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Posthumanism, now in the mainstream of the humanities and humanistic social sciences, poses a challenge to ethnomusicology, a discipline inherently focused on the human and social aspects of music. Drawing from a survey of birds in the... more
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      EthnomusicologyCritical PosthumanismMultispecies EthnographyAnimal Musicality
How does a big cat in India come to be identified as the one guilty of preying on humans? Indian conservationist law stipulates that the big cat must be identified before it is hunted down. But as I demonstrate ethnographically, there is... more
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      AnthropologyClimate ChangeSouth Asian StudiesGovernance
Nonhuman bodies in many sizes and diverse social roles are central to Israel's control mechanism in the Occupied West Bank. Delving into the agricultural record of the Israeli Civil Administration, I ask how the Israeli system of control... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesPolitical EcologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyIsrael/Palestine
With the publication of an extended editorial titled 'Animal Studies and Art: Elephants in the Room' by Giovanni Aloi, Editor in Chief of 'Antennae', the journal embarks on a new and challenging year-long project constituting somewhat of... more
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      Art HistoryPosthumanismNatural HistoryAnimal Rights/Liberation
La pensée férale is a collaboration with artist Daniel Stegmann Mangrané, a series of seven photos accompanied by seven short texts that seeks to develop a notion of "feral thought" by using the concept of ferality - a transformation of... more
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      PhilosophyCritical Animal StudiesHuman-Animal StudiesAnthropocene studies
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      Human-Animal RelationsActor Network TheoryInvasive SpeciesMultispecies Ethnography
打着环保意识这个旗号,《美人鱼》讲述了一个多层次的寓言故事。然而,作为一部商业爱情电影,《美人鱼》是否有效而明确地传达环境保护的意识?电影是如何透过人鱼族比喻现实世界中濒危的海洋生物?我们如何在近年生态电影批评(eco-film criticism)这个学科的框架内审视《美人鱼》的环保、生态理念?... more
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      Chinese CinemaMultispecies EthnographyEcocinema
Le biomimétisme est souvent présenté comme une solution à la crise écologique que traversent les sociétés humaines. Pour ses défenseurs, cette approche pourrait instaurer, ou restaurer, un rapport moins destructeur à l’environnement, en... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyModelingAnthropology Of Nature
Based on extensive fieldwork in Bogotá and the southwestern Amazonian state of Putumayo, Colombia, this book moves across laboratories, greenhouses, forests, and farms. It weaves together an ethnography of two kinds of practitioners—state... more
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      Latin American StudiesSoil ScienceColombiaEnvironmental Anthropology
Ce chapitre cherche à rendre compte de l’émergence, puis du développement, de la catégorie de « non-humain » dans l’anthropologie et la sociologie contemporaines, entendu comme une alternative à la dichotomie nature/culture. Dans une... more
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      Actor Network TheoryGilles DeleuzeBruno LatourUmwelt
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    • Multispecies Ethnography
Traduction du texte "A message from the others", extrait de Paul Shepard, The Others : How Animals Made Us Human, Island Press, Washington, 1997, p. 331-333.
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      Animals & Society studiesAnimals in CultureMultispecies EthnographyPaul Shepard
Hypothesis: the Highly Sensitive Personhood in both humans and other animals could be the missing interspecies communication link because of a similar sophisticated neurological system and a complementary heightened common trait.... more
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      AutismEmpathyMultispecies EthnographyHighly Sensitive People
The first major ethnography of reef scientists, Coral Whisperers, begins with a clear distinction between hope and despair, but Irus Braverman’s ultimate goal is to reveal the ways these positions are “interconnected and even... more
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      Climate ChangeCoral ReefsSTS (Anthropology)Environmental Humanities
In the last decade there has been an increase of interest and concern for the lives and well being of honeybees. With the onset of colony collapse disorder (CCD) in 2006 where we saw the disappearance of millions of bees from North... more
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      AnthropologyUrban EcologyMultispecies Ethnography
Regional geopolitical processes have turned the Himalayan region of Ladakh, in northwest India, into a strategic border area with an increasing military presence that has decentered the traditional agropastoralist economy. This in turn... more
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      BuddhismAnthropologyClimate ChangeBorder Studies
The zoological garden is permanently trying to reform itself. This includes the classification drive meant to overcome the apparent chaos of princely menageries of the bygone era, efforts to emphasize the difference between the zoo and... more
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      Feminist TheoryHuman-Animal RelationsUrban HistoryHuman-Animal Relationships
chapter from Multispecies Salon, ed. Eben Kirksey, published by Duke University Press in 2014
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      Critical Animal StudiesExperimental HumanitiesEcological ArtEnvironmental Humanities
Both Niki Caro's 2002 film Whale Rider and Linda Hogan's 2008 novel People of the Whale feature children who possess characteristics that associate them with ancient transformational animals and-at the same time-prove them to be modern... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesEcocriticismEnvironmental Justice
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      Multispecies EthnographyEcovillagesRelational Subjectivity
In January 2013, a pack of stray dogs was accused with murder in one of Mexico City’s poorest and most populated boroughs. Images of the dogs, expert testimonies, and protests saturated the media. Eventually, the dogs were ambiguously... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial MovementsLatin American Studies
Conference publication/Tagungsband: What happens when wolves return to areas that humans inhabit and define as cultural landscapes? Since the 1990s, wolves have been settling again in middle and central Europe. Manifold societal... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsHuman-wildlife conflictsMultispecies EthnographyEuropäische Ethnologie
This essay is a companion piece to Gan's art installation "Rice Child (Stirrings)" which was installed at the World of Matter exhibition at Hartware Medienkunstverein (HMKV) in Dortmund Germany. The essay discusses how particular... more
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      Contemporary ArtEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryAgriculture and Food Studies
A cselekvőhálózat-elmélet (Actor-Network-Theory, ANT) értelmében egyetlen társadalmi ágens sem tekinthető a társadalom középpontjának, a materiális ágencia nem vezethető vissza egyetlen alapvető rétegre vagy kauzális mozzanatra. Az... more
