Native American Law
Recent papers in Native American Law
Longstanding United States Supreme Court precedent recognizes that American Indian tribes are pre-constitutional sovereign nations, and thus, are outside the dictates of federal and state constitutional principles. Similarly, the United... more
With this summary in mind, we turn to the current federal standards for sex offender registration and notification as a starting point for discussing sex offender registration and notification systems across the country. II. The Adam... more
В своей книге кандидат культурологии О.Е. Данчевская исследует современный этап развития индейских культур и приходит к выводу, что он характеризуется стремлением индейцев улучшить своё положение путём дальнейшего развития своих... more
Ensuring the rights of Native American has been an issue for so long in the history of U.S. politics. This is because the issue has been prolonged, even long before the United States stands, precisely since the colonial era. Native... more
GOD & Apple Pie Religious Myths and Visions of America Two sample chapters (by publisher's permission): 1. Native American Myths and Visions of America (Chapter 2) 2. Black Muslim Myths and Visions of America (Chapter 9)... more
Discussing the legal and regulatory framework around Indian Water Rights to groundwater federally and in California, including specific strategies for tribal governments to pursue to quantify, protect, and assert those rights.
Outline and explanation of the case with affidavits and depositions of expert witnesses.
This text asks how a greater familiarity with European law would change our vision of colonial territories, most particularly, Latin America. Concentrating on the study of immemorial and native customs in both European and American... more
The 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act authorized establishment of an advisory committee to carry out a long list of specific duties. Chartered on August 20, 1991, the Native American Graves Protection and... more
This article presents a three-part strategy to better combat domestic violence in Alaska Native communities: cooperation among sovereigns must be encouraged; community-based, culturally-sensitive models that respond to domestic violence... more
This essay explores protest and refusal against the U.S. wall dispossession and non-recognition as a space of inquiry, activism, refusal, and resistance to racism and genocide.
Angeles and is a member of the California state bar. Prior to entering private practice, he served as the Director of Litigation for California Indian Legal Services, a statewide Indian legal services program. He has practiced in the area... more
On April 25, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Lewis v. Clarke, a case involving the scope of Mohegan sovereign immunity. The substance of the decision—an employee of Mohegan Sun Casino was acting on his own and not protected by... more
The Seminole Nation has a high profile in litigation about Indian gaming. In 1991, the Seminole sued the State of Florida under the U.S. Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA). The Seminole argued Florida had violated IGRA's requirement of... more
This article explores the costs and benefits of publishing tribal law. Part I analyzes why tribal law is not more widely available; part II illustrates the benefits of making tribal law more accessible, and part III describes publication... more
The rhetoric of "self-government" requires careful analysis. The surface looks appealing, since it seems to support what Native Peoples are demanding; but beneath the glittering surface lurk difficult and dangerous assumptions and... more
В настоящей статье автор подробно останавливается на вопросе, на сегодняшний день очень актуальном для многих регионов мира – репатриации человеческих останков и предметов культурного наследия. В США идеи культурного плюрализма поощряют... more
""""""In 1989, The National Museum of the American Indian Act (NMAIA) was successfully passed after a long and intense struggle. One year later, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) followed. These federal... more
In the .pdf you will find the announcement in English for an international conference to be held May 18, 2012, in Irun, Euskal Herria (Basque Country) sponsored by Jauzarrea (see below). The conference is entitled Atlantiar: Human Traces... more
Law about what non-Native people call "subsistence" is an assertion of jurisdiction: to regulate the management of land and its beings is a function of political power and civil law. The unity of Native peoples, however, is defined by... more
Résumé : Fruit de la superposition de multiples lois, de leurs applications successives et parfois contradictoires, le droit territorial indien aux Etats-Unis est révélateur de la difficulté à articuler la spécificité autochtone et les... more
Billy Frank Jr. emulated civil rights activism, but his actions were rooted in a movement for self-determination. That root distinguishes Native American activism from the activism of "minorities" in American politics. We can appreciate... more
1 Juris Doctor, West Virginia University College of Law; BA, University of Richmond. Thanks are due in large part to Associate Professor of Political Science Steven Taylor (Troy University) for encouraging the creation of this paper. As... more