Museum Digital

394 papers
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Museum Digital refers to the integration of digital technologies in museum practices, encompassing the creation, management, and dissemination of digital content related to collections, exhibitions, and educational programs. It aims to enhance visitor engagement, accessibility, and the preservation of cultural heritage through innovative digital solutions.
In this chapter the architecture of Ilıpınar Phase X (ca. 6000-5900 BC) and Phase VI (ca. 5700 BC) are compared. The reason to compare these two phases is that only in these periods fires have consolidated the wooden and mud-brick... more
Cassen and coll. have initiated a reflexion about some neolithic engravings representing sperm whales. Recent natural knowledge led to recognize also their favorite food: squids, other whales and their means of fishing, scenes of... more
s of the XXXVIII Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Fco. Javier Melero, Pedro Cano & Jorge Revelles (Editors) Granada, Spain April 6-9, 2010 Edited and written by Francisco Javier Melero, Pedro... more
This article examines how artists, dancers, and choreographers combine virtual reality (VR) and dance. The paper analyzes several VR-projects dated from the 1990s to 2020s. At the end of the article, several conclusions are drawn. First,... more
Excavations at a Glaze A pueblo in the Salinas Province of Central New Mexico revealed evidence of extensive fire damage, which preserved much occupational evidence that is relatively rare in the archaeological record. These discoveries... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Les sites fossoyes et palissades constituent certainement l’une des manifestations architecturales les plus remarquables des populations du Neolithique moyen. L’occupation chasseenne de Château-Percin a Seilh (Haute- Garonne), ceinturee... more
In drei Fjorden Nordwestspitzbergens konnte während einer Spitzbergenexpedition 1992 akustisches (Sonographie und Flachseismik) und sedimentologisches Datenmaterial gewonnen werden. Die Auswertung dieses Materials sowie der internationale... more
The Tandilia range is a discontinuous series of hills and valleys located at the central area of the Pampean region (Argentina). The process of human settlement reached in this zone the highest population densities and reoccupation levels... more
The digital representation of authentic historical artifacts is both an important opportunity for the democratization of access to cultural realia, and a strong rationale for returning expropriated artifacts to their original owners.... more
This paper demonstrates a framework for a digital heritage research, Augmenting Kashgar, that facilitates the revitalizing of a historical architecture by using gamification, shape grammars and virtual reality. Examining current use of... more
La versione italiana del toolkit di progettazione etica con l'intelligenza artificiale in modo etico originariamente sviluppato da Oonagh Murphy di Goldsmiths University ed Elena Villaespesa di Pratt Institute. La versione italiana... more
We founded Ásatárs Ltd, the first company on the Hungarian archaeological scene specialized in professional archaeological fieldwork, in March, 2004. The founders were archaeologists with several years of experience in museums and... more
In order to study more intensively the area south of Mt Olympos and west of Mt Ossa, a joint Greek-German project has been initiated, under the auspices of the Ephorate of Antiquities in Larissa, in collaboration with the Free University... more
Der die archäologische Maßnahme EV 2016/158 betreffende Feldforschungsbericht mit dem Titel "Siedlungsfunde der jüngeren Bandkeramik und des Mittelalters im Rheingau bei Oestrich-Winkel, Ortsteil Winkel, "Gänsgasse"" wurde im Jahr 2017... more
Son dönemde iletişim teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişmeler, internet ve sosyal medya platformlarının, bilgiye erişim açısından geleneksel medya ile rekabet edebilir hale gelmiştir. Bu ilerlemeler, bilgiye erişimin kolaylaşmasının yanı... more
Η συζήτηση για τη σύνθεση εκπαίδευσης και πολιτισμού και τη σύνδεση μουσείου και σχολείου, αναδεικνύει, μεταξύ άλλων, τον καίριο ρόλο των εκπαιδευτικών, που είναι καθοριστικής σημασίας για την ανάπτυξη μιας γόνιμης σχέσης και συνεργασίας... more
Las dataciones radiocarbónicas resultan una herramienta útil para establecer el marco cronológico de los contextos arqueológicos, aunque en ocasiones el adjetivo de «absoluto» se convierte en una categoría. En el caso del Neolítico... more
The museum is considered an educational space providing many opportunities for multiple readings of material and intangible culture and for interactive experiences. Regarding the need for a more essential communication and collaboration... more
Th e samples representing 6,930,352 units of storage, united in 694 collections, were deposited in the scientifi c collections of the Institute of Zoology (Kyiv, Ukraine) by the end of 2022. About 34,000 animal species belonging to 8,424... more
The island of Vis belongs to the central Dalmatian Island group and with its total area of ​​89.7 km 2 is the largest offshore island in the Adriatic. Due to its location and convenient natural predispositions, in the 4th century BCE the... more
The need for a more pronounced role of museums in today’s democratic and heterogeneous society has led to a change of the institutional framework which have now come to include voices of all those who have been underrepresented in... more
In this thesis, the colonisation of the Nördlinger Ries by the first farmers about 7500 years ago was investigated. At this time, the transition from the hunter-gatherer societies of the Mesolithic (ca. 11,000-5500 B.C.) to the first... more
The chapter highlights the geographies of some 'product platforms' such as Amazon, Just Eat, Netflix, Strava, also emphasizing the geoprivacy's issues.
