Multimedia in Education
Recent papers in Multimedia in Education
The paper deals with the use of multimedia DVDs as tool for training diplomats, civil servants, NGO activist and journalists on specialized topics of current international affairs. It suggests how a multimedia DVD may be conceived, which... more
A new way of spending leisure time browsing the Internet, using social networking sites, and playing games has created a new health problem: cell phone addiction. So-called phonoholism or netholism is most thriving among young people, who... more
Multimedia computers have grown rapidly. Various kinds of multimedia programs have been produced by combining text, video and sound features. This capability has been developed to form interactive programs such as tutorials. SWiSH Max is... more
The current use of podcasts, as a new channel to input knowledge, has effectively been promoting listening comprehension which consequently has increased the acquisition of target language. The objective of the present study is to... more
Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and related research communities can help tackle environmental challenges in developing countries through environmentally sustainable models of economic development. The paper sought to examine... more
Multimedia such as animations are increasingly common in science teaching. Existing research overwhelmingly focuses on developing principles for designing multimedia that support cognitive processing of information. This chapter meets an... more
International Conference on Education, Pedagogy and Technology (EDUPT 2022) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Education, pedagogy &... more
innovation and methodology in teaching interattivaI digital natives interact with a virtual world. The new media remain outside the classroom scolastica.Le transactions carried out on the surface Interactive can be the basis "technique"... more
Virtual Reality (VR) is creation of virtual environment that can be experienced as if it is really there. The creation of a DIT 3D Virtual Reality Tour Guide, by modeling an environment of 3D digital images and through the game engine... more
The aim of this study was to find out the impact of multimedia effect on science learning by the student teachers (N=312) in three districts of Tamil Nadu State. The investigator prepared multimedia is Cell divisions content. Multimedia... more
Teaching and learning can easily be influenced with the use of technological tools. The quality of teaching and learning is actually enhanced and improved through the use of technology integration. There is the need to encourage teachers... more
Internet technologies are changing our lives and educational systems in many ways. Multimedia is an integral part of the educational environment through online distance learning. This survey, through the selected literature, explores the... more
This study was designed to examine the effect of the redundancy principle in a multimedia presentation constructed for foreign language vocabulary learning on undergraduate students' retention. During the experiment, students received a... more
Gutiérrez Martín, A. (2010). Creación multimedia y alfabetización en la era digital. In Educación: más allá del 2.0 (pp. 171-186). Gedisa.
Logiciel multimédia conçu pour l'apprentissage du FLE en autonomie. Niveau DELF B1 atteint et B2 en cours d'acquisition. L’objectif général du logiciel multimédia est de faire produire aux apprenants, de façon collective, des... more
This study determined the effect of Arthus-Bertrand’s film ‘Home’ on the environmental awareness of senior students at Romblon State University Science High School during the school year 2011-2012, consistent with the Global Agenda 21 for... more
The aim of this didactic unit is to exploit one of the poems withing Roald Dahl’s work The Revolting Rhymes. This didactic unit can easily be worked by the students belonging to the 1st and 2nd year of the English Bilingual Programme... more
This research aims to present results about how the Interactive Multimedia Learning affects the performance of the students. The research was done in our 12th Grade, Practical Research 2 facilitated by Ms. Nadine Lacsina.
Stephen M. Alessi is an Associate Professor at the University of Iowa, on Psychological and Quantitative Foundations Department. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology form University of Illinois in 1979. His principal research... more
The current emphasis on using literature in schools as a mean to improve the standard of English in Malaysia has received positive feedback from educators, parents and the general public (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2003). Yet, what... more
With this dissertation, I developed the first creation-as-research thesis accepted in the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. This research methodology recognizes an interconnected process of creation and... more
Deaf students have different abilities from students who have the ability to hear a lesson at school. Barriers to hear experienced by students with hearing impairment can affect the language, academic, and social skills of deaf students.... more
Udžbenik sadrži više poglavlja i koncipiran/podijeljen je u dva dijela. U prvom, teorijskom, nalaze se sadržaji u kojima se analizira metodika suvremene nastave s naglaskom na studij Glazbene pedagogije. Korelativnim i integrativnim... more
Technology is developing quickly. Multimedia, a form of technology, is being used as a teaching tool these days. Many researchers and educators have found suitable ways to design multimedia applications in order to achieve fruitful... more
Konsep multimedia seringkali berubah dari waktu ke waktu mengikuti perkembangan zaman. multimedia sebagai suatu sistem komnikasi interaktif berbasis komputer yang mampu menciptakan, menyimpan, menyajikan, dan mengakses kembali infomasi... more
Tugas UTS No 4 Mata Kuliah Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis Komputer dan Internet
This study examined the effects of multimedia instructional strategies on chemistry students’ science process skills acquisition and achievement in Kano state. Six research questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. Researchers... more
This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for... more
Teknologi sangat berkembang pesat seperti adanya visual programming language (vpl). Sebuah vpl sebagai lingkungan pemrograman yang berisi compiler dan editor. Dengan perkembangan tools yang membuat bahasa visual lengkap. Diantaranya... more
It may be surprising for many but the history of the term 'multimedia' reaches back to the early 1970s, when computers were still huge, unfriendly devices, which required air-conditioned environments and costed fortunes. The term... more
International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Education. The journal is devoted to the publication of high... more
This study is aimed to analysis the needs of developing an Interactive Multimedia Courseware in Engineering Hydrology Learning. Model design and development Hannafin Peck as is used the basis for instructional design model. This study is... more