Museum Digital

395 papers
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Museum Digital refers to the integration of digital technologies in museum practices, encompassing the creation, management, and dissemination of digital content related to collections, exhibitions, and educational programs. It aims to enhance visitor engagement, accessibility, and the preservation of cultural heritage through innovative digital solutions.
In una società come quella odierna, altamente dinamica e imprevedibile, il museo non può sottrarsi a una riflessione attenta e consapevole sul suo ruolo, attuale e futuro. Sono infatti molteplici e variegate le questioni che si pongono... more
Hallel. Carmel. Bezalel The Exhibitions: Halel. Carmel Winery 'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel School These two exhibitions: "Halel. Carmel Winery" and "'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel... more
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Застосування соціальних мереж у музейному маркетингу / А.С. Бойко-Гагарін // Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 75-річчю Ізмаїльського державного гуманітарного університету ["Дунайські... more
This is only a reference to this new book.
I can´t publish the pdf of the paper before 2014.
Zusammenfassung: Die Entwicklungen von Subsistenz und Siedlungsverhalten sind charakteristische Parameter zur Definition des Mesolithikums. Der frühholozäne Landschaftswandel bedingte Innovationen in der Landschaftsnutzung, die auf die... more
Art provenance databases: Are they fulfilling their promise? Comparative evaluation of ten major museum databases in the USA and the UK Nearly twenty years ago, Museums committed to making Nazi-era provenance information more... more
РЕЦЕНЗІЯ на методичну розробку «Методичні рекомендації щодо експозиційно-виставкового висвітлення політичних репресій та радянського тоталітаризму у Західному регіоні України (на прикладі музейних установ Львівської області)» Представлена... more
Architectures and funerary practices from the second half of the forth and the beginning of the third millennium B.C. are quite different from those in use during the previous middle Neolithic period, in many places in occidental Europe.... more
Dieser Beitrag stellt die im Rahmen der Sonderausstellung „Schahname – Heroische Zeiten. 1000 Jahre persisches Buch der Könige“ im Museum für Islamische Kunst entworfenen digitalen Geschichtenerzähler vor. Er konzentriert sich vor... more
I am compiling resources on ancient Anatolia. If you have any suggestions or edits please let me know. This document will be updated regularly.
In 2013 we launched our first mobile web tour of Tate’s collection displays with the reopening of Tate Britain. In this blog post, we will evaluate the use of the mobile web tours to date and, from our findings, outline our next steps to... more
Il lavoro di ricerca condotto in questa Tesi di Dottorato in Scienze Umanistiche e dei Beni Culturali, XXVI ciclo, si configura come una ampia e multidisciplinare analisi del significato e del ruolo che le nuove tecnologie della... more
Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMBAH BUJANG, SEBUAH KERAJAAN LAMA YANG BERPUSAT: DARI PERSPEKTIF SISTEM MAKLUMAT GEOGRAFI (GIS).IN: Seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan... more
Barrows, as burial markers, are ubiquitous throughout North-Western Europe. In some regions dense concentrations of monuments form peculiar configurations such as long alignments while in others they are spread out extensively, dotting... more
Zuraina Majid, Ang Bee Huat and Jaffrie Ignatius (1998). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sites in Pahang: Excavations of Gua Sagu and Gua Tenggek:IN (Editor: Zuraina Majid) Archaeological Research and Museums In Malaysia. Malaysia Museums... more
The different work done from January 2006 to December 2008 by de Fundació Marina d’Or de la Comunitat Valenciana has enabled the excavation of over 100.000 square metres. Some aspects whose importance makes them deserve special mention... more
Digital transformation needs exchange. This applies to the discussion with museum visitors as well as with colleagues from other museums. In an international perspective, the Smithsonian Institution and the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum... more
The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007 is of great significant in understanding the early civilisations in Malaysia. The complex was found during a... more
