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      PhysiologyBiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologyMuscle Physiology
The rapid growth of wireless communication technologies has caused public concerns regarding the biological effects of electromagnetic radiations on human health. Some early reports indicated a wide variety of non-thermal effects of... more
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      PhysicsElectromagnetismMobile PhonesMedicine
During the early period of running after cycling, EMG patterns of the leg are modified in only some highly trained triathletes. The majority of studies have analysed muscle EMG patterns at arbitrary, predetermined time points. The purpose... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyRunningAdolescentRespiratory Physiology
The deadlift exercise is commonly performed to develop strength and power, and to train the lower-body and erector spinae muscle groups. However, little is known about the acute training effects of a hexagonal barbell vs. a straight... more
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      MathematicsMedicineMuscle PhysiologyBiomechanics of strength and conditioning
This study investigated the relationship between several physical activities and the energy exerted by the quadriceps, hamstring, and the gastrocnemius on the surface of the leg. These physical activities consisted of a biking, running,... more
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      Renewable energy resourcesMuscle Physiology
Background: Globalization is having a significant impact on health care and the demands put on the health professions are increasing day by day. In the healthcare sector, professions like those of Doctors and Nurses are well known than... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiotherapyMuscle Physiology
Complex interactions between the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems produce the wide variety of movements available for human task execution. Each of these systems is often studied in isolation, but movement scientists and clinicians... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMuscle PhysiologyMuscle strengthPhysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of skeletal muscle function
A motor unit is composed of a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that are innervated by that motor neuron. In a persistent muscle contraction, multiple motor units are firing repetitively throughout the contraction of the muscle. The... more
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      Human PhysiologyExercise PhysiologyMuscle Physiology
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      Muscle PhysiologyPhysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of skeletal muscle functionLeg muscle strength , hamstring to quarducepts
Background. Self-myofascial release (SMR), a type of myofascial release is a popular therapy performed by the individual using a foam roller. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the immediate effect of SMR using a foam roller on... more
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      Muscle PhysiologyMuscle strengthRecoveryElectromyography
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMedicineMusculoskeletal BiomechanicsMuscle Physiology
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      PhysiologyBiologyAnimal PhysiologyMuscle Physiology
Esta es una guía fácil y didáctica que explicara de forma clara como poder aumentar el tamaño de los glúteos. Se considerara al lector una persona que con cierto nivel de conocimiento y previa experiencia entrenando, ante cualquier duda... more
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      PhysiologyPhysical EducationMuscle PhysiologySports Coaching
Hay tres tipos de tejido muscular en el cuerpo: el músculo estriado (voluntario) o esquelético, el músculo no estriado (involuntario) o liso y el músculo cardiaco. La constitución química del músculo esquelético es la que ha sido más... more
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      MedicineMuscle PhysiologyAnatomyAnatomy Muscle Modeling
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    • Muscle Physiology
An study guide to the Muscular System for Introductory Biology
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMuscle PhysiologyMusclesThe Muscular System
Jaringan otot atau biasa disebut otot telah dijumpai mulai dari invertebrata sampai vertebrata. Otot merupakan bagian terbesar dari tubuh manusia. Hampir setengah dari keseluruhan berat tubuh manusia disumbang oleh otot. Jaringan otot... more
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      Muscle PhysiologyMuscle
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      Human PhysiologyMuscle Physiology
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMuscle PhysiologyPhysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of skeletal muscle functionSmooth muscle
Effects of two different training regimens on the contractile properties of the quadriceps muscle were studied in six individuals with spinal cord injury. Each subject had both limbs trained with the two regimens, consisting of... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologyPhysiotherapyExercise Physiology
Ever since it was first observed and especially so in recent years, the phenomenon of the so-called "sticking point'" in resistance training has attracted a substantial amount of sports and exercise science research. Broadly speaking the... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologySport PsychologySports Medicine
In the context of resistance training the so-called "sticking point" is commonly understood as the position in a lift in which a disproportionately large increase in the difficulty to continue the lift is experienced. If the lift is... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologySports MedicineExercise Physiology
Creatine supplementation has been found to significantly increase muscle strength and hypertrophy in young adults (≤ 35 yr) particularly when consumed in conjunction with a resistance training regime. Literature examining the efficacy of... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyNutritionAgingMuscle Physiology
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      AgingCell SignalingMuscle PhysiologyCancer cachexia
The aim of this investigation was to determine the contractile properties of motor units within 3 segments of the gluteus maximus utilizing a laser-based mechanomyographic (MMG) technique. The intention was to determine whether there were... more
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      BiomechanicsMuscle PhysiologyPhysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of skeletal muscle functionMMG
