Musical Interpretation

192 papers
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Musical interpretation refers to the process by which a performer conveys their understanding and emotional expression of a musical work, involving choices in dynamics, phrasing, tempo, and articulation. It encompasses the subjective and creative aspects of performance, allowing individual artists to bring unique perspectives to the music.
This article states the influence of New Media Arts on the instrumentalist's role. By instrumentalist the article refers to those who interpret written music from the Western music tradition, which has the artistic activity grounded on... more
The vocal art between the 17th and 18th centuries through treatises, testimonies and travellers' accounts. The fundamentals of aesthetics and especially the ethics of singing as a profession.
This article considers Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of carnivalisation (1984 [1968]), which he divides into four categories, the second of which is eccentric or inappropriate behaviour where conventionally unacceptable behaviour becomes... more
This paper offers a semiotic approach to musical interpretation using narrativity and topic theory. Balakirev’s piano solo arrangement of Glinka’s song ‘The Lark’ is used as a case study and, after analysing the music from both... more
Johann Sebastian Bach's keyboard music remains a cornerstone of Western classical music, revered for its structural brilliance, emotional depth, and pedagogical value. Composed for instruments such as the harpsichord, clavichord, and... more
The variants of the song analyzed in this paper have persisted in Hungarian popular poetry (manuscript songbooks) and folklore from the 1710s to the present day. The song, composed after the fall of Ferenc Rákóczi II’s War of Independence... more
This article focuses on interaction processes during the performance of free improvisation in the jazz idiom, and their correlation to the construction of individual musical identities. In this article, I regard musical identity as an... more
The technique of vowel modification is an essential point in the construction of choral sonority. This work presents partial results of an applied action-research in progress in the area of choral practices’ systematization and aims to... more
Este es un trabajo de investigación aplicado a la memorización de obras musicales sencillas, como manera de liberarse de las ataduras impuestas por el papel de la partitura, de tal forma de concentrarse indirectamente en otros aspectos... more
Chopin's mazurkas represent a remarkable fusion of folkloric tradition and innovative compositional technique, establishing their enduring significance within the Western art music canon. Far from being superficial adornments, the... more
The development of a choral sonority constitutes a long-term project that involves several elements, which includes the appropriate choice of repertoire, elaboration of an extensive vocal preparation program and planning rehearsals and... more
Questo manuale è dedicato allo sviluppo delle capacità improvvisative e di fraseggio nella batteria jazz, ponendo un particolare accento sul concetto dello sviluppo motivico. Il "motivo" è un concetto centrale sia nella composizione che... more
This article explores three aspects of interpretation—musical interpretation of notated Western art music, hermeneutics (theoretical framework), and poetry (tool for analysis and representation)—based on ongoing music education research... more
Neste artigo, trato sobre o "Poema Estrutural", do experimentalista português Fernando Aguiar. Apresento, inicialmente, uma pequena contextualização da Poesia Experimental Portuguesa, a partir da obra Po-Ex: textos teóricos e documentos... more
Au Nigeria, la scène musicale se compose d'une grande variété de styles différents. Nous nous intéresserons principalement à la musique savante des compositeurs qui trouvent leur inspiration dans la musique traditionnelle. Les nouveaux... more
Baseado nas informações publicadas pela revista inglesa Guitar News, este artigo busca mostrar a visão sobre intérpretes, compositores e críticos do violão brasileiro veiculada em um periódico inglês, a fim de obter um panorama da... more
Nuestra propuesta se centra en abordar, desde la interpretación, contenidos de las diferentes asignaturas curriculares del Bachillerato de Bellas Artes que confluyan, a modo de síntesis, en puestas en acto de... more
The articles and videos in this issue of Musimédiane are the result of a team effort by Labex GREAM* members Pierre Michel, Nathalie Hérold, Camille Lienhard and Ingrid Pustijanac (University of Pavia-Cremona, Italy) to prepare Les... more
Ce numéro de Musimédiane a pour objectif de mieux faire saisir les questions interprétatives liées à un tel cycle instrumental et orchestral en abordant d’une part les champs de recherche liés à l’instrumentiste, à la lecture et la... more
Pushing the boundary of material and continually innovating instrumental techniques are part of the history of jazz, and can be found in an even more radical form in the improvising avant-gardes of the 1960s and 70s. 2 The branch of... more
