MultiAgent Systems (Computer Science)
Recent papers in MultiAgent Systems (Computer Science)
REMERCIEMENTS C'est avec très grand plaisir que je souhaite remercier tous ceux qui m'ont aidé ou soutenu durant les dix dernières années de ma carrière, que résume ce mémoire. Je remercie RENÉ MANDIAU de m'avoir fait l'honneur de... more
Traffic control (TC) is a challenging problem in today’s modern society. This is due to several factors including the huge number of vehicles, the high dynamics of the system, and the nonlinear behavior exhibited by the different... more
Scheduling is one of the problems which so many researches have been conducted on it over the years. The university course timetabling problem which is an NP-hard problem is a type of scheduling problem. Timetabling process must be done... more
The use of Virtual Learning Environments by educational institutions grows every year. In these environments, students use asynchronous and synchronous tools to communicate, express their opinions on various subjects. All of this... more
Report for my Habilitation to Direct Research Degree (written in French).
This paper discusses the problem of territory division in Hide-and-Seek games. To obtain an efficient seeking performance for multiple seekers, the seekers should agree on searching their own territories and learn to visit good hiding... more
Mobile robots are increasingly being used for tasks like remote surveillance, sensing and maintenance. Some of these tasks are critical and require intelligent decision making for successful completion. It is not always possible to rely... more
This paper proposes the Potluck Problem as a model for the behavior of independent producers and consumers under standard economic assumptions, as a problem of resource allocation in a multi-agent system in which there is no explicit... more
Mobile agents have been with us for a quite long time, showing their usefulness when it comes to developing distributed information systems. In particular, their dynamism, mobility, and adaptivity have been shown to be especially... more
Job shop scheduling adalah model permasalahan penjadwalan pekerjaan manufaktur yang bertujuan memperoleh total waktu pengerjaan (makespan) minimum. Model permasalahan ini dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan banyak permasalahan manufaktur di... more
t: the current simulation time step, k t Boltzmann temperature parameter used to increase the exploration effect initially k t decreases gradually where all traffic light configurations selected according to their cumulative gain... more
Open multi-agent systems are populated by self-interested agents, developed by different people using different languages and architectures. One way of making these agents conform to some intended collective purpose is to use norms to... more
Keberhasilan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan misi-misi strategis baik di organisasi militer maupun non-militer sangat bergantung tidak hanya pada pengolahan informasi dari multi-sumber informasi hingga ke pengambil keputusan, namun juga... more
Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for decentralized decision making under uncertainty. However, they typically model a problem at a low level of granularity, where each agent's... more
We propose six axioms concerning when one candidate should defeat another in a democratic election involving two or more candidates. Five of the axioms are widely satisfied by known voting procedures. The sixth axiom is a weakening of... more
The management of sensitive data, including identity management (IDM), is an important problem in cloud computing, fundamental for authentication and fine-grained service access control. Our goal is creating an efficient and robust IDM... more
Although we have many agent oriented methods, organizational and environmental system dimensions are not yet analysed and implemented as first class entities. Due to evolution of the development platforms, we are able to consider these... more
In this essay the logical and conceptual foundations of distributed artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems are explored. An attempt is made to provide an introduction to some of the key concepts of the area. These include the... more
Social Order becomes a major problem in MAS and in computer mediated human interaction. After explaining the notions of Social Order and Social Control, I claim that there are multiple and complementary approaches to Social Order and to... more
Abstract in Turkish: Bu çalışmada, holonomik olmayan bir grup otonom robotun bir nesneyi işbirlikli olarak taşıyabilmesi için hareket planlama ve kontrol yaklaşımı önerilmektedir. İşbirlikli taşıma sistemi için sanal lider-takipçi... more
The Airline Operations Control Centre (AOCC) of an airline company is the organization responsible for monitoring and solving operational problems. It includes teams of human experts specialized in solving problems related with aircrafts,... more
REMERCIEMENTS C'est avec très grand plaisir que je souhaite remercier tous ceux qui m'ont aidé ou soutenu durant les dix dernières années de ma carrière, que résume ce mémoire. Je remercie RENÉ MANDIAU de m'avoir fait l'honneur de... more
In this seminal paper, we sketch a general conceptual framework for self-organising systems (SOSs) that encompasses both stigmergy and MAS coordination, and potentially promotes models of self-organisation for MASs where interaction... more
Background: Smart buildings are one of the major application areas of technologies bound to embedded systems and the Internet of things. Such systems have to be adaptable and flexible in order to provide better services to its residents.... more
This paper presents a novel approach for the generation of residual in order to diagnose (detect and identify) sensor faults in a particular class of network based on multi-agent system (MAS). Specifically, the network under consideration... more
The ongoing research project called “Emerg.cities4all” is focused on the development of a generative computer-aided planning support system for cities and housing to low-income populations, using a descriptive method as the Shape Grammars... more
The aim of this abstract is to introduce a formal framework enabling to reason about resource-sensitive uses of artifacts. To achieve this, we integrate (non-normal) modalities into Intuitionistic Linear Logic. The function of an artifact... more