Music and violence

46 papers
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The study of music and violence examines the relationships between musical expression, consumption, and violent behavior. It explores how music influences aggression, societal perceptions of violence, and the role of music in both promoting and mitigating violent actions within various cultural and social contexts.
a n t í p o da n º 5 j u l i o -d i c i e m b r e d e 20 07 pági n a s 143 -16 8 issn 19 0 0 -5 4 07 F e c h a d e r e c ep c i ó n : a b r i l d e 20 07 | F e c h a d e ac ep tac i ó n : n o v i e m b r e d e 20 07
There is a tendency to think of music as a harmonious force in the world, a notion that is scrutinized, challenged, and revised in this collection of nine essays bookended by the editors’ introduction and an afterword by J. Martin... more
This essay seeks to illuminate Kleist's Die heilige Cäcilie in light of the New Music and of the historical potential that reverberates through the scene in which four Dutch zealots madly bellow the same oratorio whose opening strains... more
The article concerns the wartime history of Peru and examines both topdown and bottom-up practices of accounting for the internal conflict of 1980-2000, which were initiated in the background of the warfare. The aim of the article is to... more
Two thirteenth-century vernacular motets copied side by side in the Montpellier Codex tell a story of sin and repentance. In one a shepherd rapes a maiden, while in the other a penitent begs the Virgin Mary to forgive a great sin. The... more
Since the 1980s there has been a steady increase in the investigation of dance as a site of identity-construction and as a source of non-verbal knowledge. Nevertheless, very little research considers dance as a site of collective memory.... more
During the Northern Ireland conflict (1968-1998), paramilitary groups were supported and sustained by a sociocultural apparatus that helped legitimise their position within the community and disseminate their political message. From the... more
This volume, focused on how women participate in, suffer from, and are subtly implicated in warfare raises the still larger questions of how and when women enter history, memory, and representation. The individual essays, dealing with... more
In this study, we examine what influences public attitudes toward torture and whether the public's attitude affects or is affected by shifts in presidential policy on torture. We employed ten surveys over five years that looked at... more
The Moga police registered an FIR against Punjabi singer Sippy Gill in March 2020 for allegedly promoting violence and weapons in his track 'Gundagardi'. Punjab's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government on Sunday ordered a complete ban on public... more
Desde tiempos prehispanicos Cajamarca ha sido una importante zona agropecuaria. Pero en las decadas recientes se ha convertido en una zona de agudas convulsiones sociales. Durante el gobierno anticonstitucional de Alberto Fujimori... more
This project started ten years ago, almost to the day, when I wandered through Ayacucho's central plaza on the late afternoon prior to the Peruvian Truth Commission's arrival the next day to submit their Final Report. Colorful carpets... more
The construction of collective memory with regard to Conflicto Armado Interno (Internal Armed Conflict CAI)-violence that occurred in Per u between 1980 and 2000-is still a challenge that produces disputes and tension. It has been studied... more
Loudness normalisation has been heralded as a tonic for the loudness wars. In this paper we propose that a side effect of its implementation may be a greater awareness of sound quality. This side effect is explored through an analysis of... more
Loudness normalisation has been heralded as a tonic for the loudness wars. In this paper we propose that a side effect of its implementation may be a greater awareness of sound quality. This side effect is explored through an analysis of... more
Desde tiempos prehispanicos Cajamarca ha sido una importante zona agropecuaria. Pero en las decadas recientes se ha convertido en una zona de agudas convulsiones sociales. Durante el gobierno anticonstitucional de Alberto Fujimori... more
Music torture is an important interdisciplinary issue in need of great research, particularly in the wake of the events of 11 September 2001. It is an issue that ties into the broader context of torture, a topic of heated debate in the... more
Music torture is an important interdisciplinary issue in need of great research, particularly in the wake of the events of 11 September 2001. It is an issue that ties into the broader context of torture, a topic of heated debate in the... more
Desde tiempos prehispanicos Cajamarca ha sido una importante zona agropecuaria. Pero en las decadas recientes se ha convertido en una zona de agudas convulsiones sociales. Durante el gobierno anticonstitucional de Alberto Fujimori... more
Loudness normalisation has been heralded as a tonic for the loudness wars. In this paper we propose that a side effect of its implementation may be a greater awareness of sound quality. This side effect is explored through an analysis of... more
Transposition for their support throughout the writing and publication process. Special acknowledgment goes to the musical voices that populate this essay: first and foremost, Yōsuke Yamashita, but also Kiyoshi Awazu, Cole Porter, Ella... more
