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NUS Museum Exhibition catalogue June 2014-Feb 2015
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      Ecological ArtArt And EcologyMaterialitiesWoodcuts
Breathing and politics are not usually considered relevant to one another. Is it therefore possible to engage with breathing as a force of social justice? What kinds of atmospheres can corpomaterial dynamics of breathing help envision for... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesFeminist TheoryCritical Disability Studies
What new forms of ethical engagement are emerging in naturecultural worlds? In this paper I take explore the example of the practical ethics of the permaculture movement. I put these in dialogue first with discussions regarding ethics in... more
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      Environmental EthicsPermacultureThe Ethics of CareNatureCultures
Authors: Halina Łapińska, Joanna Łapińska The article analyzes the idea of a sensory garden as a place of symbiotic affective coexistence of human and non-human subjects in urban space, based on the concept presented in the study of... more
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      PosthumanismCritical PosthumanismAffect/EmotionAffect Studies
Working with nature -and not against it -is a global trend in coastal management. This ethnography of coastal protection follows the increasingly popular approach of "soft" protection to the Aotearoa New Zealand coast. Friederike Gesing... more
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      Coastal ManagementSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologySTS (Anthropology)
This article situates the geological turn in media theory within the critical posthumanities, defining them in both quantitative and qualitative terms. They can be assessed quantitatively by reviewing the proliferation of... more
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After the cultural turn, it has become necessary to reconsider society's relations to nature. This article provides a theoretically sound basis for feminist interventions in global environmental policies drawing on feminist economics and... more
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      Feminist EconomicsQueer EcologyNatureCultures
Recension pour la revue Critique (numéro spécial "Vivre dans un monde abîmé") de l'ouvrage dirigé par Deborah Bird Rose, Thom van Dooren et Matthew Chrulew : "Extinction Studies, Stories of Time, Death, and Generations.
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      Critical TheoryAnthropologyAnimal StudiesEschatology and Apocalypticism
This Element provides an accessible introduction to ecosemiotics and demonstrates its pertinence for the study of today’s unstable culture–nature relations. Ecosemiotics can be defined as the study of sign processes responsible for... more
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      SemioticsConceptual ModellingBiosemioticsEcocriticism
From the introduction: "The complex dynamics of students foreshadowing new disciplines and approaches, and of the teacher being a humble guide in this process, provides our entry point to the topic of this booklet: Michel Serres and... more
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      EducationInterdisciplinarityMichel SerresInvention
The term ‘Anthropocene’ brings together a range of interrelated ecological catastrophes and relates human history to the time scales of the earth. While dominant modes of thinking maintain technocratic notions of nature and time, art has... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesCritical Thinking and CreativitySocial Ecology
Growing ecological problems have raised the need for conceptual tools dedicated to studying semiotic processes in cultural-ecological systems. Departing from both ecosemiotics and cultural semiotics, the concept of an ecosemiosphere is... more
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      SemioticsEcosystems EcologyBiocultural DiversitySocial-Ecological Systems
The second of ten volumes in the Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks series on gender, Gender: Nature retraces feminist and queer engagements with biology and science in scholarship, activism, art, and everyday life. The volume’s... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesNatureCultures
Is it true that the 'force' of a human body, when conceived as the potential of a body to attack and defend, shows itself as a 'male' dominion? If the common sense tends to anwer adfirmatively to this question, this article goes in... more
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      PhilosophyGenderMartial Arts (Anthropology)Women and Gender Studies
In 2013, President Xi Jinping formulated China’s vision of Eurasian connectivity: The Silk Road Economic Belt. The strategy envisages the construction of infrastructure networks that will enmesh the Eurasian continent and form an... more
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      Environmental EngineeringTransportation EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental Anthropology
Der Band geht dem Sorgen für sich und andere nach und wirft damit einen Blick auf Care-Arbeit in ihren unterschiedlichen Bedeutungen. Als Care wird dabei neben Pflege und der Reproduktion von Arbeitskraft die Herstellung und Erhaltung von... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryEthnographyTransnational migration
Anita Desai's The Artist of Disappearance opens with the first line of "Ever-ness" by Jorge Luis Borges to suggest that nothing can be forgotten except for what is not strong enough to become memory. If oblivion is the main theme of this... more
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      Environmental StudiesEcocriticismEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Humanities
, 2013, Biosocial Becomings: Integrating biological and social anthropology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 281. Old beings new becomings: Neo-Darwinism and Descartes dualisms are dead-again! Biosocial Becomings advances the... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPolitical EconomySocial and Cultural Anthropology
This article explores how 'Zero Budget Natural Farming', an Indian natural farming movement centered on its founder and guru Subhash Palekar, enacts alternative agrarian worlds through the dual practices of critique and recuperation.... more
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      Political EcologyCritiqueIndiaOntological Politics
This paper aims to provide an overview of ecosemiotics (or semiotic ecology) particularly as developed at the University of Tartu (Estonia) and adjacent academic communities. The first ecosemiotic publications were issued in Tartu in 1998... more
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      SemioticsBiosemioticsDeep EcologyEcocriticism
This is a story of community protest, natural landscape, and the conservation of a small area of National Trust land in North West England. Taking an ethnographic approach into the history of this conflict over the management of nature,... more
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      EthnographySpace and PlaceActor Network TheorySense of belonging
The critique of the separation of natural and cultural heritage is now well established. Rather than repeat arguments against what many would now acknowledge as an artificial separation, this paper considers the implications of working... more
