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      MarketingEconometricsTime SeriesEconomic Theory
Objectives The optimal treatment for elderly patients (age [ 70 years) with glioblastoma remains controversial. We conducted a prospective trial in 32 consecutive elderly patients with glioblastoma who underwent surgery followed by... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisNeuro-OncologyNeuroSurvival Rate
To develop criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia, we studied 558 consecutive patients: 293 patients with fibromyalgia and 265 control patients. Interviews and examinations were performed by trained, blinded assessors. Control... more
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Objective: To determine the incidence, cost, and outcome of severe sepsis in the United States.
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      NursingTreatment OutcomeAdolescentCritical Care
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      Analytical ChemistryMultivariate AnalysisLatent variableQuantitative Structure Activity Relationship
Among the 295 patients, 180 had a poorprognosis signature and 115 had a good-prognosis signature, and the mean (±SE) overall 10-year survival rates were 54.6±4.4 percent and 94.5±2.6 percent, respectively. At 10 years, the probability of... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsBreast CancerSurvival AnalysisGene expression
Background-Separate multivariable risk algorithms are commonly used to assess risk of specific atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, ie, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and... more
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      AlgorithmsPrimary CarePrimary Health CareRisk assessment
Using data from India, we estimate the relationship between household wealth and children 's school enrollment. We proxy wealth by constructing a linear index from asset ownership indicators, us-ing principal-components analysis to... more
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      DemographyPovertyPrincipal Component AnalysisPakistan
Context While recent pharmacological advances have generated increased public interest and demand for clinical services regarding erectile dysfunction, epidemiologic data on sexual dysfunction are relatively scant for both women and men.
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      Sexual DysfunctionQuality of lifeErectile dysfunctionMultivariate Analysis
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      ObesityComorbidityMultivariate AnalysisChronic Disease
In this article, we present FactoMineR an R package dedicated to multivariate data analysis. The main features of this package is the possibility to take into account different types of variables (quantitative or categorical), different... more
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      Multivariate Data AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisGraphic User Interface DesignStatistical software
Despite multiple disparate prognostic risk analysis systems for evaluating clinical outcome for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), imprecision persists with such analyses. To attempt to improve on these systems, an... more
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      Risk assessmentAdolescentMultivariate AnalysisBlood
Therapies that target the programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor have shown unprecedented rates of durable clinical responses in patients with various cancer types. 1-5 One mechanism by which cancer tissues limit the host immune response is... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMultidisciplinaryNatureMultivariate Analysis
We present here both linear regressions and multivariate analyses correlating three global neuropsychological tests with a number of structural and neurochemical measurements performed on a prospective series of 15 patients with... more
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      PathologyNeurologyPsychometricsMultivariate Analysis
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      Health BehaviorViolenceMental HealthSexuality
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a multivariate statistical framework that is used to model complex relationships between directly and indirectly observed (latent) variables. SEM is a general framework that involves simultaneously... more
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      Population GeneticsMultivariate AnalysisSoftwareSmoking
BACKGROUND-Obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. In rodents and newborn humans, brown adipose tissue helps regulate energy expenditure by thermogenesis mediated by the expression of uncoupling protein 1... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsImmunohistochemistryPositron Emission TomographyEnergy Metabolism
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) can be divided into prognostically important subgroups with germinal center Bcell-like (GCB), activated B-cell-like (ABC), and type 3 gene expression profiles using a cDNA microarray. Tissue... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryAdolescentGene expressionMultivariate Analysis
Nonparametric multivariate analysis of ecological data using permutation tests has two main challenges: (1) to partition the variability in the data according to a complex design or model, as is often required in ecological experiments,... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsData AnalysisEcologyCommunity
Background: The dramatic progress in sequencing technologies offers unprecedented prospects for deciphering the organization of natural populations in space and time. However, the size of the datasets generated also poses some daunting... more
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      GeneticsPolymorphismPopulation GeneticsPrincipal Component Analysis
for prognostication and therapeutic decision making. JAMA 2000; 284: 835-842. When a patient presents with an acute STEMI, the optimal treatment is usually clear --proceed to PCI immediately. The situation is less clear with unstable... more
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      Decision MakingRisk assessmentMultivariate AnalysisHeparin
Background: High-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are etiologic agents for anogenital tract cancers and have been detected in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs). We investigated, retrospectively, an etiologic role for HPVs... more
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      Survival AnalysisAdolescentIn Situ HybridizationMultivariate Analysis
To determine whether graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) reactions are important in preventing leukemia recurrence after bone marrow transplantation, we studied 2,254 persons receiving HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplants for acute... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisAcute Myeloid LeukemiaBloodRisk factors
Women with breast cancer seek complementary and alter- native medicine (CAM) more than other patient populations with cancer.
