On Pabst"s Pandoras box
This paper introduces a groundbreaking methodology for creating chess openings based on principles developed by O. D. Cowley. Leveraging concepts of decentralization, dynamic equilibrium, and recursive evaluation, the framework outlined... more
This paper by Oliver Derrick Cowley, introduces a novel approach to chess opening theory by utilizing mathematical optimization principles to develop new strategies aimed at disrupting opponent play. Through the application of concepts... more
La recherche actuelle est une contribution aux concepts pub*. Elle observe les transformations des discours publicitaires à travers l'étude des stratégies et médiations d'acteurs principalement marchands. Elle pointe une double... more
Over the last two years Sport in the USSR magazine published a series of 24 lessons introducing chess fans, in simple language, to openings, the most common middle and end games, and other typical situations at all stages of the game.... more
Este trabajo analiza las interacciones entre música, alimentación e imaginario de Andalucía en la publicidad audiovisual, haciendo énfasis en el carácter multifocal de la representación sonora del “sur” como territorio. Empleando el... more
The Moody Institute of Science (MIS) was founded in 1945 by the Moody Bible Institute and Irwin A. Moon as an evangelical group that used science demonstrations to preach to the masses. A California pastor who had been using science... more
The Moody Institute of Science (MIS) was founded in 1945 by the Moody Bible Institute and Irwin A. Moon as an evangelical group that used science demonstrations to preach to the masses. A California pastor who had been using science... more
Le probleme essentiel des recherches sur les representations spatiales est le manque de donnees concernant les enfants deficients visuels. Le but de ce projet est premierement de completer les donnees en examinant le developpement des... more
Queen (1951). 4 Film reviewers praised Latuko for its authentic, color footage and synchronous sound, claiming it represented "a novel African document" 5 and a "dizzying antidote to most ordinary film fare." 6 AMNH officials were... more
חשוב לציין כי המושג דארוויניזם חברתי הוא מושג שנמצא בביקורת משמעותית בארצות הברית, וגם במקומות אחרים בעולם.
Introduction. The scientific relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the concepts of colonialism and neocolonialism are currently becoming part of the official Russian political discourse. The article examines how film... more
Memoria ID-0099. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2014-2015.
Despite the growing momentum of the field of ludomusicology, concerts of video game music have been underrepresented in academic discussion. The transition of video game music to a classical and orchestral setting opens up ideas for... more
1 Les trois spectateurs en question proviennent d'une enquête en cours (A. Pinto [dir.], « Le goût des séries », Labex ICCA/DEPS ministère de la Culture, 2021) et d'une enquête réalisée par C. Thoër et al. (à paraître). Les prénoms ont... more
The occasion of this special issue on experimental moving images allows us to conduct an experiment of our own. As we have learned, there is a large and diverse community of scholars, makers, archivists, technicians, programmers, and... more
En tant que défilé permanent de corps engagés dans des performances spectaculaires qui sont aussi d’intensives performances de genre, le secteur du clip constitue une scène privilégiée pour la construction et la négociation des identités... more
The article seeks to explore the central role the fugue plays in Paul Klee’ paintings and writings. The fugue, by its very nature, forms an outstanding expression of the way texture and structure are interrelated in music. On the one... more
Primorosas ilustraciones atestiguan el esfuerzo invertido en este almanaque serio, pionero, que recorre caminos poco transitados por su originalidad, dedicados a la Ópera y a nuestra entrañable Zarzuela. El resultado es un feliz encuentro... more
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Hasta el momento son escasos los estudio del cine musical español centrados en el contexto mundial en que se desarrolló, comparándolo con el cine norteamericano y europeo del momento, quizá pensando que el aislamiento forzoso del país nos... more
En este artículo se presentan varios parámetros de análisis de la música en las películas del cineasta Almodóvar: desde el análisis formal de la música como metatexto del discurso fílmico, hasta los aspectos diegéticos e incidentales de... more
Until now there are few studies of Spanish musical film focusing on the world in which developed and compared with European and American cinema of the moment, perhaps thinking that the isolation of the country forced us to a... more
Tekst był publikowany w: "ArtPapier" 2007, nr 18(90). Obaj artyści nie są debiutantami na weneckim Biennale, imprezie uznawanej przez jednych za najważniejsze miejsce konfrontacji współczesnych artystów, a przez innych za przykład... more
La presencia del mito literario de Tristán e Isolda en la película de ciencia ficción Melancholia (2011), de Lars von Trier, se deja sentir desde que suenan los acordes de Tristan und Isolde de Wagner. Sin embargo, la relación entre ambas... more
The goal of this research is to maximize chord-based composition possibilities given a relatively small amount of information. A transformational approach, based in group theory, was chosen, focusing on chord intervals as the components... more
The focus of this paper is to connect an area of film studies (related to film sound) and recent findings in neuroscience. Since 1929 and Alfred Hitchcock's "Blackmail" subjective film sound has been introduced and after that... more
Muchos flautistas especializados en música del siglo XVIII conocen las excelentes sonatas que Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht (1722-1794) dejó para el instrumento. Jakob Friedrich era el mediano de los tres hijos músicos de Johannes... more
This essay examines uses of mobile cinemas in Cuba utilized after the Cuban Revolution of 1959. Like Russian agit-prop trains that filmed peasants and screened films in the countryside after the 1917 Revolution, Cuban cines moviles also... more
Film has influenced the public as an important cultural form since the 20th century, and film music, as an integral part of film, plays an important role in shaping its content. Film music was influenced by late European Romantic music,... more
Shot, directed, edited, and produced by filmmaker Richard Parks, Music Man Murray is a short documentary film about an eighty-eight-year-old man, his hundreds of thousands of vinyl records, and his desire for his collection of carefully... more
The article discusses the strength of stillness both at a narrative level related to Rosana’s appearance and at an aesthetic level related to the soundtrack. The quiet sound design communicates intensity and meaning, as does Rosana, who... more
Remediating Sound studies the phenomena of remixing, mashup and recomposition: forms of reuse and sampling that have come to characterise much of YouTube's audiovisual content. Through collaborative composition, collage and cover songs to... more
Metodo de aprendizaje para analizar y crear secuencias cinematograficas con procedimientos de trabajo basados en rutinas profesionales (sala de montaje) y ensenanzas semipresenciales y virtuales (plataforma on-line y campus virtual).
L’usage des surfaces de regard, de consommation et d’activation des contenus audiovisuels et numériques suscite une très grande réflexivité discursive sur le phénomène de « la société des écrans ». La réflexivité porte avant tout sur les... more
At the end of 2018 the singer Rosalía Vila Tobella (Barcelona, 1993) released her second album, entitled El mal querer, acquiring great visibility in the international media, as well as significant awards such as two Latin Grammys.... more
Explorations of the artist in the biopic genre are often formulaic in approach. The biographical narrative, modelled on the literary monograph, celebrates a public figure who overcomes challenges to rise to the top of their field. These... more