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      Social PsychologyMusicologyPsychology of MusicEmpathy (Psychology)
There are many research on Memory. From the perspective of a professional musician, this article uses findings in cognitive science to explores the different ways a musician can consolidate and secure his or her memory and prevent memory... more
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      Music Performance LearningInformal music learningMusic and Foreign Language learningMusic Learning Theory - Edwin Gordon
In this position paper the author presents a perspective on rock drumming and music education. The author is a drummer and university professor who combines an autoethnographic account with consideration of theoretical frameworks... more
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      MusicMusic EducationPerformance StudiesAuthenticity
Elaboration of the article Thinking, fast and Slow (based on Daniel Kahneman's book) as a presentation at the College Music Society national conference, 2015.
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      Cognitive ScienceMusic EducationEmbodied Music CognitionMusic Performance Learning
Resumo: O presente artigo aborda conceitos da autorregulação da aprendizagem e levanta algumas pesquisas sobre aprendizagem musical elaboradas a partir desse construto teórico. Este trabalho é fruto de nossa pesquisa de mestrado em... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic PsychologyAlbert Bandura
The present article proposes a learning model that describes the whole process of musical instrument’s practice, exposing its necessary knowledge and skills, aiming to provide scientific basis for Music Performance. The model proposes a... more
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      Music EducationPerformance PedagogyMusic PerformanceMusic Performance Learning
This research had as a general goal to understand how musical learning occurs in a school band based on the musical learning strategies found in such a context. This study sought to broaden perspectives on music band beyond what happens... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic PsychologyAlbert Bandura
The Republic of Korea has been protecting the ephemeral performative artistic and cultural phenomena collectively labeled intangible cultural heritage since Korea passed the Cultural Property Protection Law in 1962. The long history of... more
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      Cultural HeritagePerformance StudiesKorean StudiesTraditional Music
The central problem of music performance teaching is how to develop a student 's ability to feel emotional contents of music and to pass these musical emotions during his performance. Essentially, these issues are related to the... more
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      Performance Studies (Music)Music Teacher EducationMusic Performance LearningIntersubjectivity, Embodied Simulation, Empathy
Análisis de los desafíos actuales y futuros de los planes de estudio de los conservatorios de música, mediante un análisis DAFO (Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades), que tiene en consideración tanto las características... more
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      Music EducationMusic Performance LearningConservatoireMusic Learning
Success in musical skills depend more on Self-concept and measured dedication than the amount of practice a student accumulates over ten years of pre-college studies. A research result is explored and its implication in parent education... more
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      Music EducationPedagogyElementary Music EducationMusic Teacher Education