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While the conventions for evaluating information systems case studies conducted according to the natural science model of social science are now widely accepted, this is not the case for interpretive field studies. A set of principles for... more
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      Information SystemsEthnographyHermeneuticsNatural Science
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      Information TechnologyDesign ScienceDesign ResearchDecision Support Systems
Much of the spread of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) as an emerging family of approaches and methods has been lateral, South-South, through experiential learning and changes in behavior, with different local applications. Rapid... more
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      EconomicsOrganizational CultureNatural ScienceExperiential Learning
The field of operations management has been criticized for the inadequacy of its theory. We suggest that this criticism may be too harsh, and further, that many building blocks of theory are prevalent in the body of existing research.... more
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementOperations StrategyNatural Science
We calculate correlation functions in minimal topological field theories. These twisted version of N = 2 minimal models have recently been proposed to describe d < 1 matrix models, once coupled to topological gravity. In our calculation... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsNatural ScienceTopological field theory
Wetlands all over the world have been lost or are threatened in spite of various international agreements and national policies. This is caused by: (1) the public nature of many wetlands products and services; (2) user externalities... more
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      Ecological EconomicsStakeholder AnalysisNatural ScienceApplied Economics
Objectives: The aim of this position paper is to consider the decision-making process as an integral part of goal-directed behaviour influenced by functional constraints at the scale of the environment-athlete relationship. To achieve... more
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      EducationDynamical SystemsDecision MakingCognition
The hypothesis of a Hierarchy of the Sciences with physical sciences at the top, social sciences at the bottom, and biological sciences in-between is nearly 200 years old. This order is intuitive and reflected in many features of academic... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistrySocial Sciences
Fatty acid desaturases are enzymes that introduce double bonds into fatty acyl chains. They are present in all groups of organisms, i.e., bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, and play a key role in the maintenance of the proper structure... more
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      Gene regulationCyanobacteriaFungiNatural Science
SHAPES 1 JOHAN GIELIS 2 Nottebohmstraat 8, B-2018 Antwerp, Belgium
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      BotanyEvolutionary BiologyGeometry And TopologyPlant Biology
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      HistorySociologyEnglish for Specific PurposesSocial Sciences
Russian measurements of the quality factor (Q) of sapphire, made 20 years ago, have only just been repeated in the West. Shortfalls in tacit knowledge have been partly responsible for this delay. The idea of `tacit knowledge&#39;, first... more
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      Natural ScienceExperimentCrystal
Peer review is the engine of scholarship where new knowledge is legitimized. Despite technological advances in publishing and communication, the process of review has not changed since it became prevalent over 100 years ago. This paper... more
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      Information TechnologyDesign ScienceDecision Support SystemsNatural Science
This book, explores a subject of growing significance. Acknowledging that the use of monetary value as a measuring rod is of limited applicability in assessing environmental and resource questions, "Ecological Economics" focuses instead... more
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      HistorySociologyEnvironmental SciencePhysics
We studied the phylogeny of avian haemosporidian parasites, Haemoproteus and Plasmodium , in a number of African resident and European migratory songbird species sampled during spring and autumn in northern Nigeria. The phylogeny of the... more
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      AfricaNatural SciencePlasmodiumMolecular Ecology
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    • Natural Science
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While leadership scholars increasingly acknowledge the influence of followers in the leadership process, less attention has been paid to their role in the destructive leadership process. Specifically, the current debate lacks a... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBusiness EthicsChristianityNew Religious Movements
We embed a simple linear model of the carbon cycle in a standard neoclassical growth model where one input to the production function, oil, is non&#x27;renewable. The use of oil generates carbon emission, the key input in the carbon... more
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      MarketingEconometricsClimate ChangeEconomic Theory
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionCognition
The advancement of wireless and mobile technologies has enabled students to learn in an environment that combines learning resources from both the real world and the digital world. Although such an approach has been recognized as being... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile TechnologyLocation-AwarenessLearning resource
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      System ManagementNatural ScienceSensitivity AnalysisMulti Level Governance
The relationship between the psychobiological model of personality types (psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism) devised by and
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
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      GeneticsCultural StudiesCognitive ScienceSet Theory
During the second half of the 20th century the global food production more than doubled and thus responded to the doubling of world population. But the gains in food production came at a cost, leaving a significant environmental footprint... more
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      Climate ChangeFood PolicyCarbon SequestrationNatural Science
Using N-1 superfields, we investigate the duality between chiral multiplets and tensor. multiplets. We find that the relation can be expressed in terms of a Legendre transform. We use this relation to construct new N-2 non-linear o-models... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsNatural ScienceNational Science Foundation
Rockfall is an extremely rapid process involving long travel distances. Due to these features, when an event occurs, the ability to take evasive action is practically zero and, thus, the risk of injury or loss of life is high. Damage to... more
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      Environmental EngineeringGeologyNatural ScienceKnowledge base
