Background: Childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) is a rare, severe form of the adult-onset disorder (AOS). Our previous resting-state fMRI study identified attenuated functional connectivity in COS compared with controls. Here, we ask... more
Objective: Schizophrenia is a complex functionally debilitating neurodevelopmental disorder, with associated social cognitive impairment. Corpus Callosum (CC) white matter tracts deficits are reported for people with schizophrenia;... more
Background-Dysconnectivity between brain regions is thought to underlie the cognitive abnormalities that characterise schizophrenia (SZ). Consistent with this notion functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor... more
Background: Disturbed functional and structural brain connectivity in schizophrenia has been shown in a large number of studies. There is evidence from several neuroimaging and post mortem studies that altered neuronal myelination may in... more
Schizophrenia is still considered unknown disease that needs more study and analysis. In this case Multimodal fusion is a good way to make analysis on the joint information found on the different imaging modalities related to this... more
Popular approaches to natural language processing create word embeddings based on textual co-occurrence patterns, but often ignore embodied, sensory aspects of language. Here, we introduce the Python package comp-syn, which provides... more
Los textos islamicos ensenan que cualquier manera de hablar de Dios no es sino una metafora, es decir, una manera de hablar acerca de Dios de tal modo que el ser humano pueda comprender facilmente (cf. Bausani, 1980: 16-17). En este... more
The hierarchical organization of speech rhythm into meter putatively confers cognitive affordances for perception, memory, and motor coordination. Meter also aligns with phrasal structure in systematic ways. In this paper, we show that... more
Background: Antipsychotic drugs influence brain morphology in schizophrenia and usually require 3 weeks for marked effect. We used a comprehensive computational morphometry analysis to investigate brain volumetric changes after 3 weeks of... more
Clinical evidence and structural neuroimaging studies linked cerebellar deficits to cognitive-related symptoms in schizophrenia. Yet, in functional neuroimaging literature to date, the role of the cerebellum in schizophrenia was not... more
se recurre esencialmente a la metáfora conceptual de alto nivel ABSTRACTO ES CONCRETO. ¿Cómo se relacionan los creyentes y practicantes de hoy, y no solamente los teólogos, con ciertas metáforas transmitidas por su fe?, y ¿qué pueden... more
" Los gestos son un lenguaje que pintan los objetos en nuestros ojos, y nos hablan por medio de las expresiones, actitudes, posturas diferentes, movimientos corporales y acción" Court de Gebelin Planteamiento del problema Aún hay muchos... more
The embodied cognition paradigm has stimulated ongoing debate about whether sensory data – including color – contributes to the semantic structure of abstract concepts. Recent uses of linguistic data in the study of embodied cognition... more
I can think of few disciplines better suited for developing a sense of humility than humanities and computing. As scholars, we possess an intimate familiarity with a very old technology, namely text. And more to the point, we use it... more
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Multimodal fusion fMRI sMRI Diffusion MRI EEG Brain connectivity Despite significant advances in multimodal imaging techniques and analysis approaches, unimodal studies are still the predominant way to investigate brain changes or group... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In previous mate choice experiments, female red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus, preferred males with long, bright red combs, red eyes, and (in one case) long tail feathers. When the colour and/or length of the comb was manipulated... more
Directionality is a key feature of vocalizations in birds and can provide insight into vocalizations' function and propagation. Despite recent interest in birds' production of nonvocal acoustic signals, little is known about the... more
Schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BP) and schizoaffective disorder (SAD) share some common symptoms, and there is still a debate about whether SAD is an independent category. To the best of our knowledge, no study has been done to... more
Schizophrenia Research, Volume 98, Issue null, Pages 128, February 2008, Authors:M. Kyriakopoulos; R. Perez-Iglesias; JB Woolley; RAA Kanaan; NS Vyas; GJ Barker; S. Frangou; PK McGuire.
In a study of social recognition in domestic hens, Gallus gallus domesticus, the suitability of video images as social stimuli was investigated. With live birds behind clear Perspex as stimuli, hens took longer to begin feeding near... more
The corpus callosum has been implicated as a region of dysfunctional connectivity in schizophrenia, but the association between age and callosal pathology is unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusiontensor imaging (DTI) were... more
Multimodal brain imaging data have shown increasing utility in answering both scientifically interesting and clinically relevant questions. Each brain imaging technique provides a different view of brain function or structure, while... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
Male chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus, usually produce characteristic 'food' calls upon discovering edible objects, and are more likely to do so in the presence of a hen. Food calling is thus dependent upon food and modulated by social... more
The disconnection hypothesis suggests that the core symptoms of schizophrenia (SZ) are related to aberrant, or 'dys-', connectivity between distinct brain regions. A proliferation of functional and structural neuroimaging studies have... more
Multi-modal fusion is an effective approach in biomedical imaging which combines multiple data types in a joint analysis and overcomes the problem that each modality provides a limited view of the brain. In this paper, we propose an... more
OBJECTIVE: Disruption within the working memory (WM) neural network is considered an integral feature of schizophrenia. The WM network, and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in particular, undergo significant remodeling in late... more
BACKGROUND: Dysconnectivity between brain regions is thought to underlie the cognitive abnormalities that characterise schizophrenia (SZ). Consistent with this notion functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor... more
Many animal signals have been produced by selection operating upon behavioural precursors that lack signal function, a process known as 'ritualization'. When the precursor remains in the repertoire, comparisons of its structure with that... more
Available online xxx MS. number: A09-00371 Keywords: female choice Gallus gallus junglefowl multimodal communication multiple ornament sensory ecology sexual selection signal design tidbitting visual display
In Europe and North America, scholars are beginning to shed the assumptions of print culture. They are also only beginning to perceive the possibilities of a computerized, electro-magnetic culture. In this first decade of the twenty-first... more
Los textos islámicos enseñan que cualquier manera de hablar de Dios no es sino una metáfora, es decir, una manera de hablar acerca de Dios de tal modo que el ser humano pueda comprender fácilmente (cf. Bausani, 1980: 16-17). En este... more