Nationalism and Folklore Studies
Recent papers in Nationalism and Folklore Studies
This article establishes a precise relationship between folklore and ethno-nationalism. In particular, it argues that the discursive elements of folklore have been used, as political narrative, within the history of Basque nationalism.... more
The study of the language of publication of folklore offers a unique perspective on the sociolinguistic history of regional languages in 19th century France as well as on the wider cultural context of contemporary folklore collection.... more
Today, we face a constantly increasing tendency to national self-construction in culture and politics in almost every country in Europe. In conjunction with these events, the project queries the function of folklorism within the formation... more
Modern ideolojilerin -Aydınlanma düşüncesinden ulus-devlet ideolojisine ve hatta klasik Marksist ideolojiye- özne ve insan merkezli düşüncelerin eleştirilmesi ve kullanılan bu kavramların altlarının teker teker oyulmasıyla... more
Please note: this paper is an unpublished draft that was written before 2005 and last checked in 2015, so it is definitely not the last word on this topic. It has not been reviewed, copyedited, or presented at a conference. I added it to... more