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      GeneticsPsychologyDemographyMilitary Medicine
Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — Intensive Insulin Therapy and Pentastarch Resuscitation in Severe Sepsis.
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      Acute kidney injuryEnglandMultivariate AnalysisAcute renal failure
Background-The Lyon Diet Heart Study is a randomized secondary prevention trial aimed at testing whether a Mediterraneantype diet may reduce the rate of recurrence after a first myocardial infarction. An intermediate analysis showed a... more
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      DietSurvival AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisHeart Failure
Objectives-The long-term prognosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in children remains uncertain. We aimed at determining the long-term outcomes and survival of children with NAFLD.
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      GastroenterologyObesityAustraliaNatural History
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      In Situ HybridizationMultivariate AnalysisHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSSmoking
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      MicrocirculationSurvival AnalysisEnglandMultivariate Analysis
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      Family historyMultivariate AnalysisFunctional impairmentRisk factors
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Elevated serum phosphorus is a predictable accompaniment of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the absence of dietary phosphate restriction or supplemental phosphate binders. The consequences of hyperphosphatemia include the development... more
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      CalciumMultivariate AnalysisCorrelationEnd Stage Renal Disease
We evaluated the hierarchical risk groups for the estimated survival of WHO grade III glioma patients using recursive partitioning analysis (RPA). To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the results of RPA specifically for... more
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      AlgorithmsData AnalysisPalliative CareCancer
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      RheumatologyImmunologyOsteoarthritisMultivariate Analysis
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      FamilyQuality of lifeMultivariate AnalysisEnd of life
survival for patients with a single unresectable brain metastasis. WBRT and stereotactic radiosurgery should, therefore, be standard treatment for patients with a single unresectable brain metastasis and considered for patients with two... more
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      RadiosurgeryMultivariate AnalysisRandomised Controlled TrialLancet
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      Evidence Based MedicineQuality of lifeEvaluationTreatment Outcome
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      Multivariate AnalysisHeart FailureStrokeRisk factors
There has been an outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) worldwide. We report the clinical, laboratory, and radiologic features of 138 cases of suspected SARS during a hospital outbreak in Hong Kong. March 11 to 25,... more
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      ChinaHong KongEnglandMultivariate Analysis
Pregnancy and the puerperium are periods of increased risk for venous thromboembolism. 1 However, the absolute incidence of venous thromboembolism among pregnant or postpartum women is relatively low, ranging from 9 to 65 per 100,000... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisOxytocinPregnancySmoking Cessation
A test for the ex ante efficiency of a given portfolio of assets is analyzed. The relevant statistic has a tractable small sample distribution. Its power function is derived and used to study the sensitivity of the test to the portfolio... more
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      MarketingEconometricsEconomic TheoryDecision Theory
A simple risk score for prediction of contrast-induced nephropathy after This information is current as of OBJECTIVES We sought to develop a simple risk score of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) after percutaneous coronary intervention... more
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      PredictionRiskRisk assessmentMultivariate Analysis
Prediction models are developed to aid health care providers in estimating the probability or risk that a specific disease or condition is present (diagnostic models) or that a specific event will occur in the future (prognostic models),... more
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      PublishingResearch DesignClinical EpidemiologyRisk assessment
Multivariate analytical methods are increasingly popular in epidemiological studies. The present paper discusses appropriate data analysis strategies for assessing disease determinants and, in particular, how to handle the complex... more
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      StatisticsEpidemiologyMultivariate AnalysisConceptual Framework
Background: Elevated plasma homocysteine levels are a risk factor for coronary heart disease, but the prognostic value of homocysteine levels in patients with established coronary artery disease has not been defined.
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      Survival AnalysisFolic acidEnglandMultivariate Analysis
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      Statistical AnalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescentMultidisciplinary
In recent years, growing population and expansion of settlements and life-lines over hazardous areas have largely increased the impact of natural disasters both in industrialized and developing countries. Third world countties have... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyMultivariate StatisticsStatistical Analysis
The purpose of this study was to determine if health-related quality of life (HRQL) improves after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in older women.
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      NursingQuality of lifeMultivariate AnalysisHealth related Quality of Life
Activating mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) confer hypersensitivity to the tyrosine kinase inhibitors gefitinib and erlotinib in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. We evaluated the feasibility... more
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      Survival AnalysisEnglandMultivariate AnalysisDiarrhea
A generic preprocessing method for multivariate data, called orthogonal projections to latent structures (O-PLS), is described. O-PLS removes variation from X (descriptor variables) that is not correlated to Y (property variables, e.g.... more
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      Analytical ChemistryChemometricsMultivariate Data AnalysisMultivariate Analysis