In this article, I develop and redirect Julian Henriques’s model of sonic dominance through examination of accounts of acoustic violence and torture involving headphones. Specifically, I show how auditory experience has been weaponized as... more
Based on first-person accounts of interrogators and former detainees as well as unclassified military documents, this article outlines the variety of ways that "loud music" has been used in the detention camps of the United States'... more
This article explores agency as an ability to act and exert power creatively when failure implies literal death. It draws on interviews with an ex-narco and rappers who willingly accept narco-commissions in 2010s Tamaulipas, Mexico, a... more
Le 22 juin 2019, des hommes en armes menés par un opposant politique font irruption dans la salle de conseil du gouvernement régional Amhara de la République fédérale éthiopienne, tuant plusieurs personnes au cours de ce qui est... more
During the Northern Ireland conflict (1968-1998), paramilitary groups were supported and sustained by a sociocultural apparatus that helped legitimise their position within the community and disseminate their political message. From the... more
La "Prise de la place" est un rituel qui consiste en l’appropriation de la place centrale de la ville de Cotacachi par les communautés kichwa avoisinantes. Cette appropriation se fait par l’exécution de déplacements sonores, musiqués et... more Accounts of human trafficking suggest music’s uniquely insidious role for victims forcibly trafficked into strip club-based sex work, wherein music is ubiquitous. In... more
This essay explores the late engagement of music research with the long-standing yet overlooked association between music, violence and terror. In mapping this new field, it seeks to understand this latency as a disciplinary trauma. It... more
In this paper I identify and evaluate numerous reasons why torture became common practice during the state counterterrorism campaign in Peru between 1980 and 2000 despite international and domestic legal obligations to protect human... more
The Routledge International Handbook of Perpetrator Studies traces the growth of an important interdisciplinary field, its foundations, key debates and core concerns, as well as highlighting current and emerging issues and approaches and... more
This is an entry published in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Music and Culture, edited by Janet Sturman, and addresses the following topics: commemorating war through music, wartime music culture, music as a weapon of war and violence, and... more
Theorists and musicologists have asked what particular musical works mean, what particular musical objects represent, what they narrate or disclose, and how those meanings got there. Recently, some thinkers have jettisoned music-language... more
How do aesthetic practices contribute to the social labors of memory in the aftermath of violence? How do they emerge, in what context and for which public? What kind of disturbances can these works bring to more established narratives?... more
Olga Neuwirth’s American Lulu reinterprets Alban Berg’s Lulu against the backdrop of the American civil rights movement. White European characters are recast as African Americans, and the drama is interspersed with spoken excerpts from... more
The purpose of the present research is to focus on one facet of media portrayals of torture, namely how different approaches to framing the use of torture influence readers' attitudes toward torture. Experiment 1 examined the influence of... more
On August 14, 1985, during the armed conflict between the Communist Party of Peru, known as Shining Path, and the Peruvian state, an army patrol entered the town of Accomarca, in the Andean region of Ayacucho, and assassinated 69... more
It is common practice for music productions to be mastered with the aim of increasing the perceived loudness for the listener, allowing one record to stand out from another by delivering an immediate impact and intensity. Since the advent... more
The notion that compressed music performs more effectively in automobiles as a consequence of the background noise present has been widely accepted, and particularly relevant to classical music that traditionally encompasses a very large... more
Musical practices permeate the experiences of American troops fighting in the current Iraq war. Music serves many overlapping and sometimes contradictory roles in troops' day-today lives, such as providing ways to pass the time,... more
Musical practices permeate the experiences of American troops fighting in the current Iraq war. Music serves many overlapping and sometimes contradictory roles in troops' day-today lives, such as providing ways to pass the time,... more
This article examines how American troops use music to navigate complex associations of place during deployment. Since 2005, I have been conducting interviews with veterans of the United States military who served in the conflicts in Iraq... more
Mit populärer Musik lässt sich die ganze Bandbreite menschlicher Emotionen ausdrücken – einschließlich aggressiver Affekte wie Wut und Zorn. Dabei werden die Emotionen häufig bestimmten Genres oder musikalischen Merkmalen zugeordnet – und... more
The United States arguably practiced torture during its global war on terrorism. In turn, torture has played a prominent role in various works of popular culture, including The Dark Knight film about Batman and the Joker, the television... more