Mutual Aid

524 papers
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Mutual aid is a voluntary reciprocal exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit, often organized within communities. It emphasizes solidarity, cooperation, and collective support, contrasting with traditional charity models by fostering self-determination and empowerment among participants.
Wangari Maathai was born on April 1, 1940 in Ihithe, Kenya at the foot of Mount Kenya. She is internationally recognized for her struggle for the environment, democracy, and women's rights. Maathai was born into a traditional peasant... more
This paper examines the evolution of unwritten regulations and formal government policies in the control of the Faroese pilot whale drive, or grindadráp. This form of whaling has occurred in the Faroe Islands since at least the sixteenth... more
The GSC Research Agenda currently has three priority themes: Long Term Recovery, Cash and Markets Assistance and the Wider Impacts of Shelter and Settlements. These themes describe the research priorities of humanitarian practitioners... more
Il saggio «Revolution and evolution», di cui si offre qui la prima traduzione italiana, apparve sul periodico inglese «The Contemporary Review» nel settembre del 1886. Come il lettore intenderà già dal titolo, esso s’innesta sul tronco... more
In this article, our goal is to analyse a small but growing movement of community bike workshops or 'bike kitchens' in Australia. Bicycles are reliable forms of 'active' travel for short and moderate length journeys, in an age where... more
This conference revisits the past 150+ years of anthropological and ethnographic research on relationships among human lifeways, cultures, and environments. How can the errors and insights of earlier paradigms help us grapple with... more
All rights reserved. This thesis may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without the permission of the author. We acknowledge and respect the Ləkʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the... more
All rights reserved. This thesis may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without the permission of the author. We acknowledge and respect the Ləkʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the... more
In this afterword, I engage with some themes that have been covered in the book in a way that looks forward to the kinds of crises and struggles that anarchists might face in the future, riffing off the title: Fight for a New Normal.
: A regime of extermination was imposed in the early months of captivity on the Jewish prisoners of the Vapniarka concentration camp in Transnistria, an area occupied by the Romanian authorities with support from their German allies,... more
Where societal, political, and economic change is the only constant under colonisation, informal care in Palestine has become important within the Palestinian community during crises. This paper examines the question of why Palestinians... more
Recent literature reviews and meta-analyses have supported the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in helping members stop drinking and maintain sobriety. Despite the extensive body of research on AA, less attention has focused on... more
Previous research has reported on the benefits of mutual support groups. However, such groups do not routinely collect data on participant outcomes. Moreover, the effect of collecting outcomes measures on these groups is unknown. The... more
Los grupos de apoyo mutuo son una de las acciones colectivas más presentes en el movimiento de salud mental en primera persona o movimiento loco. Entre sus precursores se han destacado, principalmente, distintas propuestas de movimientos... more
Este artículo examinámos el derrotero histórico del sindicalismo panificador mapuche durante el siglo XX en Santiago de Chile. Planteamos que esta forma de organización buscó resistir las implicancias laborales y racistas que debió... more
Amidst the intentional failures of the U.S. government and social service systems to respond to the care and survival needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic, mutual aid-collective survival work which both aims to meet individual and... more
James Geldart, A short dissertation on the poor laws, with remedies suggested for their evils and defects, and a plan for improving the condition of the poor, Cambridge: J. Smith, 1819, p. 11.
The first part of this paper asks the question regarding the possible justifications for what Kant and Rawls respectively claimed was a human being's duty to be beneficent to others and give aid to those in need. Going back to Kant's... more
The first part of this paper asks the question regarding the possible justifications for what Kant and Rawls respectively claimed was a human being’s duty to be beneficent to others and give aid to those in need. Going back to Kant’s... more
Chapter on tracking evictions, in a handbook on research methodologies for housing justice.

Co-authored with Lauren Ilano, Tolu Lanrewaju-Kadri, Albert Lowe, and Leon Rosa Reichle
The conference theme, 2030 and Beyond: Risk-informed decision making, investment, and Behaviour, highlights the pressing need to address global challenges and manage disaster risks effectively. The conference is inspired by the Mid-term... more
Innovation and Enterprise in the Social Economy in the West Midlands The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the West Midlands from a health and wellbeing, and an economic standpoint. The region's civic leaders have responded to this... more
Reimagining Group Work through the Lens of Care Webs "What does it mean," disability justice activist and writer Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha asks, "to shift our ideas of access and care (whether it's disability, childcare, economic... more
Mutual recovery involves caregivers and their clients mutually participating in artistic endeavours to foster resilience in both parties. A qualitative enquiry into the use of group music making (referred to as a ‘Music Jam’) between both... more
In Kropotkin's work, the Late Medieval city acquires a central role: it bears witness to the effects of the unhindered exercise of mutual aid. The majestic cathedrals, the lofty and finely decorated towers that changed the face of Europe... more
Smiling, enthusiasm, attentive presentness, eagerness to be part of initiatives, and other optimism-oriented behaviors have long been the hallmark of pedagogical practices in higher education. Showing up in a “good mood” and with a “glass... more
Il breve elogio che segue, pubblicato sulla prima pagina de Le Révolté del 29 aprile 1882, venne scritto da Kropotkin per commemorare il grande naturalista inglese, morto dieci giorni prima. Al di là del valore storico che esso incarna,... more
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). Salud, inmigración y ayuda mutua en Argentina: el Centro Gallego de... more
Sexual violence victims in the Republic of Korea (henceforth, South Korea) have mutual support groups that provide a variety of programs promoting mutual disclosure between them. These programs are based upon the premise that responses... more
In the province of Québec, police operations targeting queer cruising grounds for the sake of punishing ‘indecent’ behaviour remain commonplace. Despite formal legal equality (1977) and assurances that queer sexual relations have long... more
Research on the post-socialist lived experience of the working poor often focuses on reciprocity and economic survival. It is equally important to examine how social networks facilitate self-provisioning and mutual-aid practices for... more
The study of groups has greatly expanded as a result of the need for knowledge of some important psycho - sociological aspects as: group cohesion, mutual relationships between members from the same group, group structure, ranking of group... more
The study of groups has greatly expanded as a result of the need for knowledge of some important psycho - sociological aspects as: group cohesion, mutual relationships between members from the same group, group structure, ranking of group... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The world is on fire, with both fever and flame. After a few months of lockdown, things are erupting in new ways. The movement for Black Lives is demanding an end to anti-Black racism and conversations about abolishing the police are on... more
Riane Eisler talks with her husband, social psychologist and Darwin scholar David Loye, about his reexamination of Darwin's theory of evolution and how and why the role of love, moral sensitivity, mutual aid, and other partnership values... more
This chapter explores what queer theory and the practice of mutual aid can offer for the construction of this future. It first gathers lessons from the teachings of queer theory on otherness, violence, and liberation and how these... more
This ethnographic study explores the enduring presence of Slab City, an openly non-capitalist and anarchic community situated on a decommissioned military base in the Sonoran Desert. Based on two weeks of immersive fieldwork, I examine... more
The direct payments which became widespread in Cameroon in the 1990s deteriorated the problem of financial inaccessibility to the health care services and medicine. To provide a solution to this problem, the National Health Development... more