Research into the unio mystica has revealed what seems to be an area of "real discussion" between scholars of different traditions of mysticism, particularly those of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Although this research serves as a... more
Social Representations Theory (SRT) refers to an approach within social psychology focusing on systems of beliefs, concepts, and values that establish social order and allow for individuals and groups to identify and understand themselves... more
The Christian soul has customarily been understood as ultimately separate from the body, and this dualism was probably the original biblical position (Weir R.S. 2022). In modernity its credibility faces three challenges. Firstly within... more
Khwâja ʿAbd Allah al-Ansâri est né à l'aube du deuxième millénaire de notre ère en l'an 1006 dans la région du Khorasan dans l'actuel Afghanistan. Hanbalite fervent, soufi à la vie mouvementée, il ne cessera de combattre sa vie durant ses... more
In two separate and remote mystical traditions, in the kabbalistic 'Book of the Fountain of Wisdom' and in Abhinavagupta and his two followers, the same formula is used to describe the initial inner division within the One or the... more
Michael Anthony Sells (1949) is a professor at the University of Chicago's School of Theology and one of the eminent scholars in the field of mysticism. He believes that Muslim mystics have been influenced by intellectual-philosophical,... more
En estos tiempos contemporáneos, las preguntas en torno al por qué y al cómo del sufrimiento se han convertido en una cuestión esencial. Así las cosas, pensar 'lo humano' ha sido un camino acertado para descubrir, más detalladamente,... more
This bachelor thesis written for French Language and Culture studies at the University of Amsterdam compares the role of Love in the union with God or the One in the works of late medieval mystic Marguerite Porete's and 'founder of... more
The Bible represents a pertinent area of translation activity globally. The bestselling book ever remains the greatest challenge to translators. The book so packed with female characters, both ordinary and prophetesses, visionaries, even... more
In 1947 Harry Austryn Wolfson published his massive and revisionary Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With the book, Wolfson aimed at proving that Philo was an innovative and highly... more
C laude Bruaire avait développé en maître ce thème d'une logique de l'existence sous le signe du don de la liberté, et de la dette infinie de grâces et de remerciements envers notre immémoriale Origine. La forte « ontodologie » du... more
Long before Carlos Castaneda investigated Don Juan's teachings for attaining the extraordinary, anthropologists have delved into what their own culture might consider the strange and inexplicable. Marvin Harris gleefully demonstrated just... more
While much has been written on the moral and metaphysical statuses of fetuses in Christian bioethics, little thought has been given to how we might characterize the afterlives of the unborn, especially of those human biological... more
Le frère prêcheur, Jean Tauler, né dans les premières années du XIV ème siècle à Strasbourg et mort le 16 juin 1361 en cette même ville, livre, dans ses sermons 1 , un enseignement centré sur la présence et l'agir de Dieu en nous, comme... more
This article reviews the book God & Being: An Enquiry, by George Pattison
Recension du livre de Xavier Lacroix sur l'âme humaine.
Calligraphy is a beautiful and expressive form of language for conveying tangible and intangible messages in various scripts. Other than its perceptible form and communicational message, it has the potential to be unveiled in various... more
Over the past two decades, exceedingly more attention has been paid in theological circles to the role of the church as reading community in the interpretation of the Bible. This has been especially the case within the movement known as... more
George H. van Kooten, “Balaam as the Sophist Par Excellence in Philo of Alexandria: Philo’s Projection of an Urgent Contemporary Debate onto Moses’ Pentateuchal Narratives,” in The Prestige of the Pagan Prophet Balaam in Judaism, Early... more
This article explores Abraham Kuyper’s spirituality by comparing it to that of John Calvin. Calvin’s Institutes exhibits three dimensions of his spirituality in the context of the mystical union with Christ, namely, the affective... more
This essay seeks to compare the sacramental views of 5th-6th century theologian Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite with those of the puritan theologian and pastor Jonathan Edwards. While these two men appear to have little in common, they... more
The purpose of this celebratory essay (BR at 65) is to trace ways Biblical Research has helped foster early Jewish studies (especially on texts of Second Temple Judaism outside of the Hebrew Bible), both as an independent field and as an... more
