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This multiliteracies-oriented test is currently being used in intermediate Italian courses at a large public university in the southwestern United States. It was designed to replace the traditional oral assessments that are... more
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      MulticulturalismEducational TechnologyComputer Assisted Language LearningItalian Studies
This article presents an qualitative case study of a recent educational development project 1,2 Fellaskóli in Breiðholt, which took place during the 2012-2013 academic year. Fellaskóli is in many ways unique as nearly half of the student... more
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      MulticulturalismEarly InterventionSchool EthnographyAfterschool Programming/Early Childhood
The Jewish peoples have endured thousands of years of discrimination and subjugation, yet during this new millennium, Jews and antisemitism are conspicuously absent from university ethnic studies classroom discourse in the United States.... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismJewish StudiesDiversity
Author Buonanno, Thomas Anthony Title School Leadership for a Diverse Society Year Degree Awarded 2020 Department Educational Leadership Degree Ed.D. Abstract Given the increase of language minority students in school districts across... more
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      Organizational PsychologyEthicsMulticulturalismTeaching English as a Second Language
Although scholars tend to draw a line of confrontation between the conquerors Normans and the conquered Muslims and Greeks in the kingdom of Sicily, the actual relationship among these people was not so simple. In the kingdom there was a... more
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      MulticulturalismMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesState Formation
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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
In this chapter, we analyze the idea of “best practice” in early childhood education through a cultural framework. We explore the notion of best practice as a cultural construct, contextualized within discourses of developmental... more
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      MulticulturalismEarly Childhood EducationAnthropology of Education
In this paper I discuss in a critical manner what I believe to be some of the more interesting contributions of Anthony Steinbock’s book Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl. I will thus refer mainly to his... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageCommunicationMulticulturalismTypology
The book charts the attempts of Islam's largest missionary movement, the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), to build Europe's biggest mosque in London – the so-called Mega Mosque. The book follows TJ from its founding in India in 1926, to its... more
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      New Religious MovementsSociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
This article addresses girls' dress, which has become controversial, especially in contemporary multicultural Europe. Using the Dutch public debate about the headscarf, belly shirts, visible G-strings, and other forms of ‘porno-chic’, the... more
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      Gender StudiesMulticulturalismWomen's StudiesGender and Sexuality
ABSTRACT In this paper, we study for the first time the unpublished multilingual poetry written by Sanandrean linguist Oakley Forbes. We also explore his role in the translation of Juan Ramírez Dawkins’ poems. In these two unknown aspects... more
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      MulticulturalismTranslation StudiesMultilingualismCaribbean Literature
Despite national standards established in 1979, U.S. teacher preparation programs have struggled to incorporate comprehensive, multicultural teacher education into existing curriculum (Sleeter, 2008). The weakness of multicultural... more
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      MulticulturalismTeacher EducationRace and RacismCritical Pedagogy
Many social theorists have suggested that we are currently living in a period in which the identities of the past are becoming increasingly irrelevant and in which new identities, and new identity formations, are being created. The major... more
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      MulticulturalismWestern EuropeGlobalizationNational Identity
This study examines the influence of acculturation and language on the emotional response of three print advertisements (English, Spanish, Code Switched) through an experimental methodology founded on the Revised Hierarchical and the... more
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      MulticulturalismAdvertisingConsumer BehaviorHispanic Linguistics
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnthropologyMulticulturalism
The rising trend of outsourcing IT projects to countries with more economical workforce and considerable time differential, has given rise to a host of problems relating teamwork. Co-location, which was once considered an effective... more
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      MulticulturalismVirtual EnvironmentsProject ManagementMultinational
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      MulticulturalismHuman RightsHuman Rights EducationChild Rights
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      MulticulturalismDiversityIntergroup RelationsDiversity & Inclusion
The European Union (EU) has closely correlated different aspects of the peace process in Bosnia with progress towards European accession. The ‘power of attraction’ of EU membership would presumably induce the Bosnian authorities to accept... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCultural HistorySociology
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Among the deficiencies demonstrated by the world financial crisis of 2008–9, one was the limited capacity of G-8 to provide for global economic governance. The developed economies quickly realised that they should seek joint solutions and... more
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsLatin American StudiesLaw
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
Call for Papers: Representation of race, ethnicity and culture in digital games Asia Pacific Media Educator (Volume 26:1, June 2016) will explore the issues of race, cultural diversity, cross-cultural representations and... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesMulticulturalismMedia Studies
