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Use of multivariate models in genetic evaluation requires a multivariate method for detecting erroneous outliers that cannot be detected using univariate methods. A simple rule for detecting outliers based on an approximated Mahanalobis... more
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Genetic diversity of 27 chickpea genotypes was studied through Mahalanobis D2 and Principal Component analysis. The genotypes under study fall into five clusters. The cluster II contained the highest number of genotypes (11) and Cluster I... more
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      BiologyGenetic DiversityMultivariateChickpea
We tested the hypothesis that effects of predation by fish on epibiota are independent of the size of fish and the area foraged. We used cages with different sizes of mesh to exclude fish of different sizes. Sizes of mesh were chosen... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesFoulingExperiment
The sources and source variations for aerosol at Mace Head, Ireland, were studied by applying positive matrix factorization (PMF), a variant of factor analysis, to a 5-yr data set for bulk aerosol. Signals for the following six sources... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWestern EuropeEastern EuropeUnited Kingdom
. Vol. 34, No. 2,[111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120] The opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is an important medicinal plant of great pharmacopoel uses. 101 germplasm lines of different eco-geographical origin maintained at... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisMultivariateClusterBreeding System
Data from a longitudinal cohort study were used to directly compare the concurrent and predictive validity of four univariate typologic approaches with a multivariate approach in subtyping drug dependence. The four univariate typologies... more
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      FamilyMedicineAntisocial Personality DisorderClassification
Fuzzy c-means (FCMs) is an important and popular unsupervised partitioning algorithm used in several application domains such as pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining. Although the FCM has shown good performance in... more
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      Fuzzy ClusteringMultivariate
We examined patterns of geographic variation within Polypedates leucomystax using multivariate statistical analyzes of 14 morphological characters measured from 146 specimens obtained from Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.... more
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    • Multivariate
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      Computer ScienceOpticsBiomedical EngineeringArt
We review aspects of extreme value modelling relevant to characterisation of ocean environments and the design of marine structures, summarising basic concepts, modelling with covariates and multivariate modelling (including conditional... more
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      Civil EngineeringOcean EngineeringBayesianMultivariate
Pragmatical, visually oriented methods for assessing and optimising bi-linear regression models are described, and ap-Ž . plied to PLS Regression PLSR analysis of multi-response data from controlled experiments. The paper outlines some... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySensoryExperimental DesignMultivariate Data Analysis
In this work parametric and non-parametric statistical methods are proposed to analyze Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DT-MRI) data. A Multivariate Normal Distribution is proposed as a parametric statistical model of... more
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      EngineeringMonte CarloMRIDiffusion Tensor Imaging
This working paper assesses self-reported measures of subjective well-being in later life. In the first place, an overview of the theoretical background of a number of measures, focusing on those present in the English Longitudinal Study... more
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      SociologyPositive PsychologyStatisticsSocial Sciences
This essay aimed to apply the Multivariate Multiple Regression (MMR) method for the welfare issue. The predictor variables in the model are 18 indicators of welfare according to Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) and the... more
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Different varieties of chili sauces that are commercially available in Malaysia were randomly collected and their physical and chemical parameters were determined. Initially, pattern recognition techniques were applied in order to... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisPattern RecognitionMultivariateCluster Analysis
The characteristics of the OPLS method have been investigated for the purpose of discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). We demonstrate how class-orthogonal variation can be exploited to augment classification performance in cases where the... more
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      Analytical ChemistryChemometricsBiological SciencesDiscriminant Analysis
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      StatisticsMultivariate StatisticsInnovation statisticsApplied Statistics
We review the past 25 years of time series research that has been published in journals managed by the International Institute of Forecasters (Journal of Forecasting 1982 International Journal of Forecasting 1985. During this period, over... more
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      Time SeriesExponential SmoothingKalman FilterSeasonality
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      StatisticsStatistical ComputingMultivariate StatisticsMachine Learning
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      MarketingEconometricsTime SeriesForecasting
Introduzida por Karl Pearson em 1901. On lines and planes of closest fit to systems of point in space, Philosophical Magazine, Series 6, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 559-572. EVERITT, B. An R and S-Plus companion to multivariate analysis,... more
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      Linear Algebra (Vector Space)Multivariate StatisticsData AnalysisPrincipal Component Analysis
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsStatisticsEconometric Theory
The First Part of This Power Point Explain About T2 Hotelling, Wishart Distribution, etc.