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      Future StudiesAnthropologyOntologyCultural Heritage
This article uses a concept of “Hybrid Geographies” in Human Geography to discuss empirical fndings from a study of freshwater fshery goods network in Yom river basin, Baan Kong, Kong Krailat district, Sukhothai province. It suggests that... more
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      Space and PlaceHybridityNatureCulturesFishery Product
The publication of Noah & Eckstein's Toward a Science of Comparative Education (1969, Macmillan, NY) marked the beginning of an increasingly narrow research trajectory in comparative education, claiming a universality for Western... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodComparative & International EducationPaganismSpirituality & Mysticism
Since the early 1990s, the Dutch artist herman de vries has installed several works in public space with the title sanctuarium (or sanctuary)-empty plots of land, surrounded by a fence, where nature is left to grow uninterrupted. For the... more
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      Public ArtEnvironmental ArtSite SpecificityNatureCultures
This article explores the cleanup and conversion of former plutonium production facility Rocky Flats, located near Denver, Colorado, into a wildlife refuge. The article addresses the ethical demands of the ‘post-nuclear’ nature refuge and... more
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      WasteEnvironmental EthicsMilitary and PoliticsQueer Ecology
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      Feminist TheoryPostcolonial StudiesNatureCulturesMaterial Turn
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      Early Childhood StudiesNatureCulturesCommon World Childhoods
agents in their own right to form a relational ontology of multi-species assemblages (ROMA). Keywords Science and technology studies • Ontological turn • Anthropology beyond the human • Critical posthumanism • Naturecultures • Social... more
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      SociologyOntologyEpistemologyPhilosophy of Agency
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      Artificial IntelligencePosthumanismCritical PosthumanismHuman-Animal Relationships
This article draws heavily on Francesca Ferrando’s Philosophical Posthumanism (2019) to analyse the ways in which the contrast between ‘techno-driven’ and ‘nature-driven’ civilisations in Nalo Hopkinson’s Midnight Robber (2000), while... more
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      Canadian LiteratureScience FictionCritical PosthumanismScience Fiction and Fantasy
Nahe dem North River machten zwei Eichhörnchen um mich und über mir viel Wesen von sich; sie rannten hurtig von Baum zu Baum, sprangen von der Spitze eines Asts auf die eines anderen Asts am nächsten Baum, bis sie eine große Weißtanne... more
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      Biodiversity InformaticsBiodiversityHenry David ThoreauNatureCultures
This paper responds to Donna Haraway's (2003) The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness, arguing that, Candida albicans, as opportunistic pathogens of humans, are—like dogs— “not here just to think with.... more
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      Contemporary ArtCritical Animal StudiesBioartCritical Posthumanism
This article engages with the philosophical reflections of the French historian of science Hélène Metzger (1886–1944) in order to develop a vocabulary for understanding the rise of non-reductive Continental naturalism in the contemporary... more
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      HumanitiesFeminist TheoryHistory of ScienceContemporary French Philosophy
The Nordia Geographical Publications Theme issue for 2021 seeks to shift focus from the broad universal thinking of the Anthropocene-Capitalocene to multi-scalar and mid-level concepts that enable a better understanding of... more
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      Political EcologyConservation Social ScienceCritical GeographyAnthropocene
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      Feminist TheoryHuman-Animal StudiesMaterial FeminismsNatureCultures
This paper discusses current joint work by IUCN and ICOMOS to address issues that can arise when natural and cultural values and issues are considered separately within World Heritage processes. The Connecting Practice programme has... more
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      Biocultural DiversityNatureCulturesUNESCO world heritage
This Lab Meeting took place as a roundtable titled Cyborg Manifestations. Hosted at MIT in February 2020, it was part of the Boston-area Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women, and Sexuality's (GCWS) series Feminisms... more
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      InterdisciplinarityFeminismEnvironmental SustainabilityIndia
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      ArchaeologyFolkloreLandscape ArchaeologyCultural Memory
Rooted networks provide a conceptual framework that embeds network thinking in nature-society geography in order to investigate socio-ecological relations, while emphasizing the place-specific materiality of these relations. This progress... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsPolitical EcologyDecolonization
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      Landscape EcologyAnthropology of the SensesDocumentary FilmSensory Ethnography
The contradictions inherent in European Enlightenment-based “logics” that externalize humans from “nature” were a concern for the Romantic Naturalists, Dadaists, and Surrealists. More recently, some in the environmental humanities and... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient ReligionNatureCultures
If the environmental humanities are a transdisciplinary endeavor, how can writing be a method for dialogue across and between disciplines? In this workshop, we explore writing not simply as a way of “recording” or “representing” our... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesPosthumanismPhenomenology
Cubilose (swiftlet-saliva) has been seen as a kind of traditional Chinese delicacy for hundreds of years. Despite human practices of "farming" the birds and then using birdsongs to lure them into building new nests, swiftlets remain... more
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      SoundscapeMalaysian ChineseSwiftletNatureCultures
This chapter discusses the diversity of concepts and values of ‘nature’. It provides a background to the Western Enlightenment construct of ‘nature’ and examines the ways in which this world- view has historically shaped the designation,... more
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      SpiritualityCultural LandscapesIntangible cultural heritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
In this paper I present a design project developed in Córdoba, Argentina, entitled ‘Spices-Species’. Through this case study, I discuss the possibility of designing using two decolonial strategies —"objectivity (or truth) in parenthesis"... more
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      DesignBiosemioticsEcologyUrban Ecology
This Lab Meeting took place as a roundtable titled Cyborg Manifestations. Hosted at MIT in February 2020, it was part of the Boston-area Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women, and Sexuality’s (GCWS) series Feminisms... more
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      SociologyInterdisciplinarityFeminismEnvironmental Sustainability