Photoelectron diffraction data can, in principle, be regarded as enabling the experimental recording of electron diffraction phases ͑relative to a direct reference wave͒, as well as intensities, thus also permitting the holographic... more
The Integral Equation Model with multiple scattering (IEMM) represents a well-established method that provides a theoretical framework for the scattering of electromagnetic waves from rough surfaces. A critical aspect is the long... more
Based on the relation between the theory of light field coherence and theory of radiation transfer in scattering media, a method is proposed for calculating the illumination distribution produced by coherent quasi-diffraction-free beams... more
An accurate multiple-scattering model has been employed to examine the effect of an aerosol layer at 25 mb, corresponding to the El Chichon observations, on the reflection, transmission and absorption of radiation by the stratosphere as a... more
[...] CAPÍTULO XV AS CONSTITUIÇÕES POLÍTICAS 1 . O regime constitucional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 2. A constituição da sociedade 127 3. A constituição do estado . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. .... more
In this tutorial, we discuss voxel DAGs and multiresolution hierarchies, which are representations that can encode large volumes of data very efficiently. Despite a significant compression ration, an advantage of these structures is that... more
When light waves propagate through disordered photonic lattices, they can eventually become localized due to multiple scattering effects. Here we show experimentally that while the evolution and localization of the photon density... more
In looking for qualitative differences between quaternionic and complex formulations of quantum physical theories, we provide a detailed discussion of the behavior of a wave packet in presence of a quaternionic time-independent potential... more
Thermal infrared (IR) spectra of materials are affected by subpixel surface roughness that increases interactions between surface facets, thereby shifting the spectra toward a blackbody. Roughness also creates directional effects due to... more
: A new source of radiation has been postulated that occurs when a charged particle, moving with a velocity greater than the velocity of light in a medium, is caused to oscillate about its transverse beam line by means of a static,... more
This work reports on x-ray absorption spectroscopy study at the Si K edge of several amorphous SiO x C y H z polymers prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition with different C / O ratios. SiO 2 and SiC have been used as... more
Inclusive jet production in pPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon (NN) center-of-mass energy of √ s NN = 5.02 TeV is studied with the CMS detector at the LHC. A data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 30.1 nb -1 is... more
The porosity dependence of the elastic properties of porous silicon in different crystallographic directions is studied. The velocity of longitudinal acoustic waves in porous silicon layers electrochemically etched in (100), (110), and... more
The Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on board the ESA/Venus Express mission has technical specifications well suited for many science objectives of Venus exploration. VIRTIS will both comprehensively explore a... more
We present radiative transfer modelling of thermal emission from the nightside of Venus in two 'spectral window' regions at 1.51 and 1.55 μm. The first discovery of these windows, reported by Erard et al. 2009, was achieved using a... more
Volcanoes are one of the people favourite scientific issue, and the request of information about them directed to researches involved in volcano studies, are particularly frequent and pressing in active volcanic areas. Education and... more
diffuseurs elastiques aleatoirement repartis. Cette etude se compose de trois parties. La premiere partie s'interesse a un nombre restreint de diffuseurs. Elle a permis de mettre en evidence un phenomene de couplage resonant entre des... more
The first studies of the polarized sulfur and chlorine x-ray K-edge absorption spectra of the oxy- anions SO4 (sulfate), C103 (chlorate), S203 (thiosulfate), and S206 (dithionate) are presented. To provide a basis for the interpretation... more
Depolarization lidars are widely used for the study of clouds and aerosols because of their ability to discriminate between spherical particles and particles of irregular shape. Depolarization of cloud backscatter can be caused also by... more
Depolarization lidars are widely used to study clouds and aerosols because of their ability to discriminate between spherical particles and particles of irregular shape. Depolarization of cloud backscattered radiation can be caused also... more
A new computer model, the GCR Event-based Risk Model code (GERMcode), was developed to describe biophysical events from high-energy protons and high charge and energy (HZE) particles that have been studied at the NASA Space Radiation... more
The angular momentum independent statistical decay model is often applied using a Monte-Carlo simulation to describe the decay of prefragment nuclei in heavy ion reactions. This paper presents an analytical approach to the decay problem... more
Background: Using optical techniques for tissue diagnostics (so-called 'optical biopsy') has been a subject of extensive research for many years. Various groups have been exploring different spectral and/or imaging modalities (e.g.... more
Under almost all circumstances, electron diffraction patterns contain information about the phases of structure factors, a consequence of the short wavelength of an electron and its strong Coulombic interaction with matter. However,... more
We present a new tomographic method based on the non-linear least-squares inversion of seismograms using the spectral elements method (SEM). The SEM is used for the forward modelling and to compute partial derivatives of seismograms with... more
This paper describes new Monte Carlo codes for proton transport simulations in complex geometrical forms and in materials of different composition. The SRNA codes were developed for three dimensional (3D) dose distribution calculation in... more
A methodology is introduced for the systematic treatment of electron-electron correlations in solids and other interacting quantum N-particle systems. The method is developed within the framework of electronic structure theory ͑band... more
Multiple scattering in solids / Antonios Gonis, William H. Butler. p. cm. -(Graduate texts in contemporary physics) Includes bibliographical references and index.
