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A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesModern LanguagesHistory Of Computing
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      Discourse AnalysisIslamic LawDesignFashion design
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      TypographyMultilingual typographyHong KongBilingualism
This article is dedicated to the issues and notion of multilingualism, particularly in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a multiethnic country where more than 130 different ethnic groups reside. Currently, a fast multilingual advancement is... more
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      MultilingualismMultilingual typographyBilingualism and MultilingualismMultilingual Education
[NOTE: The captions of fig 6 and 7 have images of fig 7 and fig 6] Internet necessitates and Unicode facilitates multilingual typography on a scale never seen before. As a result, multilingual typesetting, something that used to be an... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisSociologyComputer Science
Arabic and English manual for the first computer naskh typeface with variations. The typeface was not driven by smart font technology, but static. For this reason it consisted of 31 fonts, each with a fixed selection of variation features... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyIslamic LawAnthropology
“In the global economy, the brand is lightly marketed in numerous regions throughout many cultures – where a myriad of different languages are spoken.” (Fiorella, 2011) The main focus of this thesis is multilingual packaging design with... more
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      Multilingual typographyBilingualism and MultilingualismFood Packaging
The globalization is affecting the work of designers more than ever. On the one hand Asian designers have to address international target groups and on the other hand Western designers have to provide designs for Asian markets. This can... more
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      TypographyMultilingual typographyKanjiLatin letters
You never know where a story might lead you or what questions it may leave unanswered. Take for example a story we did in January about a campaign to make the dumpling emoji a reality. Jennifer 8. Lee told us that emojis have to be... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTypography
As soon as we visualise language in a written form we make use of typographic methods, wittingly or unwittingly. It starts by selecting a typeface, setting the font size, putting a text block on a page and arranging it in a layout. In a... more
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      Multilingual typographyKanjiChinese Characters
In her well known essay "The cristal Globet"", Beatrice Warde defended the need for printing to be invisible to ensure absolute transparency of text and comprehension of message. As a tool in the service of visual... more
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      DesignMultilingualismTypographyNon Latin Typeface Design
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      Art HistoryDesignOttoman HistoryPersian Literature
Islamic calligraphy, whether written with a reed, painted with a brush, or laid as a mosaic, is of outstanding importance for Islam and for Muslim religious life and experience. Despite the fact that Arabic script conveys fundamental... more
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      AestheticsDigital HumanitiesMaterial Culture StudiesVisual Culture
This is the uncorrected version of a contribution to the volume "Die Lücke im Sinn. Vergleichende Studien zu Yoko Tawada." Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2014 (co-edited with Barbara Agnese, Christine Ivanovic).
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      Comparative LiteratureMultilingual typographyMigrant and Diasporic LiteratureLiterature and migration
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      Art HistoryDesignFashion designArt
In this paper Dr De Baerdemaeker analyses the graphic notation system of Tibetan music, which symbolically visualizes the chant lines, rhythm patterns, and arrangements of the instruments. The striking originality of the Tibetan... more
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      DesignTibetan StudiesGraphic DesignTypography
"... present intention is to meet this want, by offering to the public a book which may serve as a pattern to the printer and as a document to the student; a book which may help to renew the beauty of typography by collecting by... more
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      Printing HistoryMultilingual typographyTypeface and TypographyHistory of Typography
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      Art HistoryDesignArabic LiteratureIslamic Archaeology
Master's Dissertation, University of Reading, UK. Defining a framework and gathering historical and ongoing research, for guidance for documentation and labeling of ISO-certified medical devices released in multiple languages.... more
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      Multilingual typographyInformation DesignMedical devicesLegibility
In her well known essay The Crystal Goblet, Beatrice Warde defended the need for printing to be invisible to ensure absolute transparency of text and comprehension of message. As a tool in the service of visual communication, however,... more
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      MultilingualismTypographyNon Latin Typeface DesignMultilingual typography
The font was designed for displaying Achaemenid Elamite texts in the epigraphic view in OCHRE, which generates on-the-fly representations of the text in roman-character transliteration and in cuneiform signs from the same source data. The... more
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      TypographyAchaemenid PersiaTypeface DesignMultilingual typography
This paper will provide a glimpse into my on-going doctoral research on the contribution of multilingual and multi-scriptural typography in urban spaces to identity creation and social recognition in the era of globalisation. A particular... more
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      TypographyMultilingual typographyLinguistic LandscapeMultiscript
As per American author Mark Twin – ‘Kashi is older than History, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together’. This proverb proves that still Kashi or Banaras or Varanasi has something... more
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      Graphic DesignMultilingual typographyVisual Communication Design
This paper aims to identify the appropriateness of various parameters identified previously to define legibility in the context of Latin script done for the context of Indic typefaces like Bengali and Devanagari. The analysis is based on... more
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      Typeface DesignMultilingual typographyTypografie: Non Latin TypefacesIndic Scripts
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      Design HistoryHebrew LanguageIsrael StudiesModernism
Türkçede bulunan ikileme örneklerinin bir kısmında bileşenlerden biri ya da her ikisi tek başına birden fazla semantik değer taşırken, bu bileşenlerden oluşan ikilemenin anlamının, bileşenlerin anlamlarından yalnızca birini işaretlemesi... more
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      LexicologySemanticsCognitive SemanticsLexical Semantics
Typographic mimicry is the wrapping of writing in a “foreign dress,” i.e. the use of typefaces in which one’s script (e.g. Latin) is made to visually resemble a different script (e.g. Chinese) with the goal of evoking associations with a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRace and RacismTypographyMultilingual typography
A linguistic landscape signifies language used within a physical or virtual public space, in which communication is presented in typographic form, portraying a message to an audience. Within the state of Israel, the linguistic landscape... more
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      Cultural StudiesDesignHebrew LanguageArabic Language and Linguistics
Οι μαύρες τρύπες στον αστερισμό της ποίησης.