The mechanisms underlying the production of thoughts by exceedingly complex cellular networks that construct the human brain constitute the most challenging problem of natural sciences. Our understanding of the brain function is very much... more
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      HistoryCognitive ScienceCognitionEvolution
Recent developments in computing and mobile technologies have enabled the mobile and ubiquitous learning approach, which situates students in an environment that combines real-world and digitalworld learning resources. Although such an... more
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      Science EducationMobile LearningMobile TechnologyLearning resource
Different disciplines have landscape as the focal point of their research. They are successful in presenting new ®ndings about landscapes within their specialisation, but collaborationÐand thus, transfer of knowledge across disciplinary... more
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      EngineeringLandscape EcologyHumanitiesSocial Problems
Herbivory is a fundamental process that controls primary producer abundance and regulates energy and nutrient flows to higher trophic levels. Despite the recent proliferation of small-scale studies on herbivore effects on aquatic plants,... more
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      BotanyZoologyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems Ecology
A sample of factors presumed relevant to the time required to complete doctoral degrees (TTC) was explored in a survey of 154 recent graduates of Natural Science, Social Science, and Humanities doctoral programs at York University. In... more
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      HumanitiesSocial SciencesHigher EducationNatural Science
Mobile and wireless communication technologies not only enable anytime and anywhere learning, but also provide the opportunity to develop learning environments that combine real-world and digitalworld resources. Nevertheless, researchers... more
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      TelecommunicationsInteractionNatural Science1:1 Computers in Education
150 References 151 Nomenclature b Stoichiometric coefficient f Porosity (m 3 m À3 ) r Specific mineral density (m 3 g À1 ) v Solid-state weathering velocity (m s À1 ) V Thermodynamic saturation state DG Excess free energy of reaction (kJ... more
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      ThermodynamicsEconomic GeologyNatural ScienceChemical Weathering
The need for integrated methodological framework for sustainability assessment has been widely discussed and is urgent due to increasingly complex environmental system problems. These problems have impacts on ecosystems and human... more
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      Integrated assessmentSystem DynamicsStakeholder AnalysisDecision Analysis
Data from a study of mother–infant pairs of low socioeconomic status living in Albany County, NY, were analyzed to determine the influence of diet and nutrition on the blood lead level of infants during the first year of life. Children's... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsNutritionAnthropometryDiet
Qualitative methods have much to offer those studying health care and health services. However, because these methods have traditionally been employed in the social sciences, they may be unfamiliar to health care professionals and... more
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      Health CareTheoryConstructionismQualitative Research
The lifestyle of people living in urban areas has profound direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity. However, the role of urban lifestyle as a driving force of biodiversity change is not very well understood. This is partly because... more
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      Urban PlanningNatural ScienceEnvironmental SciencesHealth Problems
The Report contains an introduction to the physics of the lepton-nucleon scattering in the first three resonance regions, which correspond to the range of invariant masses W from 1.1 to ∼ 2 GeV. It is emphasized, that large uncertainty in... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsNatural ScienceFirst Year
Apart from an early case report from China (13th century) and later artistic contributions, the ®rst observations on insects and other arthropods as forensic indicators were documented in Germany and France during mass exhumations in the... more
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      EntomologyMedieval HistoryForensic ScienceHistory of Medicine
We present a model for the development of sustainable urban forests. The model applies general principles of sustainabilit y to urban trees and forests. The central tenet of the model is that sustainable urban forests require a healthy... more
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      MasersNatural ScienceCriteria and IndicatorsUrban Trees
The potential of mathematical models is widely acknowledged for examining components and interactions of natural systems, estimating the changes and uncertainties on outcomes, and fostering communication between scientists with different... more
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      Decision MakingNatural ScienceEnvironmental SciencesModel validation
... and natural sciences in investigating landscapes and is illustrated with a people-landscape interaction model and two examples that show how landscape research can ... a practical example of the application of an integrative approach... more
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      EngineeringNatural ScienceUrban LandscapeEnvironmental Sciences
Wilson’s book is an attempt to demonstrate the unifying potential of natural science, particularly of modern biology, as a general paradigm for all of science, on the grounds that all living activities are ruled by information in the... more
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      BioeconomicsNatural ScienceSocial Science
After a general introduction on the kind of models and the use of models in the natural sciences, the main body of this paper reviews potential properties of structure based surface EMG (sEMG) models. The specific peculiarities of the... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyNatural ScienceElectromyographyTheoretical Models
Background: Intricate maps of science have been created from citation data to visualize the structure of scientific activity. However, most scientific publications are now accessed online. Scholarly web portals record detailed log data at... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringAlgorithmsPhysics
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      Natural ScienceBioscienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
shows how lagged variables of a single time series can be used as proxy variables to reconstruct an attractor for an underlying dynamic process. State space reconstruction (SSR) from single time series has been a powerful approach for the... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryTime Series
In 1881, Darwin (1809-1882) published his last scientific book entitled "The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms with observations on their habits", the result of several decades of detailed observations and... more
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      Natural ScienceSoil ecologyEnvironmental SciencesPlant growth