For details of our global editorial offices, customer services, and more information about Wiley products visit us at Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats and by print-on-demand. Some content... more
Η παρούσα μελέτη βασίζεται σε αντιλήψεις για τη σημασία της θετικής αυτοεικόνας στην ανάπτυξη της προσωπικότητας του παιδιού, καθώς και στην πεποίθηση για τη συμβολή της μουσικής αγωγής στην καλλιέργεια του συναισθηματικού τομέα. Ο... more
Листовская программность и бодлеровские «соответствия» (на примере пьесы «Angelus!» из «Третьего года странствий» Ф.Листа) . Liszt's Programmatic Approach and Baudelaire's "Correspondences" (Based on the Example of "Angelus!" from "Years... more
This paper assumes familiarity with Nelson Goodman's philosophy of art. It responds to James Young's recent and earlier criticisms of Goodman on metaphorical exemplification and musical expressiveness, as well as Nemesio Puy's ensuing... more
Like the song cycle “An die ferne Geliebte,” Beethoven’s last string quartet, op. 135, begins with a foretaste of its conclusion. Motives presented at the outset of the first return transformed in the last. Key to understanding the... more
This chapter is a substantially expanded version of (and so substantially supersedes) “Words Fail Me. (Stanley Cavell’s Life Out of Music)” that appeared in Inheriting Stanley Cavell: Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Bloomsbury, 2020). It... more
The way we think about disagreement is shaped by the systematic emphasizing of its adversarial, non-cooperative aspects. This is due to a perspective on arguing and disagreeing. Perspectives enable some thoughts and occlude others. We... more
This brief historiographic study shows that French narratology does not divide into a "classical" narratology and "postclassical narratologies" in the way spoken of by David Herman or into the hyphenated "narratologies" identified by... more
Between critic and public 1 Between critic and public Listening to the musical work in Stockholm during the long 19 th century Ulrik Volgsten 'The audience, yes-who is it and where can it be found?' With these words Albert Rubenson,... more
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium of Comparative Arts:
“An intermedial dialogue about classics”
University of Potsdam, 12-14/03/2019 & University of Athens, 24/10/2019
“An intermedial dialogue about classics”
University of Potsdam, 12-14/03/2019 & University of Athens, 24/10/2019
Article abstract According to Peirce’s pragmatic semiotics, meaning (semiosis) is not an infused concept, but a power to engender interpretants. Semiosis is a triadic, context-sensitive (situated), interpreter-dependent (dialogic),... more
This essay concerns the relationship between Music and Poetry, to arrive to a personal conception of the artwork as an interpretative object. The musico-literature matter is a complex starting point to build an idea according to which the... more
A ideia de semântica musical parte da teoria de que a música possui significado, e inclui tanto a maneira como uma informação musical é transmitida quanto como ela é interpretada pelo indivíduo (Koelsch, 2013). As etapas desse processo... more
Traditional aesthetics took it for granted that the intersection between artworks and ordinary objects was empty. Artworks and artworks alone could be beautiful and glorious. At the end of the 19th century, artists began giving up on the... more
I t is a recurrent theme in the history of musical scholarship that music has "meaning"-or "symbolic content," or "semantics," or, at the very least, something we would want to call "significance." It is, of course, a theme with many... more
plunges, there is, arguably, no real movement involved. This, of course, does not imply that there is something wrong with talk of musical movement. Moreover, the denial that music literally moves is compatible with the claim that there... more
In einem seiner wunderbar anarchischen frühen Kurzfilme, The Pawnshop (Das Pfandhaus), führt Charlie Chaplin vor, wie das Wesen von Analyse und Höranalyse zu definieren sei. Ein Kunde braucht Geld und bringt einen-recht großen-Wecker. Den... more
The Annotated Edition of Andrea Alciato’s Emblems (Padua 1621) The concept of ‘Frame’ and Other Paratextual Elements in a Collection of Topoi This contribution examines the Libro degli emblemi by the jurist Andrea Alciato (1492-1550).... more
In this chapter, intermediality is explored from an interdisciplinary perspective that uses neuroscience as well as cognitive-semiotic concerns, and insights from online digital communication, presenting it as a process where biophysical,... more