Modern optical diagnostics for quantitative characterization of polydisperse sprays and other aerosols which contain a wide range of droplet size encounter difficulties in the dense regions due to the multiple scattering of laser... more
Emulsion or suspension destabilisation is often due to two physical phenomena: (1) particle size increase (coalescence) or particle aggregation (flocculation); (2) particle migration (creaming or sedimentation). Creaming or sedimentation... more
Emulsion or suspension destabilisation often results from coalescence or particle aggregation (flocculation) leading to particle migration (creaming or sedimentation). Creaming and sedimentation are often considered as reversible, while... more
Muon collider luminosity depends on the number of muons in the storage ring and on the transverse size of the beams in collision. Ionization cooling as it is currently envisioned will not cool the beam sizes sufficiently well to provide... more
The NOAA-7, GOES-5 and GOES-0 VISSR/VAS solar channels have been calibrated for the periods from October 1983 through January 1985 (NOAA-7, GOES-6) and from October 1983 through July 1984 (GOES-5). The White Sands Monument area in New... more
the justification of the Foldy-Lax approximation for the acoustic
equivalent refraction index for the acoustic scattering by many
We discuss, using the Glauber multiple-scattering formalism, the magnitude of the contributions to particle production c r o s s sections from nuclei at high energies which can be attributed to multiple-inelastic-scattering processes... more
The Green's function method (GFM) is used to describe the effects of a statistical roughness on the propagation of electromagnetic fields in a circular waveguide. The GFM method, applied to a scalar Helmholtz equation with perturbed... more
The electronic structure of complex oxides is important for the understanding of their functional properties. In this paper, the electronic structures of the multiferroic perovskite bismuth ferrite ͑BiFeO 3 ͒ and the related isostructural... more
X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) calculations of stoichiometric SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) and off-stoichiometric Sr0.8Bi2.2Ta2O9 (offstoich-SBT) with space group of A21am have been performed using FEFF 8.2 code, which is based on real... more
The structure of TcO2 between 25 and 1000 °C has been determined in situ using X-ray powder diffraction methods and is found to remain monoclinic in space group P21/c. Thermal expansion in TcO2 is highly anisotropic, with negative thermal... more
Methanobactin is a small siderophore-like molecule proposed to function in copper sequestration and handling by methanotrophs, methane-oxidizing bacteria that play a key role in the global carbon cycle. 1 Copper is critical to... more
During the EASOE campaign in the Arctic, all lidar measurements showed total depolarization values for the Pinatubo stratospheric aerosol layer varying between 2% and 4%. If multiple 'scattering is negligible, the radiation backscattered... more
Experiments with resonant photons at the U M 4 edge have been performed on a sample of USb0.9Te0.1, which has an incommensurate magnetic structure with k = k = 0.596(2) reciprocal lattice units. The reflections of the form kkk , as... more