eastern Europe more specifically. The... more
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      Protected areasTourismMacedoniaEcotourism, Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas, Community Tourism
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      Landscape EcologyBiodiversityNature ConservationNature protection
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      ForestryCommunity EcologyBiodiversityBioindication
Bilan final (SANS LES ANNEXES) du programme MSHS-Toulouse (2014) CÉPYMAC. Le « ciel étoilé » des Pyrénées et du Massif Central : une nouvelle ressource environnementale pour les territoires de montagne. CÉPYMAC est un projet de... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLight Pollution/Observing SitesTourism Geography
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      Nature protectionOmbrotrophic BogsPeatland restorationMire ecology
The aim of the work is to show how, thanks to the GIS software, it is possible to increase the size of natural renovated surfaces. By concentrating a large amount of data and applying appropriate criteria, you can plan your business... more
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      ForestryNature protection
Un des principaux points de départ de ce cheminement vers la protection des oiseaux est le rapport entre les oiseaux et l’agriculture, du point de vue de l’utilité mais aussi de la destruction des premiers pour et par la seconde. Analyser... more
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      Pest ManagementAgricultureNature protectionUtilitarisme
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      BotanyBiographyNature protectionHistory of Botany