National and Social Movements
Recent papers in National and Social Movements
This chapter focuses on the role of social media in galvanizing street protests, demonstrations, and other forms of democratic participation associated with the Iranian Green Movement, and examines how Iranian activists framed relevant... more
Empowerment women have the strong correlation to sustainable development goals: Gender Equality, with one of its global goals, is reduce the violence against women and children. The implementation is focusing on the regional level because... more
Il 30 gennaio 1933, mentre Hitler veniva nominato cancelliere, alcuni «nazionalisti socialrivoluzionari» distribuivano nelle strade di Berlino un libretto intitolato Il manifesto nazionalbolscevico. Sulla copertina, sotto il titolo in... more
In the study we look at the aspects that caused that the Bishop of Roman Catholic Diocese of Banská Bystrica Štefan Moyzes became a chairman of Matica slovenská. We also try to interpret the relevance of his journey to Turiec, which have... more
This research uses a resource mobilization analytic framework to undertake an empirical assessment of central and controversial claims of new social movements (NSM) theory. Key dimensions of organizational style along which social... more
After conquering large swaths of Syria and Iraq, the IS undertook an aggressive sectarian campaign in which they not only enacted horrific violence against the Shia people, but also damaged or destroyed several key Shia mosques and... more
Moments of mass mobilization astound us. As a sea of protesters fills the streets, observers scramble to understand this extraordinary political act by 'ordinary' citizens. This study presents a paired comparison of two 'moments' of mass... more
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
This article adopts a microhistorical lens to study the social dynamics that accompanied the eruption of the 1891 protest in Qajar Iran. Utilizing spatial and temporal limits, and a historical narrative technique, it disentangles the... more
Resumen: Desde 1955 hasta la última dictadura militar, Argentina atravesó un período de creciente conflictividad social y política. Las organizaciones armadas fueron actores destacados en ese proceso. Entre ellas, las Fuerzas Armadas... more
Resumen: El trabajo analiza los posicionamientos de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias en el marco de las OAP (Organizaciones Armadas Peronistas), una instancia de coordinación entre FAR, Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas (FAP), Montoneros y... more
The urban centre of Vancouver, British Columbia has been a fecund research site for the study of capital, state, and social movement relations over the past three decades. In this article, we summarize the findings of our research program... more
This paper surveys the history of peasant and rural resistance to colonial rule, policies, and law in British Palestine before 1936. Although the Arab countryside and its inhabitants have often received minimal or dismissive treatment in... more
Instead of waiting for revolution this paper argues for the power of the everyday, where our collective undoing of capitalism is an ongoing process of subversion. Such an evolutionary politics of insurrection, a protean “spirit of... more
DUPKALA, R., PERNÝ, L. Štúrovci a Hegel. K problematike slovenského hegelianizmu a anti-hegelianizmu. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove. 3. vyd. 2021, 160 s., ISBN 978-80-555-2717-8 The leitmotiv of the publication is a... more
A short article written for Stanford University Press on the political figure of the barbarian in contemporary migration politics.
Հ րա տա րակ ւում է երաշ խաւո րու թեամբ Մայր Ա թոռ Սուրբ Էջ միած նի Հրա տա րակ չա կան խորհր դի ԱՇԽԱՏԱՆՔՆԵՐԻ ԿԱԶՄԱԿԵՐՊՄԱՆ ՊԱՏԱՍԽԱՆԱՏ-ԽՄԲԱԳԻՐՆԵՐ՝ Գ. Գ. ՀԱՐ Ն ՅԱՆ-« Սահ մա նադ րա կան մշա կ յթ» ﬕ ջազ գա յին վեր լ ծա կան կենտրոնի հո գա բար ձ... more
Following the relative democratization of African societies in the 1990s, several countries found themselves caught in the grip of po litical instability, rising ethno-nationalist claims, and ethnically-based insurgent movements calling... more
In the Western Thrace region of Greece, there is a Muslim-Turkish Minority that has had a series of problems with the Greek government and with the local Greek Majority. After a period of increasing tensions and deterioration in... more
Scholarly work on the nexus of religion, nationalism, and violence is currently fragmented along disciplinary and theoretical lines. In sociology, history, and anthropology, a macro-culturalist approach reigns; in political science,... more
1990 წლის 28 ოქტომბერს, საბჭოთა საქართველოში უზენაესი საბჭოს პირველი მრავალპარტიული არჩევნები ჩატარდა, რომელშიც გაიმარჯვა საარჩევნო ბლომა "მრგვალი მაგიდა - თავისუფალი საქართველო". ცხადია, არჩევნებს თან მრავალი პრობლემა და დაპირისპირება... more
Secular arabic traditions have emphasized the potential of dreams to foretell the future. Sometimes the prediction is seen as obvious and on other occasions elaborate systems of symbolic translations were consulted such as the tenth... more
We recently spoke with Thomas Nail, an associate professor at the University of Denver, to talk about his recent book “The Figure of the Migrant.” In it, Nail develops a theory of what he calls kinopolitics and argues that the migrant has... more
Buen Vivir, a political paradigm at work in Bolivia and Ecuador that underpins the state and social regeneration after a prolonged and devastating period of neoliberalism, has become a hotly contested subject within academia and politics.... more
In this book, a strategic interaction perspective (SIP) has been applied by authors coming from various disciplinary backgrounds and theoretical traditions. In a way, by participating in this book, the authors are making a statement: we... more
Resumen: El presente artículo recupera algunas consideraciones de una tesis doctoral recientemente concluida sobre las "Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias". Si bien sus grupos fundadores se perfilaron a lo largro de la década del sesenta, la... more