research on the proper ways to build up your core
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      Muscle PhysiologyFitnessMuscle strength
Dear colleagues, We are glad to invite you the attend the “Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt”, organized between the 12th and 16th of October 2017 in Los Cabos, Mexico — Themes —... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEconomic HistoryPharmacologyBotany
Ce texte vise à mettre en place une série d’éléments devant servir de fondement à une interprétation phénoménologique de la pesanteur, à savoir une caractérisation de la pesanteur telle qu’elle se montre et fait sens pour l’individu dans... more
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      PerceptionTactile (Haptic) Feedback Control of Installation AspectsHuman Motor BehaviorPhenomenological Psychology
We examined the expression and function of a gene we previously cloned from its downregulation in a muscle atrophy model. The encoded protein was named myodulin because of sequence homologies with the cartilage-specific chondromodulin-I... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyProtein expression/purifucationMuscle PhysiologyAngiogenesis
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      BiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologySport BiomechanicsMuscle Physiology
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      PhysiologyBiomechanicsSkeletal muscle biologyNeuromechanics
Locomotory systems evolved through adaptive radiations in response to changing environments and behavioural challenges such as predation avoidance and foraging niches (Pontzer & Wrangham 2004; Marzke, et al. 2015). Locomotory behaviours... more
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      Human Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyHuman EvolutionSkeletal Biology
The naturally occurring polyamines, spermidine, spermine, and their precursor putrescine, play indispensible roles in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, from basic DNA synthesis to regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation.... more
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      PharmacyMolecular BiologySkeletal muscle biologyMuscle Physiology
A novel approach has been developed for the quantification of total mechanical power output produced by an isolated, well-defined muscle group during dynamic exercise in humans at different contraction frequencies. The calculation of... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologyExercise PhysiologyBiomechanics
Aim: Our work investigates the use of "external momentum" in the context of hypertrophy oriented training. This is momentum supplied to the load (such as a dumbbell) used in an exercise by means of action of muscles not inherently... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologyApplied MathematicsSports Medicine
The explosive growth of scientific visualization in the past 10 years demonstrate a consistent and tacit agreement among scientists that visualization offers a better representation system for displaying complex data than traditional... more
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      Decision MakingAnesthesiologyDesign MethodsInformation Visualization
Despite increasing use of whole body vibration during exercise an understanding of the exact role of vibration and the supporting physiological mechanisms is still limited. An important aspect of exercise analysis is the utilisation of... more
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      Muscle PhysiologyWhole Body Vibration
Skeletal muscle fat infiltration (known as myosteatosis) is an ectopic fat depot that increases with aging and is recognized to negatively correlate with muscle mass, strength, and mobility and disrupt metabolism (insulin resistance,... more
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      GeriatricsAgingUltrasoundMuscle Physiology
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologyPhysiotherapySports Medicine
Vermilion is both a brilliant red or scarlet pigment, originally made from the powdered mineral cinnabar, and the corresponding color. It is commonly used in Hindu culture, primarily by women, and was widely used in the art and decoration... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyGeobiologyNorth American (Archaeology)
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      BiochemistryGeneticsCardiologyMolecular Biology
ABSTRACT: The influence of earthworm’s environment on its biology needs to be well understood. This study investigated the impact of sawmilling activities on the diversity, abundance and mineral composition of the tissues of earthworm... more
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      PhysiologyEnvironmental ScienceSoil ScienceDiversity
Aim:  The present study investigated the energy cost of lengthening, isometric and shortening contractions in rat muscle (n = 19).Methods:  With electrical stimulation the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle was maximally stimulated to... more
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      PhysiologyExercise PhysiologySkeletal muscle biologyNeurophysiology
Insulin resistance is defined as a reduced ability of insulin to stimulate glucose utilization. C57BL/6 mice fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) are a model of insulin resistance. In skeletal muscle, hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) produced by... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyMolecular BiologyObesity
Force is transmitted from muscle fiber to bone via several pathways: (1) via the tendons (i.e. myotendinous force transmission), (2) via intermuscular connective tissue to adjacent muscles (i.e. intermuscular myofascial force... more
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      Finite Element MethodsStructure-function relationshipsMusculoskeletal BiomechanicsMuscle Physiology
The Smith machine is a pervasive weight training apparatus, used extensively by a wide population of weight trainers, from novices to high-level athletes. The advantages of using a Smith machine over free-weight resistance are disputed,... more
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      PhysiologyExercise PhysiologyStrength & ConditioningSimulation (Computer Science)
Pires-Oliveira M, Maragno AL, Parreiras-E-Silva LT, Chiavegatti T, Gomes MD, Godinho RO. Testosterone represses ubiquitin ligases atrogin-1 and Murf-1 expression in an androgen-sensitive rat skeletal muscle in vivo. Skeletal muscle... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyCell SignalingMuscle Physiology
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      Muscle PhysiologyPhysiological and biomechanical mechanisms of skeletal muscle function