In this chapter, intermediality is explored from an interdisciplinary perspective that uses neuroscience as well as cognitive-semiotic concerns, and insights from online digital communication, presenting it as a process where biophysical,... more
Wittgenstein's remarks about music have motivated philosophers to build a comprehensive picture of his philosophy of music, concentrating on the central issues of musical meaning. It is often claimed that, according to Wittgenstein,... more
The aim of this seminar is to offer an introductory overview of narration in factual contexts. The proposal consists in unfolding a trajectory through the uses and functions of factual narration in a wide variety of social domains of... more
Since Michel Foucault’s suggestion that ours may be “the epoch of space” ([1984] 1998) and the post-Sojan “spatial turn” (Soja 1989), we often imagine any early theoretical neglect of space in narrative theory has long been compensated.... more
Iw ould like to begin on ap ersonal note. Ih aveb een listening to the John Lee Hooker song "WednesdayE venin' Blues" for over 45 years, and ac ountry song by Hoyt Axton called "Left My Gal in the Mountains" for only30years or so. Simple... more
och-samhalle-vmusik-och-politik/. Omslag: Julius Lundin. "Musik & samhälle" finns också på Facebook: Konferensen Musik och samhälle är ett samarbete mellan ABF och... more
The three volumes of Time and Narrative (1983-85) were published-and soon translated to English (1984-88)-in a pivotal moment for narrative studies and for narratology. In the middle of the eighties, the interest in narratives began to... more
BACKGROUND IN MUSIC THEORY/ANALYSIS There have been some hermeneutic approaches to Mozart's Fantasy in c-minor K. 475 (1785). Among the most recent research, Williams (1991) interprets the bass line in the opening harmonies over its... more
From August to October 2020, the Brazilian Society for Music Theory and Analysis (TeMA) held a series of five online meetings, each featuring a well-stablished theorist who presented one of his/her recent publications. Following the guest... more
I understand ethnography to mean a description of empirical material that is so meticulous that it constitutes part of the scientific analysis. An ethnography of narrating thus would include thorough descriptions of both the act of... more
''spiritual", ''idea", and ''mind", beginning with Scholastic uses, but con centrating on the differences between Descartes and Gassendi. Locke's causal account is discussed in the'final chapter. We emphasise his divergence from... more
Research on the meaning of music has a long tradition, with approaches from several fields, but it lacks a coherent framework for interdisciplinary discussions. As a result, the notion of meaning in music is fragmented among contrasting... more
Despite inter-specific kinship sensitivities and indigenous knowledge, the mechanistic and antagonistic concept of 'nature' underpins the use and abuse of biophysical resources. Recent trends in the biological sciences challenge the... more
Är musik verkligen en sten? Några reflektioner över musikens epistemiska och ontologiska egenskaper Arvidson, Mats 2015 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Arvidson, M. (2015). Är musik verkligen en sten? Några... more
The art scene in Berlin is political." "The Atlanta hip hop scene is red hot!" These are remarks we have heard lately about scenes. Scenes are a commonplace in art talk. But what are scenes, and what is their role in arts? Aestheticians,... more
The purpose of the study was to find out and analyze themes and patterns in the ads of Islamic religious events like 'Urs and Milad. We have applied semiotic visual analysis to the found images of the communication devices of these... more
Bir anlam aktarım aracı olarak müziği ele aldığımızda müzikteki salt tınıların anlamı ne denli kesin ve doğrudan aktarabileceği belirsizdir. Müziği oluşturan ezgi, ritim, armoni vb. unsurların dinleyici tarafından nasıl alımlanacağı ve... more
So in literature we have two (perhaps identical) syntactically articulate vocabularies, the terms of each taking the terms of the other as referents, with both of the resultant systems-the one a system of denotation, the other of... more
Can music be "understood"?D oest he notion of understanding make sense when applied to music?I ne verydayc ommunication, understanding seems linked to words and (images of)o bjects. "Understanding" works of literary or pictorial arts,... more
Reflecting on Paul Ricoeur's discussion of historical configuration and fictional emplotment, this article proposes to actualize his model to oppose two prototypes of narrativity, which form two poles between which narrative... more