Multiple Objectives

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Multiple objectives refer to the consideration of two or more conflicting goals or criteria in decision-making processes, particularly in optimization problems. This approach seeks to find solutions that balance trade-offs among the objectives, often requiring techniques such as multi-objective optimization to evaluate and prioritize competing interests.
In previous works the features and a complete for- mulation for circuit-switched networks of a multiple objective dynamic routing method (MODR) of periodic state dependent routing type were presented. The aim of the model is to resolve a... more
This work presents a procedure for finding the reliability-based optimum design of cable stayed bridges. The minimization problem is stated as the minimization of stresses, displacements, reliability and bridge cost. A finiteelement... more
This paper investigates the computation of transient-optimal policies in discrete dynamic programming. The model is quite generah it may contain transient as well as nontransient policies, and the transition matrices are not necessarily... more
Emek et al. presented a model of probabilistic single-item second price auctions where an auctioneer who is informed about the type of an item for sale, broadcasts a signal about this type to uninformed bidders. They proved that finding... more
Traditionally, simulation has been used by project managers in optimising decision making. However, current simulation packages only include simulation optimisation which considers a single objective (or multiple objectives combined into... more
Current work in planning with preferences assume that the user's preference models are completely specified and aim to search for a single solution plan. In many real-world planning scenarios, however, the user probably cannot provide any... more
We present a case study of artificial intelligence techniques applied to the control of production printing equipment. Like many other real-world applications, this complex domain requires high-speed autonomous decision-making and robust... more
Simultaneous analysis of relationships between multiple artifact classes is required for characterization of many types of activity areas. This paper illustrates improved forms of multivariate visualization, spatial analysis and... more
Established in 2006, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Conference Editorial Board (CEB) is responsible for handling the review process for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. The structure of the CEB... more
In the object-oriented paradigm, objects are instances of the conceptual entities that describe their structure and behavior i.e, the classes. Recent applications of object-oriented programming languages and databases in areas like... more
It is essential to study and optimize multiple objective functions such as binder system design, feedstock, part geometry, mold design, and processing conditions in order to develop a successful powder injection molding process. A powder... more
Abstract:-Machine Vision for industrial applications requires simple-to-use and robust solutions. Usually industrial machine vision solutions are reduced to a simple 2D application, for which algorithm robustness has already been fully... more
It is shown that the use of an external archive, purely for storage purposes, can bring substantial benefits in multi-objective optimization. A new scheme for archive management for the above purpose is described. The new scheme is... more
This article presents a novel multi-objective economic load dispatch solution with the bee colony optimization method. The purposes of this research are to find the lowest total power generation cost and the lowest total power loss at the... more
Lazarsfeld and the economist Oskar Morgenstern -with the financial support from the Ford Foundation, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and the City of Vienna, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) is the first institution for... more
Earthquakes have destroyed the economy and killed many people in many countries. Emergency response actions immediately after an earthquake significantly reduce economic losses and save lives, so accurate earthquake damage predictions are... more
co-rotating structure, was too large to fit into any available air-freight carrier. This large item was therefore securely packed and made the slightly more perilous, but more leisurely, journey on the open deck of a container ship... more
We present an active learning approach for visual multiple object class recognition, using a Conditional Random Field (CRF) formulation. We name our graphical model 'collaborative', because it infers class posteriors in instances of... more
The drainage system is an infrastructure that requires systematic planning of construction which can function properly to reduce the risk of flooding. Flooding occurs due to the rapid development resulting in lack of permeable surfaces.... more
La nouvelle révolution de la connaissance et de l'immatériel plonge immanquablement l'entreprise dans une ère de remise en cause profonde des modes conventionnels de gestion. Le Knowledge Management comme mode prépondérant émerge et... more
As technologies evolve, there have been high demands for the three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement techniques to posses the following combined technical features: high accuracy, fast speed, easy implementation, capability of measuring... more
In the identification of reserve networks in fragmented landscapes with limited species-specific data at hand, one approach is to use selection criteria, such as patch size, to rank the habitat patches' conservation value and evaluate... more
Current work in planning with preferences assume that the user's preference models are completely specified and aim to search for a single solution plan. In many real-world planning scenarios, however, the user probably cannot provide any... more