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsMultivariate AnalysisMultivariate methods
This study explores the relationship between the Big-Five factors of Personality, which are Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, and four domains of Future Anxiety, which are General... more
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      PsychologyNursingJob SatisfactionBeliefs
Environmental microbiology is undergoing a dramatic revolution due to the increasing accumulation of biological information and contextual environmental parameters. This will not only enable a better identification of diversity patterns,... more
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      MicrobiologyStatisticsMultivariate StatisticsEnvironmental microbiology
MXM is an R package which offers variable selection for high-dimensional data in cases of regression and classification. Many regression models are offered. In addition some functions for Bayesian Networks and graphical models are... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceStatistical MechanicsStatistics
Normal multivariada, contorno de probabilidade
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      Multivariate StatisticsMultivariate Data AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisMultivariate
In this paper, we discuss the quality of different hedging strategies that use the Mexican Stock Market Index Futures, traded in the Mexican Derivatives Market (MexDer) contract to minimize the impact of stock price fluctuations on the... more
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The present study compared the fit of several IRT models to two personality assessment instruments. Data from 13,059 individuals responding to the US-English version of the Fifth Edition of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsItem Response TheoryMathematical SciencesGoodness of Fit
A study of vegetation and different parameters of soil and water of Lahore District was carried out in this investigation. Vegetation data was evaluated by using multivariate analysis methods i.e., Tow-way Indicator Species Analysis... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil ScienceWaterWater quality
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      Smoking CessationMathematical SciencesMultivariate
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
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      Information SystemsManagementMarketingSociology
Os perfis típicos da demanda diária por eletricidade são informações fundamentais em diversas etapas do planejamento e da operação de sistemas elétricos de potência. Por exemplo, no cálculo das tarifas que remuneram o serviço de... more
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      Electrical EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceStatisticsMultivariate Statistics
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
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      MultivariateMin/max Autocorrelation FactorsJoint Simulation
The key to sustained business performance for any organisation lies undoubtedly with the customer loyalty towards that organisation. But to keep them remain loyal towards the organisation is an important challenge for most of the... more
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      Tourism StudiesSatisfactionIndiaTourism
Μηραήι Θεόδωξνο Σζαγξήο ΓΙΑΣΡΙΒΗ Πνπ ππνβιήζεθε ζην Σκήκα ηαηηζηηθήο ηνπ Οηθνλνκηθνύ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ ΑΘελώλ ωο κέξνο ηωλ απαηηήζεωλ γηα ηελ απόθηεζε Μεηαπηπρηαθνύ Γηπιώκαηνο Δηδίθεπζεο ζηε ηαηηζηηθή ABSTRACT Michael Tsagris Multivariate... more
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      PsychometryApplied MathematicsStatisticsMultivariate Statistics
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      BioinformaticsPlastic SurgeryMultivariate StatisticsBiostatistics
Most algorithms for highly robust estimators of multivariate location and scatter start by drawing a large number of random subsets. For instance, the FASTMCD algorithm of Rousseeuw and Van Driessen (1999) starts in this way, and then... more
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      StatisticsPrincipal Component AnalysisTime series analysisMultivariate
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      Multivariate AnalysisFixed Point TheoryMarkov Chain Monte CarloMultivariate
The need for small area estimates is increasingly felt in both the public and private sectors in order to formulate their strategic plans. It is now widely recognized that direct small area survey estimates are highly unreliable owing to... more
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      StatisticsStrategic PlanningMean square errorShrinkage estimation
This study aimed at using a multivariate approach to describe the body structure of Djallonke sheep in northern Ghana and to determine which approach explains better the variation in body composition. Live weight (LW) and linear body... more
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The effects of changes in the landscape and alteration of natural flow process on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages were investigated in 67 small-to-medium sized (15-526 km 2 ) upland streams in the northeastern United States.... more
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      Image ProcessingVideo ProcessingMultivariateBayer Pattern
The aim was to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for mobbing among educators. This study’s subscales include aggressive acts that can trigger mobbing, causes of mobbing and coping strategies against mobbing. The sample study... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyEducational ResearchTeacher Research
Typical load profiles of consumers and networks are essential information for determining the use rates in electric power distribution systems. It is noteworthy that the time of use tariffs are based on the hourly load profiles. This... more
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      Electrical EngineeringProgramming LanguagesEnergy EconomicsStatistics
For the last five years, the variants of the Newton's method with cubic convergence have become popular iterative methods to find approximate solutions to the roots of non-linear equations. These methods both enjoy cubic convergence at... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisLinear Model
We define a distribution on the unit sphere S d−1 called the elliptically symmetric angular Gaussian distribution. This distribution, which to our knowledge has not been studied before, is a subfamily of the angular Gaussian distribution... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate StatisticsInnovation statisticsApplied Statistics
This study represents the first application of multi-way calibration by N-PLS and multi-way curve resolution by PARAFAC to 2D diffusion-edited 1H NMR spectra. The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the potential for quantification of... more
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      Analytical ChemistryChemometricsNMR SpectroscopyDensity