Myth of Er

35 papers
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The Myth of Er is a narrative found in Plato's 'Republic' that describes a soldier named Er who dies in battle, experiences an afterlife, and returns to life to recount his journey. It serves as an allegory for the soul's immortality and the moral implications of choices made in life.
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Tomando por base principalmente o passo 17 do livro II das Meditações (Tá eis heautón), buscaremos analisar a relação que se institui entre filosofia (philosophia) e vida (bíos) nas reflexões desenvolvidas pelo imperador filósofo Marco... more
From the addressees of the questions within the dialogues one could infer the addressees of the dialogues themselves; in that case, the dialogues would have been written primarily for students of the Academy as exercise-textbooks or as... more
In this paper, I examine Aristotle’s position on the theory of the soul as a self-moving entity in the light of a less nega-tive conception of his discussion with his predecessors. For this purpose, I discuss the hypothesis according to... more
Punctuating the passage differently solves a grammatical puzzle and connects the harm “to the dearest” to relatives of the Thessalian women, as is consistent with other testimonies on what befalls the witches of Thessaly.
Tzetz. Ex. II. p. 27, 11 Hermann φυσικών φημί καΐ αστρονομικών, μαγικών τ€ και τών τοιούτων, έπεί και ολίγοις τα τοιαύτα έπιτερπή, άλλως 1 τε δέ και Όρφεύς και έτεροι περί τοιούτων συγγεγραφήκεσαν. 720 Τ (ρ. 267 Κ.) SCHOL. Lycophr. Alex.... more
It is well known that Aristotle tries to make room for self-motion-an idea he inherits to some extent from Plato-within his other commitments, such as the principle that every effect has a causal antecedent, while at the same time... more
Time and Astronomy in Plato's Timaeus 9 Daniel Vázquez 3 The Instant (ἐξαίφνης) in Plato's Parmenides 155e4-157b5 31 Luc Brisson 4 Time, Being and Language in Plato's Timaeus 47 Lorenzo Giovannetti
If the knowledge which we acquired before birth was lost to us at birth, and afterwards by the use of the senses we recover that which we previously knew, will not that which we call learning be a process of recovering our knowledge, and... more
JOSÉ MANUEL CURADO (Universidade do Minho) «If there is such a thing as 'otherworld journey studies', it is thus a field whose materiais are almost endlessly varied and whose contributors, approaching from their separate disciplines,... more
My talk today is mostly a philosophical look at some issues in the history of observation, but I will look at some biographical issues as well. I shall be arguing for some sceptical theses, to mark off what we do not know and to emphasize... more
6 Ibid., 34. Fernández-Ardanaz notes that part of the difficulty is in the usage of the term psyche by the early Christians which was not corresponding to any one Hebrew term and was loaded with philosophical connotations.
This note contains the text and translation of imperial edicts that chart the progress of Christianity from an illegal faith to a legal faith to the dominant faith of the Empire. The edicts in question were issued by Galerius (311),... more
Bu calismada, Phaidon diyalogunda one suruldugu haliyle anamnesis kuramini noetik ve dianoetik anamnesis arasinda yapilan kavramsal ayrimdan hareketle ele almak uzere, diyalogda ifade edilen anamnesis kurami kanitlamasini analiz edecek ve... more
Let us first begin by defining ἀρετή in its classical usage before it is shown how Plato redefines it. In the time of ancient Greece, a history which is safeguarded by the Homeric poems, there was one perfect ἀγαθός; he was Achilles. Not... more
Zoilus of Amphipolis, known as the Homeromastix, the scourge of Homer, was a fourth-century rhetorician and critic renowned for his treatise Against Homer’s Poetry, a fragmentary collection of criticisms of Homer. Modern scholars... more
We analyze the process of metamorphosis in Greek 'mythographers' as the 'decisive moment' when a person is transformed. We begin with examples drawn from Antoninus Liberalis for showing the role of verbal aspect in the narrative, then... more
Aristotle is still credited in several studies dealing mostly with medieval science with the so-called theory of antiperistasis, by which he allegedly explained the motion of the projectiles. 1 Nonetheless, antiperistasis is the first of... more
This chapter offers a commentary on the Pseudo-Aristotelian De mundo 2, 391b9-392a31, including various definitions of “cosmos” and the role of the latter’s “greatest features” or most important structural parts.
