This study is aimed to look at the structure and meaning components of knowledge-type state verbs in Indonesian. The data analysed in this study are the pintar, pandai, cerdas, cermat, cakap, cerdik, mahir, dan terampil. These lexicons... more
The New Testament Greek expression ho huios tou theou 'the Son of God' is frequently used to refer to Jesus in the New Testament and is central to Christian understandings of Jesus' identity. It has a complex meaning, grounded in the... more
This research paper aims to analyze the Swahili action verb "to cut" within the framework of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) theory. The study also seeks to identify other Swahili verbs that share similar semantic correlations. No... more
This study is aimed to look at the structure and meaning components of knowledge-type state verbs in Indonesian. The data analysed in this study are the pintar, pandai, cerdas, cermat, cakap, cerdik, mahir, dan terampil. These lexicons... more
This thesis investigates a number of issues in the syntax and semantics of Pintupi-Luritja, a Western Desert (Pama-Nyungan) language spoken in Central Australia. Languages of the region have long been noted for their non-configurational... more
This research paper aims to analyze the Swahili action verb "to cut" within the framework of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) theory. The study also seeks to identify other Swahili verbs that share similar semantic correlations. No... more
Questo elaborato tratta dell'applicazione del metalinguaggio ideato da Wierzbicka e dal suo team allo studio dell'identità e al suo confronto con l'alterità in un contesto cross-culturale. La questione, da cui questa tesi trae... more
The paper is an attempt to reflect on various aspects of the reversible binomial form of address, a Georgian equivalent of the English formula for addressing an audience Ladies and Gentlemen. The discussions of its constituent terms... more
This paper presents a semantic analysis of two epistemic markers in Japanese-chigainai and hazuda. These are often translated as I am sure, must, or should in English, and they indicate the speaker's certainty about the truth or falsehood... more
The representation of propositional attitudes (beliefs, desires, etc.
This paper traces the history of 'caring for country' tropes in writing about indigenous Australian land and land management. While 'caring for country' initially referred to dynamic land use and ownership practices, it progressively... more
What can languages tell us about how people think and feel differently, around the world, about the unexpected? The conviction behind my presentation today is that before we take up this question we would do well to look carefully into a... more
Formal semantics and Natural Semantic Metalanguage are widely held to be radically incompatible as ways to study meaning in naural language. Here I will show that they can to some extent be reconciled. In particular, for linguists working... more
Tjanpi Desert Weavers is the dynamic social enterprise of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women’s Council. Tjanpi (meaning locally harvested wild grasses) began in 1995 as a series of basket-making workshops... more
Anna Wierzbicka’s ‘Natural Semantic Metalanguage’ (NSM), and ‘Formal Semantics’ as pioneered by Richard Montague, becoming the majority approach to semantics in generative grammar, are usually seen as mutually exclusive research programs.... more
What can languages tell us about how people think and feel differently, around the world, about the unexpected? The conviction behind my presentation today is that before we take up this question we would do well to look carefully into a... more
Formal semantics and Natural Semantic Metalanguage are widely held to be radically incompatible as ways to study meaning in naural language. Here I will show that they can to some extent be reconciled. In particular, for linguists working... more
Following the seminal work of , this paper proposes and discusses a set of semantic analyses of words from three different levels of the English ethnozoological taxonomic hierarchy (Berlin 1992): creature (unique beginner), bird, fish,... more
This study presents and justifies a detailed explication for the Australian Aboriginal Jukurrpa concept ('Dreamtime', 'the Dreaming'), phrased exclusively in simple cross-translatable words. The explication, which is partitioned into... more
This study discusses the semantic structures of the verbs “touch” in Indonesian and Batak Toba Language. This study applied the Natural Semantic Metalanguage theory by Wierzbicka. The data were collected through observation and interview... more
This research focuses in analyzing morphological processes and the semantic structure of deadjectival verb suffixation –m(u) in Japanese. Suffix -m(u) is one of the verb-forming suffixes in Japanese. The data was collected from newspaper... more
This study focused on the semantic field for the categorization of meaning, kind of meaning and semantic structure of verbs touch in Indonesian (verba sentuh). The reason of this research is the discovery of ambiguous meaning of a word... more
Resumen En este trabajo se analizan 19 fórmulas rutinarias del español peninsular que comparten un mismo esquema sintáctico (Vete a+sintagma nominal o Vete a+sintagma verbal) y que se describen en los diccionarios como expresiones “de... more
