Natufian culture
Recent papers in Natufian culture
Linguistic, genetic, archaeological, and art evidences may be summarized in the hypotheses of Proto-Nostratic Natufian and Proto-Afro-Asiatic Northern Africa
The Natufians are a 12,000 year old semi-sedentary population originating from the Levant. The novelty of their sedentism may have implications on the biological diversity of the population and previous studies have described the... more
The intensive appearance of artistic manifestations in the Levantine Natufian culture (ca. 15,000 BP onwards) has been linked with the Natufian apparent social complexity, part of the social transformations which accompanied the... more
Az Urfa-régió eddig feltárt lelőhelyei igen kiemelkedő helyet foglalnak el Anatólia neolitikus kultúráinak kutatásában. A legelső antropogén hatások egészen a mezolitikum idejére nyúlnak vissza. A régészeti kutatás tekintetében, hitvilági... more
A small bone-tool assemblage was found at the Natufian burial site of Hilazon Tachtit, Israel. This site served as a locus for funerary rituals, enabling us to consider the role of bone tools within a unique ritual context. The bone tool... more
In the literature reviews, it has been seen that terminological definition mistakes are found in studies on Epipaleolithic and Mesolithic period on Turkey geography. In these researches, the most striking mistake is that the cultures of... more
Grooved items are usually regarded as tools used for modifying other implements made of bone, stone, plants or wood, whether referred to as shaft straighteners, smoothers, polishers or sharpening tools. They were also attributed to... more
The Natufian culture is of great importance as a starting point to investigate the dynamics of the transition to agriculture. Given its chronological position at the threshold of the Neolithic (ca. 12,000 years ago) and its geographic... more
The Natufian culture is of great importance as a starting point to investigate the dynamics of the transition to agriculture. Given its chronological position at the threshold of the Neolithic (ca. 12,000 years ago) and its geographic... more
Ever since the 19th and 20th centuries, academic discourse concerning the role of religion amongst archaeological societies has been problematic. This is because religion typically consists of abstract thought, reasoning, and expression... more
In the past 25 years since the reconstruction of Shelter 131 of Eynan was suggested by Francois Valla, its image has become almost iconic—a highly cited symbol of early sedentism constituting a significant part of our knowledge on early... more
So far the excavations in Baaz Rockshelter uncovered horizons dating to the Natufian, PPN A, PPN C and PN. The site is characterized by a relatively high density of finds even in less rich find horizons. This indicates that prehistoric... more
The Natufian culture is of great importance as a starting point to investigate the dynamics of the transition to agriculture. Given its chronological position at the threshold of the Neolithic (ca. 12,000 years ago) and its geographic... more