Abstract: Great Lakes Philosophy Conference 2018 “Not her fault: The Ethical Implications of Gender and Uterine Diseases in Hippocrates’ On the Nature of Women.” The Hippocratic treatise On the Nature of Women is largely devoted to... more
On May 2017-05-25 at Kalamazoo I proposed to survey the τὸ τί ἦν εἶναι and τὸ τί ἐστι texts in Aristotle’s Metaphysics identified by Albert Schwegler in “Τὸ τί ἐστι, τὸ τί ἦν εἶναι und der Gebrauch des Dativs in der Formel τὸ ἑνὶ εἶναι”... more
Proclus' Commentary on the Republic. Edited, Translated, Annotated, and Introduced by Brian Duvick. 3 vols., circa 900 pages.
δρ Ιωάννης Γ. Νεραντζής, Αιτωλών, βίος, πολιτεία, κοινωνία, ιστορία - Αναφορές εις την αρχαία Ελληνική Γραμματεία - T.L.G. - Λεξικογραφικός Πανδέκτης αρχαίων ελλήνων συγγραφέων με αποσπάσματα έργου αυτών με αναφορές εις την Αιτωλία και... more
The concept of the highest good is an important but hardly uncontroversial piece of Kant’s moral philosophy. In the considerable literature on the topic, challenges are raised concerning its apparently heteronomous role in moral... more
"a new awareness of time and history" en E.J. Jurji, Religious pluralism and world community. Interfaith and international communication (studies in the history of religions [supplements to Numen XV]), Leiden, E. summary This paper... more
Il saggio di Fulvia de Luise – L’involontarietà socratica del male e il macigno della responsabilità platonica. Tra il Protagora e il mito di Er – costituisce un tentativo di ricostruzione della posizione platonica sulla questione della... more
Il testo analizza l'interpretazione che Plotino dà del mito di Er in III 4 [15]
Bu çalışmada ruh ve onun yapmış olduğu diyalektik yolculuk, Er Mitos'u ile ele alınmıştır. Ruh, idealar dünyasından yeryüzüne inmiş ve tanrısal bir kaynaktan meydana gelmiştir. Duyumlanabilir olan bu alemde beden ile mündemiç olan ruh,... more
Resumo: A transformação mágica de humanos em animais é tema recorrente na literatura antiga. O artigo propõe investigar a singularidade dessa metamorfose em Lúcio ou o asno-narrativa ficcional em prosa-, a partir da compreensão de... more
Εισήγηση στο Πανελλήνιο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας "Ερμηνευτικές προσεγγίσεις στο έργο του Πλάτωνος"
Resumo: O presente texto consiste numa proposta de tradução para a língua portuguesa do chamado Mito de Er, com o qual Platão conclui a República. A edição utilizada foi a estabelecida por Siem Slings na coleção Oxford Classical Texts... more
Testo dello spettacolo allestito per la Notte Nazionale del Liceo Classico 2019 (11 gennaio 2019)
This paper focuses on Plato's compressed theodicy in the Republic's Myth of Er, which stems from the famous αιτία λομένου· θεος αναίτιος verdict, found at 617e4–5. Its direct implication is the understanding that the souls of the Myth are... more
Resumen Presentamos los términos, y sus distintos matices, con los que Aristóteles designa el universo: κόσμος, τὸ ὅλον, τὸ πᾶν, τὰ πάντα, τὰ πράγματα, τὰ ὄντα y φύσις. El caso de ‘cielo’ (οὐρανός) es singular, dado que puede sonar... more
The paper discusses the sections of the Republic in which Socrates does not undertake a discussion of the "longer way" (6.504a-7e) and instead substitutes an account of the sun (507e-9c), the line (509c-11e), and the cave (7.514a ff). It... more
The aim of this paper is to throw some additional light on the lot-casting episode of the Republic’s Myth of Er. It is largely a reaction to McPherran’s views presented in his 2010 chapter entitled “Virtue, Luck and Choice at the End of... more
Fifth section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" (, where we deal with the hypothetical connections of the myth of Er with a Pythagorean exegesis of the... more
Fourth section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" (, where we deal with the Sirens of Plato's myth of Er as psychopomps.
Excursus to the third section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" (, dealing with the Sirens as souls of the cosmic spheres.
Conclusion of the third section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" (, dealing with the Sirens of Plato's myth of Er as images of souls.
Continuation of the third section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" (, where we deal with the iconography of the soul as a winged being, and with its... more
Third section of the first chapter of our online book "Winged Mythical Singers of Cosmic Music" ( dealing with the Sirens of Plato's myth of Er as celestial soul-birds.