The detection of communities is an important problem in social network analysis, which has applications in various domains like sociology, biology, computer science, and marketing. In this context, genetic algorithms have proven to be... more
A multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) approach for multi-objective economic load dispatch problem in power system is presented in this paper. The economic load dispatch problem is a non-linear constrained multi-objective... more
Many safety related and critical systems warn of potentially dangerous events; for example, the Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) system warns of airspace infractions between aircraft. Although installed with current technology such... more
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) has become a standard tool for the analysis and comparison of classifiers when the costs of misclassification are unknown. There has been relatively little work, however, examining ROC for more... more
Solving the mystery of the nature of dark energy is the most important problem in cosmology today. JEDI (Joint Efficient Dark-energy Investigation) is a candidate implementation of the NASA-DOE Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM). JEDI will... more
Scent research has focused primarily on the effects of ambient scent on consumer evaluations. We focus instead on the effects of product scent on consumer memories. For instance, if a pencil or a facial tissue is imbued with scent (vs.... more
The design of efficient communication networks is a challenging task for modern vehicle development. Due to novel technologies and new degrees of freedom in network design, the decision on a bus topology has a severe impact on the overall... more
We construct a family of retaliatory equilibria for the Japanese ascending auction for multiple objects, thus showing that while it is immune to many of the tacitly collusive equilibria studied in the literature, it is not entirely immune... more
Numerous routing schemes have been reported to improve network performance over the years. Multi-path routing belongs to one of them and MPLS is an excellent platform for such routing. In this paper, the Shortest Distance Path Based... more
The optimization of composite materials such as concrete deals with the problem of selecting the values of several variables which determine composition, compressive stress, workability and cost etc. This study presents multi-objective... more
As technologies evolve, there have been high demands for the three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement techniques to posses the following combined technical features: high accuracy, fast speed, easy implementation, capability of measuring... more
We investigate on designing agents facing multiple objectives simultaneously, that creates difficult situations, even if each objective is of low complexity. The present paper builds on an existing action selection process based on basic... more
This paper presents a real-time auditory and visual tracking of multiple objects for humanoid under real-world environments. Real-time processing is crucial for sensorimotor tasks in tracking, and multiple-object tracking is crucial for... more
A probabilistic method is proposed for segmentation of multiple objects that overlap or are in close proximity to one another. A likelihood function is formulated that explicitly models overlapping object appearance. Priors on global... more
Effective visual object recognition requires mechanisms to bind object features (e.g. color, shape and motion) while distinguishing distinct objects. Synchronously active neuronal circuits among reentrantly connected cortical areas may... more
Lexical choices in descriptions of the spatial world around us are affected not only by geometry, but also by variables such as situational context and the extent to which the spatial relations between the objects referred to are seen as... more
We present a case study of artificial intelligence techniques applied to the control of production printing equipment. Like many other real-world applications, this complex domain requires high-speed autonomous decision-making and robust... more
The identification of the reasons for the existing fiscal imbalance shows that it is necessary to introduce the institutional solutions of the budgetary process. This paper aims to verify the hypothesis that the application of multi-year... more
Targets and limits for long-term management are used in fisheries advice to operationalize the way management reflects societal priorities on ecological, economic, social and institutional aspects. This study reflects on the available... more
In the paper, three algorithms for the multiobjective optimization based on the strategy of a selforganized migration are compared. The first two algorithms-Weighted Sum Method and Rotated Weighted Metric Method-transform multiple... more
This paper introduces and develops a new approach to the theory of continuous time jump Markov decision processes (CTJMDP). This approach reduces discounted CTJMDPs to discounted semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs) and eventually to... more
A linguistic-based meta-heuristic modeling and solution approach for solving the¯exible job shop scheduling problem (FJSSP) is presented in this study. FJSSP is an extension of the classical jobshop scheduling problem. The problem... more
The application of multiple-objective route choice for in-vehicle route guidance systems is discussed. A bi-objective path search algorithm is presented and its use demonstrated. A concept of trip quality is introduced that is composed of... more
In this paper, we characterize the morphology of the disk-integrated phase 2 functions of satellites and rings around the giant planets of our Solar Sys-3 tem. We find that the shape of the phase function is accurately represented 4 by a... more