Music Teacher

87 papers
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A music teacher is an educator specialized in teaching music theory, performance, and appreciation to students of various ages. They develop curricula, instruct students in musical techniques and concepts, and foster an understanding and appreciation of music as an art form.
ÖZET Eğitim fakültelerinde uygulanmakta olan müzik öğretmenliği lisans programları, 1998 yılında değiştirilmiştir. Bu işlem, Milli Eğitimi Geliştirme Projesi çerçevesinde, eğitim fakültelerindeki öğretmen... more
This paper deals with a research project currently being undertaken at University of Bologna about the training of the university students studying to become music teachers. The general hypothesis of the project is that "musical... more
Brojni su radovi u kojima glazbeni pedagozi raspravljaju o pitanjima vezanim uz kvalitetu nastave glazbe i mogućnostima njezina unapređenja. Ta je rasprava stalno prisutna i u Hrvatskoj, posebno u posljednjem desetljeću kad se veći broj... more
Sažetak Nastava glazbene kulture sastavni je dio školskog kurikuluma i zajedno s likovnom, tehničkom i tjelesno-zdravstvenom kulturom čini okosnicu kulturno-odgojne uloge osnovne škole. Glavni razlog zašto nastava glazbe treba biti... more
U psihologiji glazbe više je pojmova koji označavaju uspješno izvođenje, opažanje i stvaranje glazbe. Najčešće su to: glazbeni talent, glazbena darovitost, muzikalnost i glazbena sposobnost. Otkrivanje darovitosti u glazbi događa se već... more
In this article, I discuss the Turkish elementary school music teaching course in terms of the requirements of the Turkish elementary music curriculum and those of other countries such as the USA, Ireland and Malta. I propose that a more... more
This research aims to determine profile properties of music teachers. The research has been done in general survey model. The study group consists of music teachers (n=150) working in Malatya in 2014-2015 academic year. The data... more
This paper deals with a research project currently being undertaken at University of Bologna about the training of the university students studying to become music teachers. The general hypothesis of the project is that "musical... more
This research was carried out to measure the academic motivation levels of pre-service music teachers as well as the music performance anxiety levels to investigate potential correlations between them. The sample group of this scanning... more
Covid19 virus, which is dangerous around the world, has become pandemic in our country in a short time. For this reason, restrictions in daily life have also been valid in higher education institutions. The spring semester of the 2019-20... more
This research was carried out to measure the academic motivation levels of  pre-service music teachers as well as the  music performance anxiety levels to investigate potential correlations between them. The sample group of this scanning... more
This research was carried out to measure the academic motivation levels of  pre-service music teachers as well as the  music performance anxiety levels to investigate potential correlations between them. The sample group of this scanning... more
Purpose: Music education is a learning and teaching process that creates cognitive, affective and psychomotor changes in the behaviors of an individual. One of the most important elements of this process is the music teacher. The... more