Brandenburg, Uckermark, Neolithikum, Frühneolithikum, Rössener Kultur, Steinkreis, Rondell, Erdwerk, Ringheiligtum, Eisenzeit, Kaiserzeit, Siedlung, Eugal
The lock-downs imposed by the need to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic proliferation intensified a pre-existing trend of digitalization of cultural assets, thereby providing a new tool to History and Arts educators of... more
Τα βιντεοπαιχνίδια σήμερα μελετώνται διεξοδικά και με έμφαση στα πολιτισμικά και εκπαιδευτικά τους χαρακτηριστικά. Μέσα στα βιντεοπαιχνίδια ο παίχτης συναντά μουσεία, μουσειακά αντικείμενα, αρχαιολογικούς χώρους και ιστορικούς τόπους... more
The first step towards a society that respects and cares for its Heritage is formal and informal education on the matter, that starts from early childhood. This kind of education is provided not only from museums offering educational... more
Un premier programme triannuel 1995-1997 a été achevé cette année ; les fouilles de Renaghju (Sartène) et du Monte Revincu (Santo-Pietru-di-Tenda) en constituaient les principales opérations.
Vincent Gaffney (born in 1958) is a British archaeologist. In his 40-year career he has worked as a contract field archaeologist, museum curator, researcher and university professor at both Birmingham and Bradford. His expertise includes... more
Les sites fossoyes et palissades constituent certainement l’une des manifestations architecturales les plus remarquables des populations du Neolithique moyen. L’occupation chasseenne de Château-Percin a Seilh (Haute- Garonne), ceinturee... more
Το άρθρο αυτό αποτελείται από δύο μέρη. Αρχικά, περιγράφει ένα πρόγραμμα τρίμηνης ενδοσχολικής επιμόρφωσης, όπως εφαρμόστηκε στην πράξη το 2000, με θέμα «Επιμόρφωση Εκπαιδευτικών στην Ανάπτυξη project Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης για την... more
The results of the physical anthropological study of the skeletal remains from the Late Copper Age mass graves at the site of Abony, Turjányos-dűlő, Hungary 389 Tünde Horváth Balatonszöd-Temetői, Hungary: A Late Copper Age Boleráz-Baden... more
Der Aufbau Lernender Organisationen ist eine notwendige Antwort auf die zentrale Herausforderung am Ausgang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Unser aller Überleben wird davon abhängen, ob wir den Wandel von der belehrten zur lernenden Gesellschaft... more
Les sites fossoyes et palissades constituent certainement l’une des manifestations architecturales les plus remarquables des populations du Neolithique moyen. L’occupation chasseenne de Château-Percin a Seilh (Haute- Garonne), ceinturee... more
Rezension zu: Elke Heege, Studien zum Neolithikum in der Hildesheimer Borde. Veroffentlichungen derurgeschichtlichen Sammlungen des Landesmuseum zu Hannover, Band 35. VerlagAugust Lax, Hildesheim 1989. ISSN 0931-6280; ISBN 3-7848-1235-X.... more
The conservation of biodiversity and natural resources relies to a large extent on the establishment of protected areas. However, protected areas often fail to meet the objectives that lead to their establishment, due to poor control over... more
Digitization and digital methods have had a big impact on migration history and history in general. The dispersed and fragmented nature of migration heritage that involves at least two countries and many cultural heritage institutions... more
Ghagha island is located at the westernmost extent of Abu Dhabi emirate, c.1 km from the UAE mainland. Survey and excavation by the Department of Culture and Tourism: Abu Dhabi has identified two previously unknown Neolithic sites on the... more