Promachon-Topolnica a Neolithic settlement in the Balkans, situated on the border between Greece and Bulgaria (Balkans). The settlement was studied in two sectors: the sector in years 1980-1991 Topolnica (Bulgaria) is a sector in the... more
Intermediation of Archaeological Research. Concept and Visitor Study of the Exhibiton »Großbaustelle 793«. To mark the 1200-year anniversary of the death of Charlemagne, a special exhibition about the so-called Fossa Carolina,... more
Throughout the greater part of human evolution in Europe, use of plant foods is invisible and thus might have played a secondary role in nutrition. Ecological changes at the beginning of the early Holocene provoked innovations in early... more
Mitglieder des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts und Studenten der Altertumswissenschaften können die Archäologischen Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan zum Vorzugspreis von 53,20 a zuzüglich Versandkosten abonnieren. Bestellungen sind an... more
In his 1891 report, “The Museums of the Future,” George Brown Goode said, “In this busy, critical, and skeptical age each man is seeking to know all things, and life is too short for many words. The eye is used more and more, the ear... more
This article, which reveals the existence of a huge, plumed, Neolithic face on a stela at Le Closeau, Nanteau-sur-Essonne, examines its possible relationships with similar iconography, including on statue-menhirs and in hypogea from... more
In the line of interdisciplinary research of semiotic relations between prehistoric and the contemporary settlement, this paper, based on the ethnological materials, tends to explain insufficiently stressed aspect of Neolithic buildings... more
"This paper discusses the results and wider significance of archaeological excavations undertaken on a Neolithic settlement located on the island of Marawah, in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Survey and... more
"The article gives a summary about excavation results of the well preserved late neolithic Jevišovice-culture settlement Kleiner Anzingerberg in lower Austria. It also shows new developed documentation tools like a photo crane and a... more
L'arcipelago Maltese, situato nel centro del Mediterraneo, (circa 80 km a sud della costa siracusana, 290 km ad est della Tunisia, 355 a nord della Libia e 815 ad ovest di Creta), è costituito da 5 isole (più svariati scogli ed... more
New archaeobotanical results from 15 Neolithic sites in northern Germany are presented in a review of the Neolithic plant economy in northern and northwestern Europe. Available archaeobotanical data from north-western Europe are evaluated... more
Le territoire de Mamoiada (Province de Nuoro, Sardaigne) compte 61 hypogées et 9 structures mégalithiques réparties en 25 nécropoles ou tombes isolées, pour la plupart attribuables à la fin du Néolithique. L’analyse des relations... more
Textforschung (INTF) Münster, verfolgt eine umfassende digitale Strategie zur Erschließung und Erforschung des griechischen Neuen Testaments. Neben der Digitalisierung von Handschriften und Drucken wird das weltweit größte Archiv an... more
Hörmətli həmkarlar! Azərbaycanın ilk və ən böyük muzeyi, təməli 1920-ci ildə qoyulmuş Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi Muzeyi bu il özünün 100 illik yubileyini qeyd edəcəkdir. Azərbaycanın milli-mədəni irsini toplayaraq tədqiq və təbliğ edən... more
This booklet accompanies the online exhibition 'Excavation Archives: Narratives from 20th-Century Palmyra', which contextualizes the legacy data of the Danish archaeologist Harald Ingholt (1896-1985). The booklet reproduces the the... more
The study of megalithic art, its spatial distribution and its techniques, reveals the complexity of the megalithic ritual from the times of the very earliest constructions, making use of both the interior and exterior of the monuments.... more
This paper is a chapter of the book: Patrizia Gioia (ed.) 2008 – Torre Spaccata. Roma S.D.O. Le indagini Archeologiche, Roma-Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino. The discovery of prehistoric remains at Torre Spaccata, referable to a time span... more
Уважаемые коллеги! Национальный Музей Истории Азербайджана – крупнейший и самый первый музей страны, основанный в 1920 году, отмечает в этом году свой 100-летний юбилей. Сегодня Музей успешно продолжает многостороннюю деятельность по... more