Abū Ismāʿīl ʿAbdallāh al-Harawī al-Anṣārī (d. 481/1089) places the refinement of human character traits, what we would call “the virtues,” toward the middle of one’s journey, following in this placement models of the Sufi states and... more
It is often, but groundlessly, stated and repeated in the secondary literature that Plotinus attained divine union with the One "four times" or only "four times", based on a misinterpretation of a statement by Porphyry in his Life of... more
The aim of this contribution is to highlight al-Ġazālī’s account of ittiḥād or “union” with God; to this purpose, we have traced and examined, within his works, the various passages dedicated to the subject. This analysis shows that... more
This publication is an historical-philosophical inquiry about the riddle of Mosaic prophecy in Maimonides' writings. It examines the affinity of Mosaic prophecy, according to Maimonides (1138-1204), toward metaphysical contemplation and... more
Mysticism, religion and mankind’s relationship with an all-absolute deity has been a prominent part of the human experience throughout history. Poets such as Emerson and Rumi were similarly concerned with this question in creating their... more
The theologian true is Known of Thee And Loved of Thee to give him Thy Sheer Grace Who Knows Thee as Thee Know Thyself, Thy Sea, Who Lives Thy Life, gazing upon Thy Face. In this wise, pure knowledge of Thee attained And no one theologian... more
The beatific vision is widely perceived as a Roman Catholic doctrine. Many continue to view deification as a distinctively Eastern Orthodox doctrine incompatible with the Western theological tradition, especially its Protestant... more
Unio Mystica a szabadkőműves titkok drámai kinyilatkoztatásában?
SZÉPIRODALMI FIGYELŐ (2018) 2, pp. 35-48.
SZÉPIRODALMI FIGYELŐ (2018) 2, pp. 35-48.
Utkin Oleg. The Category "The One" and a mystical experience. Hermeneutic strategy of an interpretation of a mystical text. The article contains the result of the comparative analysis of henological and mystical texts. This paper... more
For much of my personal and professional life I have had an enduring interest in the distinction between mind and awareness. As my education unfolded over these many years, I have been happy to recognize that this distinction between mind... more
The phenomenology of the unfolding elaboration of our capacity to know Being directly and as well as our experience to know Being through beings is the focus of this paper. I will focus on the phenomenological elaboration of our knowing... more
This article considers the fourteenth-century treatise The Cloud of Unknowing as a description of instant, non-sensory cognition. The text has an ostensibly particular function as an instruction manual in Christian contemplation, but... more
We live in a world where most people believe in God. Despite propaganda to the contrary, the number of atheists in the world remains rather small (only 3% in the U.S.A, and only 9% in Canada). Why is that? Is it because people are stupid,... more
By focusing on Eliade’s early life and writings (1921–1936), and specifically on his work on Yoga, I address in this paper a question that is frequently asked about the problematic relation between personal belief and scholarship in... more
A person's own inner most awareness and the movements within their awareness field bring forth their direct personal experience of their cosmological archetypal field of awareness. This spontaneous event is given to us within the... more
Good Friday is the day of death, and Easter Sunday is the day of light. Of course death and light are completely intimate, completely one.
short, kabbalah is the name given to the 13 century texts which were able to synthesize ancient Jewish theosophy images and visions with medieval philosophic language and conceptual framework.. The visions of God in the Aggadah with its... more
Mystical experiences are often described as "ineffable," or beyond language. However, people readily speak about their mystical experiences if asked about them. How do people describe what is supposedly indescribable? In this study, we... more
Being within awareness as awareness and being with another who is within awareness is a most powerful skillful means to bring forth awareness within one's self and within each other. Two awarenesses are better than one, just as self... more
(Epígrafes): 1. Bibliografía escueta. 2. Introducción. 3. La cosa que conozco bien. 4. La cosa intuida. 5. La cosa que saben otros. 6. La cosa que sé a medias. 7. Dejando la cosa sin concluir.
This essay refers to 'attributes' of the Absolute and shows how they are reflected in specific facets of contemplative asceticism and renunciation and that this is the way to embody the Absolute in this world. It attempts to establish... more
When looking into the development of Christian Philosophy, especially that of the mystical Tradition, in the Imperial world it is vitally important to understand the context of the writing and cultural impact of the Hellenic thinkers who... more