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      Death StudiesPosthumanismActor Network TheoryLacan
Anthropogenic degradation of the environment is pervasive and expanding. Human construction activities destroy or damage habitats of non-human lifeforms. In many cases, artificial replacement habitats become necessary. However, designing... more
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      ArchitectureConservation BiologyConservationEcological Design
Moveable Gardens explores how biodiversity and food can counter the alienation caused by displacement. By offering in-depth studies on a variety of regions, this volume carefully considers various forms of sanctuary-making within... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeEthnographyRefugee Studies
The Routledge Companion to the Environmental Humanities (2017), edited by Ursula K. Heise, Jon Christensen, and Michelle Niemann, is a collection of 45 essays that reflect on and assess the environmental humanities. The volume brings... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPosthumanismEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental History
Este trabalho é parte de uma reflexão acerca dos cuidados humanos nos processos de adoecimento, envelhecimento e morte de animais de estimação. Em uma pesquisa empírica realizada a partir do universo de um hospital veterinário,... more
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      Affect/EmotionMultispecies EthnographyAfetoANIMAL CARE
Ⅲ ABSTRACT: Humans and elephants have lived together and shared space together in diverse ways for millennia. Th e intersections between these thinking and feeling species have been diff erently explored, for diff erent reasons, by... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyEthnoprimatologyMultispecies EthnographyMore-Than-Human Geographies
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyMultispecies EthnographyDream Time
What transgressions and transformations does cross-species imagination demand, amid the violence of extinctions? In a thoroughly surveilled and disciplined “environment” that disowns ecological processes, where can fugitives (including... more
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      Transgender StudiesCritical Animal StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesPerformance
Resumo É bem conhecido o fato de que a antropologia, em suas vertentes clássicas, se caracteriza por estabelecer uma grande divisão entre natureza e cultura, a qual inclui a demarcação de diversas oposições complementares: corpo e alma,... more
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      AnthropologyMultispecies EthnographyAntropologia Das Ciências, Antropologia Simétrica, Análise E ControvérsiaAntropologia
This MA thesis explores the very particularly lively rooftops of Cairo (more specifically, in four homes across different neighborhoods of Cairo and Alexandria during a 9-month journey of fieldwork) where multispecies intimacies... more
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      Ecological AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodEconomic AnthropologyGift Exchange
Welcome to Aesop’s Anthropology, an effort to theorize culture and society across species lines. This project pursues a basic question: what can we learn about culture from other species? Studies of nonhumans are generating new... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsCritical Animal Studies
In this book review, I seek to probe present anthropological engagement with the environ- ment, or nature, broadly speaking. I do this through the prism of political ecology, a field I have worked in for the last two decades and still... more
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      Political EcologyPolitical AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologyMultispecies Ethnography
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      Social AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsPrimatologyAnimal Studies
PhD Thesis - Abstract and Introduction
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      Anthropology Of ArtBioartMultispecies Ethnography
Caring for Istanbul's Street Animals: Empathy, Altruism, and Rage, In: Dog's Best Friend? Rethinking Human-Canid Relations, edited by John Soreson and Atsuko Matsuoka, McGill-Queens University Press, 2019.
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyUrban AnthropologyTurkeyDogs
1) L'argomento principe della discussione postumanista riguarda senza dubbio il termine "alterità non umana", potremmo persino dire che in esso tale filosofia cerca una sua coordinata di riferimento e lo fa allargando il profilo del... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
Indigenous archaeologies call on researchers to recenter theory and practice on descendant peoples' lives and ways of knowing. Extending this project, this article takes story and dance as a site of theory, foregrounding Indigenous modes... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyEmbodimentOral TraditionsSoutheastern Archaeology (Archaeology in North America)
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      Multispecies EthnographyDecolonial Feminism
In: An Unfinished Compendium of Materials. Edited by Rachel Harkness
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      Medical AnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyMultispecies Ethnography
Multispecies ethnography is a new approach in anthropology that reconsiders the agency of nonhuman life forms and their social, historical, and ecological connectivity with human life. Extending the ethnographic gaze, it explores the ways... more
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      AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsEnvironmental StudiesEcology
This essay represents an interdisciplinary collaboration between Anna Tsing and Elaine Gan of Matsutake Worlds Research Group. The essay experiments with three concepts—coordination, assemblage, diagram—to articulate a forest in Japan as... more
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      PosthumanismSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEnvironmental ArtMultispecies Ethnography
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      Plant EcologySTS (Anthropology)Feminist science and technology studiesMultispecies Ethnography
This article concerns the practice of cassava gardening among the indigenous Makushi people of Amazonian Guyana. By focusing on the cassava garden (mîî) as a primary site of multispecies engagement, I explore some of the heterogeneous... more
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      Social AnthropologyEthnobotanyCosmology (Anthropology)Social and Cultural Anthropology
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      Research MethodologyArt Practice as ResearchSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEmbodiment
Table of Contents and Contributor bios Keywords for Environmental Studies analyzes the central terms and debates currently structuring the most exciting research in and across environmental studies, including the environmental... more
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      Landscape EcologyEconomicsHumanitiesEcotourism
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      Anthropology of SciencePosthumanismPhenomenologyConsciousness