Aim: To examine the effects of rehabilitation on knee ranges of motion and muscle power after ACL reconstruction surgery. Method: In this study, 40 participants were examined who had ACL reconstruction. Research data was collected from... more
Previous research has demonstrated that ingestion of essential amino acids and their metabolites induce anabolic effects with the potential to augment gains in lean body mass and strength after resistance exercise training. Purpose: The... more
Background. Approximately 35,000 strokes occur annually in adults below the age of 40, and there is disappointingly little data describing their responses to rehabilitation. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the effects of... more
Background: Individuals with cerebral palsy have smaller muscle volumes normalised to body mass than their typically developing peers. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between lower limb muscle volume and body mass... more
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and Overtraining syndrome (OTS) are separate, complex conditions which have so many similar debilitating effects that it has led some researchers to conclude that OTS is a sub-condition of CFS. The purpose... more
▶ muscle adaptation • ▶ training • ▶ electromyogram • ▶ power output • ▶ power spectral analysis Neuromuscular Fatigue after Resistance Training in maximal strength has not been reported . Despite the dynamic nature of most motor tasks in... more
This study examined the impact of 4 weeks of either complete cessation of training (DTR) or a tapering period (TAP; short-term reduction of the strength training volume, while the intensity is kept high), subsequent to 16 weeks of... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of 11 wk of resistance training to failure vs. nonfailure, followed by an identical 5-wk peaking period of maximal strength and power training for both groups as well as to examine the... more
Maximal concentric one repetition maximum half-squat (1RM HS ), bench-press (1RM BP ), power-load curves during concentric actions with loads ranging from 30% to 100% of 1RM HS and 1RM BP were examined in 70 male subjects divided into... more
To explore data on functioning in the medical records of patients with stroke by linking them to the ICF. [Subjects and Methods] The admission and discharge summaries of patients' electronic medical records (EMRs) were investigated.... more
Objective: To examine the association between radiographic classification of severe knee osteoarthritis and measurements of function, pain and power. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Specialist orthopaedic hospital. Subjects: One... more
The effects of a 10-wk unilateral knee extension strength training (ST) program on peak power and velocity at given absolute (force load) and relative (same % of 1 RM) resistances (loads) were examined in 30 older men (64 ± 7 yr) and 32... more
Objectives-Peak torque expresses a point output which may, but does not always, correlate well with full range output measures such as work or power, particularly in a rehabilitating muscle. This study evaluates isokinetic performance... more
The aim of this study was to examine changes in body mass (BM) and power-related measures in Olympic boxers during an official qualifying boxing tournament. Fourteen elite amateur boxers from the Brazilian National Team (eight men and six... more
Transference Effect of Short-Term Optimum Power Load Training on the Punching Impact of Elite Boxers
effect of short-term optimum power load training on the punching impact of elite boxers. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2019-This study examined the changes in bench press (BP), jump squat (JS), and half-squat (HS) power outputs... more
The purpose of this case study was to examine the effects of a resistance-training program based on the optimum power loads (OPL) method on neuromuscular performance of Olympic boxing athletes during preparation for the Rio-2016 Olympic... more
Purpose: Being able to rise from a chair is paramount for independent living and is strongly influenced by the ability of the lower limbs to exert mechanical power. This study assessed minimal thresholds of lower-limb relative muscle... more
Skeletal muscle power has been demonstrated to be a stronger predictor of functional limitations than any other physical capability. However, no validated alternatives exist to the usually expensive instruments and/or time-consuming... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This study investigated the physiological and gender determinants of the age-related loss of muscle power in 31 healthy middle-aged adults (aged 40-55 years), 28 healthy older adults (70-85 years) and 34 mobility-limited older adults... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between adolescents’ biological maturation level and their muscle power, as well as their overall muscle strength. Overall, 691 adolescents (414 boys and 277 girls) aged... more
There are many factors that affect Pencak Silat skills, namely the elements of physical condition and kicks. Based on the background in the introduction, it was found that the frequency of sickle kicks is related to the power of the leg... more
To verify the effects of short-term plyometric training (PM) on body composition, flexibility and muscle power output in female Futsal athletes. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty female Futsal athletes (19.5 ± 1.29 years) equally and randomly... more
A number of recent studies have revealed an approximately linear force-velocity (F-V) and, consequently, a parabolic power-velocity (P-V) relationship of multi-joint tasks. However, the measurement characteristics of their parameters have... more
On behalf of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN), a systematic review was conducted to evaluate the best available evidence regarding the validity of relevant body composition methods (eg, dual energy X-ray... more
A predição da "performance" motora vem sendo uma questão básica para a ciência do esporte. Vários tipos de testes vêm sendo utilizados para tal, sendo os testes que avaliam a função muscular os mais utilizados. A especificidade do teste... more
Objective: To evaluate the activity of the adductor and abductor muscle groups of the hip in young adults by using an isokinetic dynamometer. Method: 20 male volunteers were selected, with ages varying between 21 and 30 years for... more
The use of creatine monohydrate (Cr) in professional soccer is widely documented. However, the effect of low doses of Cr on the physical performance of young soccer players is unknown. This study determined the effect of a low dose of... more
Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų ACE ir PGC1A genetinių variantų reikšmė fiziniam pajėgumui
Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto Žmogaus ir medicininės genetikos katedra 1 , Lietuvos olimpinis sporto centras 2 , Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas 3 Santrauka Darbo tikslas -ištirti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų... more
There are many factors that affect Pencak Silat skills, namely the elements of physical condition and kicks. Based on the background in the introduction, it was found that the frequency of sickle kicks is related to the power of the leg... more
The age-related decline in muscle function, particularly muscle power, is associated with increased risk of important clinical outcomes. Physical activity is an important determinant of muscle function, and different types of physical... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Este estudo objetivou identificar a potência de membros inferiores em jogadores de futebol e futsal, comparando o counter movement jump (CMJ) entre modalidades, posições adotadas e categorias. Participaram 61 atletas de futebol das... more
This randomized controlled trial examined the effects of multicomponent training on muscle power output, muscle mass, and muscle tissue attenuation; the risk of falls; and functional outcomes in frail nonagenarians. Twenty-four elderly... more
We propose a novel control method for lowerlimb assist that produces a virtual modification of the mechanical impedance of the human limbs. This effect is accomplished through the use of an exoskeleton that displays active impedance. The... more
The effects of a 16-week training period (2 days per week) of resistance training alone (upper-and lower-body extremity exercises) (S), endurance training alone (cycling exercise) (E), or combined resistance (once weekly) and endurance... more
Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) is a hormone associated with multiple physiologic outcomes including increased muscle growth and repair as well as uncontrolled cell growth, i.e. cancer. Both exercise and nutritional status (in... more
The age-related decline in muscle function, particularly muscle power, is associated with increased risk of important clinical outcomes. Physical activity is an important determinant of muscle function, and different types of physical... more
Complex training is an exercise method that combines plyometrics with strength training. This exercise is an exercise used to increase muscle power. This study aims to determine the effect of training of complex training methods towards... more
Objectives-After stroke, abnormal arm posture due to spasticity in a functionally useless arm may interfere with self care tasks. In these patients botulinum toxin treatment presents an opportunity to reduce disability. The purpose was to... more
Background: Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent conditions. According to world health organization the knee osteoarthritis is the fourth most important cause of disability in women and eight most important causes in men.... more
This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original in pagination and typographic details.
This paper deals with EMG-driven torque estimation and optimal adaptive impedance control during robot-aided rehabilitation. In this preliminary and feasibility study, the proposed framework was evaluated considering an active knee... more