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      Modern Greek literatureTypographyMultilingual typographyConcrete Poetry
In ‘multinational states’ such as the former Soviet Union and contemporary Russian Federation, minority language media have been developed for diverse ends. This article examines the changing roles of minority language news media over a... more
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      Russian StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism
This dissertation examines the emerging free font movement, a small part of the larger free software and free culture movements. Part A provides an overview of key concepts in the free software and culture movements. It starts by... more
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      TypographyTypeface DesignNon Latin Typeface DesignMultilingual typography
Le standard d’usage couramment appelé Unicode, basé sur la norme ISO/CEI 10646 permet de traiter de façon unifiée les écritures codées sur deux octets, notamment les écritures idéographiques, un temps méprisées, Unihan, base... more
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      Multilingual typographyChinese CharactersMultilingual Information AccessMultilingual Writing)
Tasmeem (Arabic both for "design" and "sense of purpose") adds to Adobe InDesign a series of functions that are essential for Arabic typesetting and publishing. It takes the form of a user interface to handle DecoType's Advanced... more
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      SociologyIslamic LawAnthropologyPhilosophy
This paper describes developments in typeface design for global scripts during the last decade, and identifies specific stages in the typographic support of a non-Latin script. It explains the roles of technological support for a script,... more
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      TypographyTypeface DesignNon Latin Typeface DesignMultilingual typography
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      Islamic LawArt HistoryDesignFashion design
Introductio utilissima hebraice discere cupientibus / Aldus [Manutius, d. Ä.][Venetiis]: [Aldus Manutius, 1501]. - Bibliogr. ISTC, im00226600; Schwab, Moise: Les incunables orientaux, No. 93; Mark: B hebr. 1516 01 Vinculado [a: Sefer... more
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      TypographyMultilingual typographyTypeface and TypographyHistory of Typography
A linguistic landscape signifies language used within a physical or virtual public space, in which communication is presented in typographic form, portraying a message to an audience. Within the state of Israel, the linguistic landscape... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesDesignHebrew Language
This analysis in passing debunks the idea that early Kufi script is simple by comparing it with modern Ruqah script.
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyIslamic LawAnthropology
India is a multilingual multi-script country. In every state of India there are two languages one is state local language and the other is English. For example in Andhra Pradesh, a state in India, the document may contain text words in... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsRobotics (Computer Science)
The general intention of this paper is to provide insight into a problematic area, that of visual application respectful of cultural diversity, and to demonstrate the relevance of graphic design research in a societal environment. The... more
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      Multilingual typographyCultural DiversityVisual Identity
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      TypographyMultilingual typographyTypeface and TypographyTypography Design
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek LanguageVisual Culture
Turkish language politics of the 1930's in the light of contemporary historical and hysterical linguistic theory. In passing, this document pioneers multilingual typesetting with the IBM Selectric typewriter and two dozen different text... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnographyIslam in ChinaTurkish and Middle East Studies
This essay explores the historical and practical context of Gefigureerde Javaansch, the nineteenth century ornamental display fount created for the Javanese script at Johannes Enschedé & Zonen, the renowned Dutch typefoundry and printing... more
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      TypographyPrinting HistoryTypeface DesignMultilingual typography
La uniformización del pensamiento de cualquier tipo, ya sea político o tipográfico, supone una imposición ideológica cuyo fin básico es el de desautorizar la disparidad. La simple aceptación de un sistema de clasificación como el... more
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      MulticulturalismTypographyPostcolonial TheoryNon Latin Typeface Design
David Mabb ‘Announcer’ Printed newspaper, produced in an edition 2000 This publication was produced to accompany David Mabb's exhibition 'Announcer', Focal Point Gallery, 12 April to 12 July 2014. ISBN 978-1-907185-17-5 Free... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryDesignArt
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      Discourse AnalysisIslamic LawDesignFashion design
Wie lässt sich Stille mit Mitteln der Typografie darstellen? Lässt sie sich durch einfaches Weg­lassen, durch das Wahren eines großen Weißraumes visualisieren oder kann zu viel Weiß auch wie das Gegenteil von Stille wirken? Es gibt... more
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      Multilingual typographyWriting systems
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicTypographyIslamic Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisRace and RacismTypographyMultilingual typography