Natural Science
Recent papers in Natural Science
Lotfi A. Zadeh, in his article entitled “The Birth and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic” discusses R.E. Kalman’s and W. Kahan’s strong criticisms of fuzzy logic and presents his answers to these criticisms. The main subject of this debate... more
Snowflakes and silicate mushes are two examples of the terrestrial regimes that may be characterized as partially solidified systems. Change of phase in clouds and magma chambers as well as in the earth's mantle and core introduces a... more
In the Andes of Central Chile, flowering commences 1–2 months earlier on equatorial-(north-) facing than on polar-(south-) facing slopes, and pollinator assemblages also differ between these habitats. In order to understand the potential... more
Chlorine-containing xanthones were found in fungi, higher plants, and lichens. The structures of more than 70 compounds are considered, and data about their biological activity are given.
ABSTR.~kCT. The problem of multiprogram scheduling on a single processor is studied from the viewpoint of the characteristics peculiar to the program functions that need guaranteed service. It is shown that an optimum fixed priority... more
In his 1895 "Project for a Scientific Psychology" Freud attempted to construct a model of the human mind in terms of its underlying neurobiological mechanisms. In this endeavor "to furnish a psychology which shall be a natural science,"... more
The application of formal research ethics and governance structures in social work research have lagged behind those applicable in health, although in the UK, social care has been deemed to be covered by those that were used in the NHS.... more
Although there is strong consensus among scientists that global climate change is real and dangerous, and there is increasing belief of this among the general public, there still remains a significant gap between scientific opinion and... more
The Robinson curriculum contains a novel approach to improve the engineering education, to enhance technological literacy of students from non-engineering fields and to increase in the number of students, especially young women, in the... more
This study examines the impact of university spillovers on the locational choice of firm formation. Based on a unique and hand-collected data set of high-technology start-ups publicly listed in Germany, this paper tests the propositions... more
Objectives. The purposeof this studywas to comparethe diagnosesof healedmyocardial infarctionmadefromthe12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)by artificialneuralnetworksand an experienced electrocardiographer.
This paper introduces the AHP method integrated with GIS technology to provide information for flood hazard analysis in the Ngan Sau and Ngan Pho river basins. The factors ìnluencing the occurrence of floods in a study area include slope,... more
Trí nhớ ngắn hạn thị giác và thính giác tăng dần theo tuổi. Trẻ 6 đến 10 tuổi có khả năng ghi nhớ bằng mắt tốt hơn bằng tai nên cần tăng cường phương pháp trực quan trong dạy học ở bậc tiểu học. Ở các khu vực sinh thái khác nhau, sự phát... more
This article discusses partition function of monatomic ideal gas which is given in
In this work we present final solving Millennium Prize Problems formulated Clay Math. Inst., Cambridge. A new uniform time estimation of the Cauchy problem solution for the Navier-Stokes equations is provided.Describes the loss of... more
Radioactive nuclides as 131 I and 133 Xe are increasingly used for both clinical diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of the patient. For example, 131 I is used for the treatment of thyroid gland cancer. Otherwise, 133 Xe is used in... more
Cirrhosis is the end result of hepatocellular injury that leads to both fibrosis and nodular regeneration throughout the liver, the clinical features result from hepatic cell dysfunction, porto systemic shunting, and portal hypertension... more
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to propose a knowledge-based mobile learning framework that integrates various types of museum-wide content, and supports ubiquitous, context-aware, personalized learning for museums.... more
The present investigation proposes that the nominalization index (the ratio of nouns to verbs in a given text) successfully predicts the academic-scientific character of a text. The results of a computer-assisted analysis of a 12.7... more
Objectives: The aim of this position paper is to consider the decision-making process as an integral part of goal-directed behaviour influenced by functional constraints at the scale of the environment-athlete relationship. To achieve... more
Laccases belong to the multi-copper oxidases family and catalyze the oxidation of a wide range of aromatic compounds in the presence of oxygen. Laccases have been widely used in various industries, especially in textiles and dyes... more
Informe de Anatomía Comparada sobre los sistemas urinario y reproductor de los vertebrados
Over the past decade the use of large size glazing has increased with timber structures. Most of the research works done so far have focused on the building physics aspects of the glazing. This paper, however, deals with the seismic... more
Different disciplines have landscape as the focal point of their research. They are successful in presenting new ®ndings about landscapes within their specialisation, but collaborationÐand thus, transfer of knowledge across disciplinary... more
The pollutant gases nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) and sulfur dioxide (SO 2) are two of the commonly monitored parameters for air quality assessment in the Philippines. In this study, several active and passive sampling methods for the analysis... more
Vincitore concorso letterario "Storie di Sicilia", sezione inchiesta, bandito da SiciliAntica con il patrocinio di AssoStampa Sicilia
Wilson’s book is an attempt to demonstrate the unifying potential of natural science, particularly of modern biology, as a general paradigm for all of science, on the grounds that all living activities are ruled by information in the... more
The conflict in families disputing child custody cases across international borders continues to grow worldwide resulting in an epidemic of parental abduction. Governments and international bodies continue to work toward creating... more
Though it focuses partly on dreams and the occult, the ulterior subject of Emerson’s “Demonology”—published in the North American Review in 1877, almost forty years after it was first delivered in lecture form—is not just contradiction,... more
Cette communication vise à comprendre l’apparition et la persistance d’une controverse environnementale au moment du débat public du parc éolien en mer de Saint Brieuc de 2013. L’étude a spécifiquement porté sur le rôle particulier «... more
Allium humile belongs to family Alliaceae, is rich in sulfur containing compounds with distinct biological activities. The present study was designed to evaluate the phytochemicals profile, urease inhibitory and antibacterial effects of... more
In 1877, the newly founded British journal Mind published two papers on child development. The earlier, by Hippolyte Taine, prompted the second article: an account of his own son's development by the naturalist Charles Darwin. In its... more
Halogenated polyethers, pyrones, coumarins and flavones compose four comparatively small but interesting groups of natural compounds. Some of these compounds are antibiotics, toxins or biologically active substances.
ÁRBOL (origen etimológico) es una comunicación por la cual Enrique Cabrejas pone en conocimiento que las palabras españolas no son tal y como las conocemos en la actualidad, se refiere a que fueron pensadas de otro y de distinto modo al... more
This present aims at identifying and describing the misconception faced by primary school teachers in natural science subject. This is a descriptive qualitative study which is conducted to 50 primary school teachers. The data are gathered... more
Médico e Professor Variação das espécies no estado doméstico. Variação no estado natural.
Testo della conferenza tenuta il 23/10/2017 presso la Biblioteca Comunale "Sala Borsa" di Bologna, in occasione della Festa internazionale della Storia, promossa dall'Università di Bologna.
The term community-based wildlife conservation (CWC) refers to wildlife conservation efforts that involve indigenous people as an integral part of wildlife conservation policy. The key elements of such program are that the local... more
This study aims to examine the effect of zeolites in optimizing the process of food waste composting. A novel method of sequential hydrothermal was introduced to modify the natural zeolite and apply to in-vessel compost bioreactors. Raw... more
Contemporary landscape ecology is not unified at all. There are historical, geographical and biological reasons for the lack of unification, as well as differences between science and application. The search for a unified theory of... more