Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um localizador de faltas em linhas de transmissao que utiliza a plataforma de desenvolvimento Beagleboard. O sistema implementado usa registros de oscilografia em padrao COMTRADE como dados de... more
Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um localizador de faltas em linhas de transmissão que utiliza a plataforma de desenvolvimento Beagleboard. O sistema implementado usa registros de oscilografia em padrão COMTRADE como... more
In this paper, systems of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind have been studied. A numerical method for solving these systems is presented. The method is based upon Legendre wavelet approximations. Some examples are presented... more
-L'objectif de cet article est de proposer l'analyse multirésolution en ondelettes en tant qu'outil efficace permettant d'améliorer la sensibilité des indicateurs scalaires (kurtosis et facteur de crête) pour l'identification des défauts... more
Subdivision schemes are special multi-resolution analysis (MRA) methods that have become prevalent in computer-aided geometric design. This paper draws useful analogies between the mathematics of subdivision schemes and the hierarchical... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
In this work, we present a collocation method based on the Legendre wavelet combined with the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formula for solving a class of fractional delay-type integro-differential equations. The problem is considered with... more
-L'objectif de cet article est de proposer l'analyse multirésolution en ondelettes en tant qu'outil efficace permettant d'améliorer la sensibilité des indicateurs scalaires (kurtosis et facteur de crête) pour l'identification des défauts... more
The article considers the problems of managing the efficiency of use of production and technological potential of rolling stock. It is investigated that in order to improve the efficiency of functioning it is necessary to determine the... more
Реферат. Проаналізовано вплив Північноатлантичної осциляції (NAO) на часові зміни опадів над Україною за допомогою методу вейвлет-розкладання. Показано, що найбільші коефіцієнти кореляції між індексами NAO та місячними сумами опадів... more
A necessidade de detecção e localização de faltas em linhas de transmissão de maneira rápida e precisa tem crescido de maneira significativa no setor elétrico em âmbito global, principalmente nas últimas décadas. Alterações no modelo de... more
We present an adaptive graph filtering approach to semi-supervised classification. Adaptive graph filters combine decisions from multiple graph filters using a weighting function that is optimized in a semi-supervised manner. We also... more
The analysis and processing of sequence of the data presented in the form of time series, is one of the prevalent methodologies in studying of various processes and the phenomena which are concerned to different fields of activity and... more
This paper presents a block based digital image watermarking scheme that is dependent on the mathematical technique of singular value decomposition (SVD). Traditional SVD watermarking already exists for watermark embedding on the image as... more
In real life: • nonstationary signals • wide spectrum of frequencies • often correlation (ex. human voice):
Resumo-A principal contribuição deste trabalhoé a introdução do Algoritmo de Berlekamp-Massey (BMA) naárea de testes de circuitos integrados. Embora o BMA tenha sido inicialmente proposto para a localização de erros em sistemas de... more
Технологія вейвлет-фільтрації профілів експресій генів з метою видалення фонового шуму Представлена технология вейвлет-фильтрации профилей экспрессий генов для удаления фонового «белого» шума на основе критерия энтропия Шеннона, который... more
Identification and Verification of person on the basis of biometric features has become known in our society. When the biometric systems are connected to a person’s body remarkably decreases the possibility of fraud. A biometric system... more
Esse trabalho apresenta um algoritmo de localização de faltas usando a Teoria das Ondas Viajantes - TOV e Transformada Wavelet Discreta – TWD, através do Python. A linguagem Python é apresentada como uma linguagem de programação para... more
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre diferentes famílias de Transformada Wavelet aplicadas à análise cepstral de sinais digitais de fala humana, com o objetivo específico de determinar o período de pitch dos mesmos e, ao... more
Subdivision schemes are special multi-resolution analysis (MRA) methods that have become prevalent in computer-aided geometric design. This paper draws useful analogies between the mathematics of subdivision schemes and the hierarchical... more
Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da Transformada Wavelet (TW) para analisar os transitórios de alta freqüência em um sistema de transmissão gerados por uma situação de falta, tendo como principal objetivo, a determinação do ponto de... more