This article argues that the post-Dayton political organisation of Bosnia represents an exemplary illustration of the difficulties associated with the empirical application of the pluralist model of “consociational democracy”. The... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
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      LanguagesEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesInternational Relations
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      MulticulturalismInterculturalidadDemocracy and Citizenship Education
This paper strives to reread and recontextualise the ideas of Ibn Khaldun on diversity, group feeling and political legitimacy, most specifically within the contemporary context of nation-state. Ibn Khaldun states, "A dynasty rarely... more
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      MulticulturalismIbn KhaldunBelongingNation Building
On the cusp of the third millennium, the debate on tolerance raises new questions with regard to cultural pluralism, economic disparities, and ethnic and religious frictions that have changed our globalized society. With the decline of... more
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      MulticulturalismMigrant LiteratureSouth Asian LiteratureTolerance
The accuracy of t he Cont ent should not be relied upon and should be independent ly verified wit h prim ary sources of inform at ion. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, act ions, claim s, proceedings, dem ands, cost... more
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Este trabalho visa a questionar a interculturalidade, com base no pensamento abissal e da colonialidade. Infelizmente, esse pensamento ainda está presente na Sociedade Brasileira não nos termos do acordo territorial, mas as negociações... more
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      Cultural StudiesEpistemologyMulticulturalismEducation
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      SociologyPsychologyMulticulturalismIntercultural Education
This course worked well in many ways. I used the Thursday lecture slot to do unlectures - getting students to practice things more actively, from kinship charts, to reading and discussing a short article, to learning how to talk to Star... more
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      AnthropologyTeaching and LearningMulticulturalismSocial Anthropology
Dr David Roberts argues that matters normally prioritized as security issues in international politics, such as terrorism and nuclear weapons, cause very limited harm, and that preventable global infant and maternal mortality, counted in... more
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      International RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalismInternational Law
Following the 2019 Employment Equity Report provision of disaggregated representation for visible minorities, Indigenous people, and persons with disabilities, the 2019 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) similarly lays out these... more
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      Public AdministrationMulticulturalismIndigenous StudiesDiversity Tehnich
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Theories of hybrid culture and transculturalism are analyzed from the point of view of comparative literature. In the modern world the transformation of multiculturalism and globalism towards transculture is an inevitable consequence of... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMulticulturalismPostcolonial StudiesHybridization
In: Eva Kimminich (Hg.) Kulturelle Identität: Konstruktionen und Krisen. Frankfurt/M. u.a.: Peter Lang 2003: 187-211 (= Welt -Körper -Sprache. Perspektiven kultureller Wahrnehmungs-u. Darstellungsformen, Bd. 3).
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      MulticulturalismArtCzech language
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      MulticulturalismSocial PolicyAustraliaEthnicity
W jaki sposób ludzie mogą zorientować się w obowiązującym ich prawie? Jakie szanse na to mają osoby znajdujące się na terytorium obcego dla siebie państwa (np. turyści i migranci)? Czy teorie opisujące i analizujące przebieg kontaktu... more
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      CommunicationMulticulturalismIntercultural CommunicationSociology of Law
El concepte de Seguretat Humana és present avui dia en la majoria d'anàlisis de les ciències socials, i es caracteritza per ser un terme amb significats molt variats i amplis. Tot i això, el concepte presenta una força que radicaria,... more
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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
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This paper critically examines football (soccer) fandom as an important yet under-explored site for the production of new understandings of multiculturalism and cultural hybridization. Building on the analytical framework of everyday... more
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      Sociology of SportMulticulturalismFandomUrban Sociology
The present study investigates the Swiss constitutional arrangements that have been made to cope with the polarity and multiculturalism in the country since it has come into being. It is a qualitative study based on the data collected... more
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    • Multiculturalism
De ophef over het boek dat islamitische basisscholen gebruiken voor lessen over seksuele voorlichting, laat de spanning zien tussen tolerantie voor religie en voor homoseksualiteit, schrijft Jan Waszink.
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      MulticulturalismOrthodox ChristianityIslam and the WestReligious Toleration
Scientists and non-scientists speak to each other from different cultures without always realizing that they understand ideas differently--including the idea of substance. Scientists have even been told that it is wrong to ask questions,... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceMulticulturalismTheologyLiturgy
Part of the problem with the contemporary museum is that the notion of authority is met with much suspicion. As a result, museums have disguised their authorative voice by shifting the attention from objects to visitors. Museum authority... more
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    • Multiculturalism
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      CommunicationMulticulturalismIntercultural CommunicationInternational Studies
A Mountain at Stake: Creole Identity and Heritage on Mauritius The process of « patrimonialisation » of Le Morne Brabant on Mauritius indicates the marginal situation of Creoles in a country marked by the persistence of classificatory... more
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      MulticulturalismCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural AnthropologySlavery