This article purposes to analyze the causative construction of Mandailing language as a typology in morphosyntaxis. This study provides an overview of the Mandailing contstruction forms that were often used by people in their daily lives... more
This study is focusing on the mapping of word shoot meanings. The collected data was qualitatively analyzed, it was starting by reading some sources, finding a word to be analyzed, reading carefully the source text and the target text,... more
This paper focuses on identifying meaning components in the translation of English medical terms into Indonesian. The data used in this study are the English medical term disorder and its Indonesian equivalent penyakit (disease). The two... more
This paper focuses on identifying meaning components in the translation of English medical terms into Indonesian. The data used in this study are the English medical term disorder and its Indonesian equivalent penyakit (disease). The two... more
This paper describes categories for landscape elements in the language of the Yindjibarndi people, a community of Indigenous Australians. Yindjibarndi terms for topographic features were obtained from dictionaries, and augmented and... more
Using Bengali texts and their English translations done by a set of English speaking native Bengali translators and another set of native English translators, we analyze how two specific Bengali emotion words (obhiman and lajja) have... more
Anna Wierzbicka’s ‘Natural Semantic Metalanguage’ (NSM), and ‘Formal Semantics’ as pioneered by Richard Montague, becoming the majority approach to semantics in generative grammar, are usually seen as mutually exclusive research programs.... more
Ontology has been proposed as a solution to the 'Tower of Babel' problem that threatens the semantic interoperability of information systems constructed independently for the same domain. In information systems research and... more
Introduction-cont'd • Is this an instance of a marnda in Yindjibarndi? • If so, what are its limits? Is 'the feature' just the rock outcrop or does it include the surrounding incline? • How would Seri speakers categorize it?
Filsafat merupakan kajian kritis terkait berbagai hakikat realitas dalam hidup manusia. Perkembangan filsafat tidak dapat dipisahkan dari bahasa. Bahasa digunakan untuk pengungkapan pemikiran filosofis dan dijadikan sebagai sarana... more
This paper argues that few words have caused so many misunderstandings and have done so much harm as the English word “hell”. Jesus’ teaching was focussed on “the kingdom of God” — a phrase which occurs in the New Testament 120 time (with... more
This paper reviews progress on the Ethnophysiography study of the Yindjibarndi language from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Concentrating on terms for water-related features, it concludes that there are significant differences... more
This introduction to the Special Issue summarises Anna Wierzbicka's contribution to the linguistic study of meaning. It presents the foundations of the approach known as the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) developed by Wierzbicka. The... more
Natural disasters, such as what are known in English as 'floods' and 'wildfires', are increasingly a topic of concern due to the climate emergency, and their vocabulary and public discourses hold much to be explored through linguistics.... more
Natural semantic metalanguage, inspired by Leibnitz's alphabet of human thoughts, is a semantic approach which introduces universal semantic concepts. Empirical crosslinguistic investigations have now established that there are nearly... more
This study focused on the semantic field for the categorization of meaning, kind of meaning and semantic structure of verbs touch in Indonesian (verba sentuh). The reason of this research is the discovery of ambiguous meaning of a word... more
The present paper describes a software system that performs bidirectional machine translation between two constructed languages. These languages are made by one or more persons, for various purposes. Such an important purpose is the... more
Scholars working in ethno-epistemology need to tread carefully in how they formulate their discussions in order to circumvent or minimise several dangers, such as conceptual imposition from English or other home languages, relying too... more
This chapter explains the concept of minimal languages and argues for their importance as new tool for achieving clearer, more accessible and more translatable communication. It describes the core vocabulary and grammar of minimal... more
This study proposes Natural Semantic Metalanguage semantic explications for the English words 'virus' (in two senses), 'bacteria', 'germs', and for the related words 'sick', 'ill', and 'disease'. We concentrate on their "naïve" or "folk"... more
In a book entitled The Sermon on the Mount: The modern Quest for its meaning, theologian Clarence Bauman (1985) discusses, inter alia, Jesus' teaching on "anger". The book opens with a chapter on Tolstoy: "Leo Tolstoy: The moral... more
David Chalmers appears to assume that we can meaningfully discuss what goes on in human heads without paying any attention to the words in which we couch our statements. This paper challenges this assumption and argues that the initial... more