We present a fully adaptive numerical scheme for evolutionary PDEs in Cartesian geometry based on a second-order finite volume discretization. A multiresolution strategy allows local grid refinement while controlling the approximation... more
Adaptive strategies in space and time allow considerable speed-up of finite volume schemes for conservation laws, while controlling the accuracy of the discretization. In this paper, a multiresolution technique for finite volume schemes... more
Apresenta-se nesse trabalho uma análise sobre o impacto de diferentes tipos de modelos de linhas de transmissão (LTs) disponíveis em programas Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) sobre estudos relacionados à propagação de ondas... more
We present a multiresolution classification framework with semi-supervised learning on graphs with application to the indirect bridge structural health monitoring. Classification in real-world applications faces two main challenges:... more
Digital images have an inherent amount Deepika Sharma of noise introduced either by the imaging process or manual creation. Singular value decomposition (SVD) is one of the most important and useful factorizations in linear algebra. We... more
In the article, an economic and mathematical model is constructed for the optimal distribution of the state order for the training of specialists, based on the ranking of specialties of universities. By the hypothetical example, the... more
Технологія вейвлет-фільтрації профілів експресій генів з метою видалення фонового шуму Представлена технология вейвлет-фильтрации профилей экспрессий генов для удаления фонового «белого» шума на основе критерия энтропия Шеннона, который... more
We present an adaptive graph filtering approach to semi-supervised classification. Adaptive graph filters combine decisions from multiple graph filters using a weighting function that is optimized in a semi-supervised manner. We also... more
Contents xiii 10.4 Comparison with DWT and Best Basis Variations on Wavelet Analysis 211 11.1 Non-Decimated Wavelets 11.1.1 Wavelet Shrinkage with Non-Decimated Wavelets 11.1.2 The "d irons'
Esta pesquisa apresenta um método para a estimação da freqüência em sistemas elétricos de potência utilizando filtros adaptativos baseados no método dos mínimos quadrados (MMQ). A análise do sistema de potência é realizada através da... more
A space-time adaptive scheme is presented for solving advection equations in two space dimensions. The gradient-augmented level set method using a semi-Lagrangian formulation with backward time integration is coupled with a point value... more
The analysis and processing of sequence of the data presented in the form of time series, is one of the prevalent methodologies in studying of various processes and the phenomena which are concerned to different fields of activity and... more
In this paper, we study the existence of weak solutions for a class of nonlinear parabolic equations with regular data in the setting of variable exponent Sobolev spaces. We prove a "version" of a weak Lebesgue space estimate... more
The transmission line is the equipment of the electrical system most conducive to an electrical fault. Based on the difficult conditions of access to these lines, such as the distance from cities and because of its large dimensions, it is... more
In this paper we consider a specific way of organizing 1D signals or 2D image databases, such that a more efficient storage and faster querying is achieved. A multiresolution technique of data processing is used in order of saving the... more
Aos meus pais Hermínio e Marta que desde minha infância me ensinaram, me apoiaram e me valorizaram. Que estiveram ao meu lado em todo o decorrer deste trabalho, que sempre acreditaram em mim. À meu esposo Everaldo, pelo constante... more
The necessity in image compression continuously grows during the last decade. A number of image compression techniques have been developed in the past different kind of application. But, majority of the image compression approaches... more
Multispectral satellite images are tools that allow the analysis of phenomena developed on the Earth's surface without being in contact. It is a raster model so it is possible to decompose it into a digital signal. There is a certain data... more
The representation of transmission lines in modal domain is widely known. However, there is nothing in the literature regarding the behavior of loads in the modal domain connected to the receiver of a transmission line. In this article we... more
We present two versions of third order accurate jet schemes, which achieve high order accuracy by tracking derivative information of the solution along characteristic curves. For a benchmark linear advection problem, the efficiency of jet... more
A comparison between two different ways of extracting coherent vortices in three-dimensional (3D) homogeneous isotropic turbulence is performed, using either orthogonal or biorthogonal wavelets. The method is based on a wavelet... more
Este trabalho apresenta o uso da transformada wavelet para quantificar variações de tensão de curta duração a partir de oscilografias gravadas obtidas dos registradores de perturbações do sistema de análise pó-despacho das concessionárias... more