O stylus phantasticus foi um estilo de composição e de performance desenvolvido no século XVII e foi relacionado com a adoção da liberdade, tanto pelo compositor quanto pelo intérprete, para mover os afetos dos ouvintes, arrebatando-os... more
O stylus phantasticus foi um estilo de composição e de performance desenvolvido no século XVII e foi relacionado com a adoção da liberdade, tanto pelo compositor quanto pelo intérprete, para mover os afetos dos ouvintes, arrebatando-os... more
This chapter will present ongoing reflections on the diverse ways contemporary musical works are understood, taking into account the approaches adopted by the musician, the composer, the scholar-analyst and the scholar-musician. The aim... more
Style and genre are categories within musical science that are linked to the philosophical concepts of quality and function. They share essential characteristics, manifested uniquely in each. Genre typifies by establishing specific... more
Durch die Reproduktion-das Reenactment-einer konkreten Aufnahmesituation um 1903 werden Erkenntnisse zu interpretationspraktischen Fragen gewonnen. Mit musikalischen und technischen Mitteln kommt ein Forschungsteam so dem Geiger Joseph... more
IGNACY FELIKS DOBRZYŃSKI Wstęp do wydania faksymilowego Koncertu fortepianowego As-dur op. 2 / Introduction to the Piano Concerto in A flat major , Op. 2 Wydanie faksymilowe rękopisu ze zbiorów Warszawskiego Towarzystwa Muzycznego... more
colaboración, la generosidad y el apoyo del maestro José Revelo Burbano, pues sus aportes fueron esenciales para la elaboración de este artículo.
This article is devoted to researching and characterising the arrangements (especially in the area of harmony) of the Slovak folk songs which were selected and compositionally processed for vocal and piano by the Russian composer Vladimir... more
5 th symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) imbedded in the history of music also as the faith symphony after the explanation of the composer related to what he had intended to express in this work. Faith motif being associated with... more
Entre 1870 y 1939 se consumieron en el País Vasco un gran número de canciones para voz y piano, de muy variada factura. El artículo propone una posible clasificación en tipos de canción, y establece conclusiones sobre la especificidad de... more
Obras de Bach e duas composições bachianas de minha autoria foram incluídas por Eugenio Gall em seu concerto comemorativo ao nascimento de Max Reger. Estas obras foram executadas ao órgão Walker da Paróquia Evangélica de Confissão... more
Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade... more
The primary purpose of this article is to analyze the short story The Queen of Spades by Alexander Pushkin and the same titled opera by Pyotr Tchaikovsky in the context of the musical transformation of the original text. The main goal is... more
16. muzikologická konferencia Slovenská hudba vo Vojvodine sa venovala téme Výročia v oblasti hudby a aktuálne otázky z hudobného života vojvodinských Slovákov. Hŕstka odborníkov a organizátorov hudobných podujatí, ktorá sa na podujatí... more
Mária Comensoli, who studied under Bartók in the mid-1920s, reports that her teacher used "peculiar fingerings and peculiar wrist and arm technique." Examining such comments and the recordings of the composer-pianist, it becomes clear... more
Od roku 2006 prebiehajú každoročne Interpretačné kurzy v hre na klavíri, organe a sólovom speve na Pedagogickej fakulte KU v Ružomberku. Organizátorom a usporiadateľom je Katedra hudby, ktorá interpretačné kurzy zamerala praktický i... more
The article explains the construction and working of a gadget which helps in understanding the connection between music and mathematics through metrical aspect. Children are asked to mark dots on a paper in translation motion while... more
Although the primary function of the lullaby is coded in the very word that designates it, its secondary functions are equally important – they have been shown to have an impact on child development and mental health of the performer. The... more
Records related to Manuscript Mus.2056-J-1 of the Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats-, und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden) are now available online. This manuscript volume belonged to Pietro Ottoboni (1667-1740); il contains four... more
The article discusses Karol Szymanowski’s piano works interpreted by Jerzy Godziszewski – the famous polish pianist, pedagogue, first-ever doctor honoris causa of Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz and a laureate of... more
After the formal establishment of an Austrian competitor to the English East India Company (eic) in 1722, the English drew on every resource available to force the Austrian company to close down—not only political pressure and extensive... more
A coletânea reúne 30 capítulos que buscam refletir sobre temas emergentes nas Humanidades, tais como os impactos da pandemia de Covid-19 na mídia e na sociedade, estudos poéticos e estéticos de produtos artístico-midiáticos e culturais,... more